htl-perg-2018-19-4ahif / pokemon-list-example-Chrila2509

pokemon-list-example-Chrila2509 created by GitHub Classroom
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Pokemon List Quiz


In this exercise, you have to implement a website that uses a RESTful Web API in the background. You have to create the website from scratch without any initial templates to build on. Feel free to use prior homeworks or samples from the course material as a starting point.

Your website has to display a list of Pokemons from the pokeapi. Add a Details button for each Pokemon that shows details about the figure. You find the detailed specification below.

  1. Everybody has to do his/her best to come up with a solution.

  2. Earn one point for your grade...

    1. ...if you create an GitHub Issue in your GitHub Classroom containing a link to the website that I can test over the Internet and
    2. ...if you format your website using the Bootstrap CSS Framework.


  1. You have to use TypeScript as your programming language. JavaScript is not sufficient.

  2. Pokemon list

    • Display the name of each Pokemon.
    • A Details button next to each Pokemon in the list should bring the user to the details page for the corresponding Pokemon.
  3. On the Pokemon Details page, display the following fields about the figure:

    • Name
    • Image (sprites.front_default). Example:
    • Weight
    • List of all the Pokemon's abilities
  4. The Details page should contain a button that takes the user back to the Pokemon list


  1. Look into the course slides to see how you can call a RESTful Web API in the browser.

  2. It is not absolutely necessary to use jQuery. You can also just use the browser's DOM.