htl-perg-2019-20-5ahif / highscore-exercise-K1H1

highscore-exercise-K1H1 created by GitHub Classroom
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Highscore Exercise


You have a given browser game and your job is to add the possibility to store a highscore list for it. You have to slightly extend the game (not the core part of this exercise), write a backend for storing and querying highscores (including automated tests), and package everything up in Docker containers.

Writing the backend is part of your POSE class. The Docker part counts for your NVS MC grade.

Teamwork is allowed. Teams must consist of up to three people.

Note that you can earn up to six extra points for your POSE and NVS MC classes. Because of the exceptional situation, I will suspend the limit of 10 extra points per year. All gathered extra points will count for your final grade.

The Game

The browser game is a simple Space Shooter. You can find a description for how to build it on GitHub. You do not need to follow the exercise step by step. You can immediately switch to the ready-made game that you can find in the 08-game-over Git branch.

Don't forget to run npm install to get all the necessary dependencies. Run npm start to start the game. Run npm run build-dev to build a test release (including sourcemaps for debugging). Run npm run build to build a release version.

The Highscore List

The game is not ready for adding a highscore list. You have to extend it in the following ways:

Use .NET Core to implement a backend web API that can store highscores for the game. Here are the functional requirements:

If you implemented all of the above requirements, notify me via GitHub issue. You will get one additional point for your grade (POSE).

Containerize the App

If you implemented all of the above requirements, notify me via GitHub issue. You will get one additional point for your grade (NVS MC).

Extra Challenges



Still Bored?

Try to fully automated building and deploying the app using Azure DevOps Pipelines or GitHub Actions. You will not get extra points for that. You do that for improving your skills and earning respect.