htm-community / nupic.visualizations

Web application for interactive graphs, anomaly highlighting and online monitoring.
MIT License
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NuPIC Visualizations

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Work with NuPIC results interactively in a nice web UI. This app is designed to consume and render CSV files output by NuPIC, but it can read any CSV file with numerical data that has a timestamp as one of its fields.

NuPIC Visualizations screenshot


  • The data in the timestamp field can be either a number or a string in date-time format. To ensure that the app can parse the date, it is recommended that your timestamps conform to one of the following formats:
  • ISO 8601: yyyy-mm-dd[T[hh[:mm[:ss[:ms]]]]]
  • yyyy-mm-dd [hh[:mm[:ss[:ms]]]] (Like ISO 8601, but with a space separator for time instead of "T")
  • mm/dd/yyyy [hh[:mm[:ss[:ms]]]]



To try this app instantly, head to the online version at
You can use an OPF file as an example.


Or you can run locally, without a need for internet connection.

First, get a copy of this repo, you can download a ZIP from Github, or clone:

git clone

Then go the the build/ directory:

cd nupic.visualizations/build/

If you have Python installed, you can launch a simple Web server with:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080

Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:8080

There are demo files in examples/ for NuPIC OPF, NAB and generic CSV files.



The goals of this project are:


If you are interested in developing, or modifying the code, follow these instructions:


The build/ directory contains all the static files needed to deploy this application. You can use any static file hosting service. For example, here are instructions for deploying to firebase. You can see this sample application deployed at via Firebase.