html / weblocks-jquery

Replace weblocks default javascript library with jquery
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These are javascript files which allow to replace prototype-dependent functionality in weblocks with jquery-dependent functionality. To use it copy jquery files (or link if you use this repository as a submodule) to pub/scripts directory, unload prototype, load jquery and these files. Example of loading is following.

(defwebapp test-app :prefix "/" :description "test-app: A new great application" :init-user-session 'test-app::init-user-session :autostart nil ;; have to start the app manually :ignore-default-dependencies t ;; accept the defaults :debug t :dependencies (list (make-instance 'script-dependency :url "/pub/scripts/jquery-1.7.2.min.js") (make-instance 'stylesheet-dependency :url "/pub/stylesheets/main.css") (make-instance 'script-dependency :url "/pub/scripts/weblocks-jquery.js") (make-instance 'script-dependency :url "/pub/scripts/dialog-jquery.js") (make-instance 'script-dependency :url "/pub/scripts/jquery-seq.js")))

Repository also contains onAvailable utility function, useful for Weblocks plugisn writing.