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HTML Games
5 stars 7 forks source link - all your phosphorus fixes in one place

APK_V10 = (V0.234)


Project is now considered completed. Thanks all that visited and used this Scratch 2 Emulator! It was both hard and fustrating at times, but ultimately fun and rewarding...

I've been messing around with webRTC datachannels for cloud vars with some success. Project page may be in various states during testing. Note: for username I have to make a random one up so that the project thinks your logged in.

Compiled apk zip projects are now completely offline. This means you can create a scratch game, package and run it on your phone / tablet without occurring any data charges! - good for where there's no internet or data is unavailable. (dessert island?)

Scratch2apk v1 has now been released! Thanks to Dogtopius for the App's logo.

You can now convert a scratch project from the phosphorus++ webpage to an apk to run on your phone / tablet.

apk update:
Thank you Yanir Calisar & Monu (@ Stack Overflow) for helping me with the download link issue when creating large apk's!

App to be renamed 'Scratch2apk'

The app's main feature is that it runs completely offline, thus avoiding any unwanted data charges.

I'll be focusing more now on running this emulator from an apk point of view, rather than just a web page. This means I can 'cheat' on some effects and SVG issues as the games will be running on a phone screen :)

apk generation for sb2 files is back on! but signing of the apk will not be possible on the web client (you will need to do this via a 3rd party app). At least I have a sb2 project file autoloading now, with the required js file generating after a file drop.

Updates (tested in Chrome + Chrome Webview)

Cloud vars - currently being tested and are working ok.
Scratch2apk - another requested feature.
Display lists (via DOM) - A long awaited request!
Experimental Touch controls (for mobile devices) Working
ASCII list hack method emulated
Effect blocks (now also working on stage) v2
Full Sound when wav > 30 secs
SVG graphics and text now working
ColorTouchingColor Block coded
Offline SB file auto loader
Speed optimisation (as fast as Scratch now)
Warp Framework and Turbo mode fully optimised
+Many bug fixes - please see the examples list

to get back to the examples list, remove the word zip from the url and press enter.

22/03/2018 (latest bugfixes v0.247C)