huandu / go-sqlbuilder

A flexible and powerful SQL string builder library plus a zero-config ORM.
MIT License
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database go hiveql lightweight mysql orm postgresql sql sql-builder sqlite sqlx well-tested

SQL builder for Go

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The sqlbuilder package offers a comprehensive suite of SQL string concatenation utilities. It is designed to facilitate the construction of SQL statements compatible with Go's standard library sql.DB and sql.Stmt interfaces, focusing on optimizing the performance of SQL statement creation and minimizing memory usage.

The primary objective of this package's design was to craft a SQL construction library that operates independently of specific database drivers and business logic. It is tailored to accommodate the diverse needs of enterprise environments, including the use of custom database drivers, adherence to specialized operational standards, integration into heterogeneous systems, and handling of non-standard SQL in intricate scenarios. Following its open-source release, the package has undergone extensive testing within a large-scale enterprise context, successfully managing the workload of hundreds of millions of orders daily and nearly ten million transactions daily, thus highlighting its robust performance and scalability.

This package is not restricted to any particular database driver and does not automatically establish connections with any database systems. It does not presuppose the execution of the generated SQL, making it versatile for a broad spectrum of application scenarios that involve the construction of SQL-like statements. It is equally well-suited for further development aimed at creating more business-specific database interaction packages, ORMs, and similar tools.


Install this package by executing the following command:

go get


Basic usage

We can rapidly construct SQL statements using this package.

sql := sqlbuilder.Select("id", "name").From("demo.user").
    Where("status = 1").Limit(10).


// Output:
// SELECT id, name FROM demo.user WHERE status = 1 LIMIT 10

In common scenarios, it is necessary to escape all user inputs. To achieve this, initialize a builder at the outset.

sb := sqlbuilder.NewSelectBuilder()

sb.Select("id", "name", sb.As("COUNT(*)", "c"))
sb.Where(sb.In("status", 1, 2, 5))

sql, args := sb.Build()

// Output:
// SELECT id, name, COUNT(*) AS c FROM user WHERE status IN (?, ?, ?)
// [1 2 5]

Pre-defined SQL builders

This package includes the following pre-defined builders. API documentation and usage examples are available in the godoc online documentation.

A unique method, SQL(sql string), is implemented across all statement builders, enabling the insertion of any arbitrary SQL segment into a builder during SQL construction. This feature is particularly beneficial for crafting SQL statements that incorporate non-standard syntax required by OLTP or OLAP systems.

// Build a SQL to create a HIVE table.
sql := sqlbuilder.CreateTable("users").
    SQL("PARTITION BY (year)").
        sqlbuilder.Select("columns[0] id", "columns[1] name", "columns[2] year").


// Output:
// CREATE TABLE users PARTITION BY (year) AS SELECT columns[0] id, columns[1] name, columns[2] year FROM `all-users.csv` LIMIT 100

Below are several utility methods designed to address special cases.

For detailed instructions on utilizing these builders, consult the examples provided on GoDoc.

Build WHERE clause

WHERE clause is the most important part of a SQL. We can use Where method to add one or more conditions to a builder.

To simplify the construction of WHERE clauses, a utility type named Cond is provided for condition building. All builders that support WHERE clauses possess an anonymous Cond field, enabling the invocation of Cond methods on these builders.

sb := sqlbuilder.Select("id").From("user")
    sb.In("status", 1, 2, 5),
        sb.Equal("name", "foo"),
        sb.Like("email", "foo@%"),

sql, args := sb.Build()

// Output:
// SELECT id FROM user WHERE status IN (?, ?, ?) AND (name = ? OR email LIKE ?)
// [1 2 5 foo foo@%]

There are many methods for building conditions.

There are also some methods to combine conditions.

Share WHERE clause among builders

Due to the importance of the WHERE statement in SQL, we often need to continuously append conditions and even share some common WHERE conditions among different builders. Therefore, we abstract the WHERE statement into a WhereClause struct, which can be used to create reusable WHERE conditions.

The following example illustrates how to transfer a WHERE clause from a SelectBuilder to an UpdateBuilder.

// Build a SQL to select a user from database.
sb := Select("name", "level").From("users")
    sb.Equal("id", 1234),

ub := Update("users")
    ub.Add("level", 10),

// Set the WHERE clause of UPDATE to the WHERE clause of SELECT.
ub.WhereClause = sb.WhereClause

// Output:
// SELECT name, level FROM users WHERE id = ?
// UPDATE users SET level = level + ? WHERE id = ?

Refer to the WhereClause examples to learn its usage.

Build SQL for different systems

SQL syntax and parameter placeholders can differ across systems. To address these variations, this package introduces a concept termed "flavor".

Currently, flavors such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQLServer, CQL, ClickHouse, Presto, Oracle and Informix are supported. Should there be a demand for additional flavors, please submit an issue or a pull request.

By default, all builders utilize DefaultFlavor for SQL construction, with MySQL as the default setting.

For greater readibility, PostgreSQL.NewSelectBuilder() can be used to instantiate a SelectBuilder with the PostgreSQL flavor. All builders can be created in this way.

Using Struct as a light weight ORM

Struct encapsulates type information and struct fields, serving as a builder factory. Utilizing Struct methods, one can generate SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE builders that are pre-configured for use with the struct, thereby conserving time and mitigating the risk of typographical errors in column name entries.

One can define a struct type and employ field tags to guide Struct in generating the appropriate builders.

type ATable struct {
    Field1     string                                    // If a field doesn't has a tag, use "Field1" as column name in SQL.
    Field2     int    `db:"field2"`                      // Use "db" in field tag to set column name used in SQL.
    Field3     int64  `db:"field3" fieldtag:"foo,bar"`   // Set fieldtag to a field. We can call `WithTag` to include fields with tag or `WithoutTag` to exclude fields with tag.
    Field4     int64  `db:"field4" fieldtag:"foo"`       // If we use `s.WithTag("foo").Select("t")`, columnes of SELECT are "t.field3" and "t.field4".
    Field5     string `db:"field5" fieldas:"f5_alias"`   // Use "fieldas" in field tag to set a column alias (AS) used in SELECT.
    Ignored    int32  `db:"-"`                           // If we set field name as "-", Struct will ignore it.
    unexported int                                       // Unexported field is not visible to Struct.
    Quoted     string `db:"quoted" fieldopt:"withquote"` // Add quote to the field using back quote or double quote. See `Flavor#Quote`.
    Empty      uint   `db:"empty" fieldopt:"omitempty"`  // Omit the field in UPDATE if it is a nil or zero value.

    // The `omitempty` can be written as a function.
    // In this case, omit empty field `Tagged` when UPDATE for tag `tag1` and `tag3` but not `tag2`.
    Tagged     string `db:"tagged" fieldopt:"omitempty(tag1,tag3)" fieldtag:"tag1,tag2,tag3"`

    // By default, the `SelectFrom("t")` will add the "t." to all names of fields matched tag.
    // We can add dot to field name to disable this behavior.
    FieldWithTableAlias string `db:"m.field"`

For detailed instructions on utilizing Struct, refer to the examples.

Furthermore, Struct can be employed as a zero-configuration ORM. Unlike most ORM implementations that necessitate preliminary configurations for database connectivity, Struct operates without any configuration, functioning seamlessly with any SQL driver compatible with database/sql. Struct does not invoke any database/sql APIs; it solely generates the appropriate SQL statements with arguments for DB#Query/DB#Exec or an array of struct field addresses for Rows#Scan/Row#Scan.

The following example demonstrates the use of Struct as an ORM. It should be relatively straightforward for developers well-versed in database/sql APIs.

type User struct {
    ID     int64  `db:"id" fieldtag:"pk"`
    Name   string `db:"name"`
    Status int    `db:"status"`

// A global variable for creating SQL builders.
// All methods of userStruct are thread-safe.
var userStruct = NewStruct(new(User))

func ExampleStruct() {
    // Prepare SELECT query.
    //     SELECT,, user.status FROM user WHERE id = 1234
    sb := userStruct.SelectFrom("user")
    sb.Where(sb.Equal("id", 1234))

    // Execute the query and scan the results into the user struct.
    sql, args := sb.Build()
    rows, _ := db.Query(sql, args...)
    defer rows.Close()

    // Scan row data and set value to user.
    // Assuming the following data is retrieved:
    //     |  id  |  name  | status |
    //     |------|--------|--------|
    //     | 1234 | huandu | 1      |
    var user User

    fmt.Printf("%#v", user)

    // Output:
    // SELECT,, user.status FROM user WHERE id = ?
    // [1234]
    // sqlbuilder.User{ID:1234, Name:"huandu", Status:1}

In numerous production environments, table column names adhere to the snake_case convention, e.g., user_id. Conversely, struct fields in Go are typically in CamelCase to maintain public accessibility and satisfy golint. Employing the db tag for each struct field can be redundant. To streamline this, a field mapper function can be utilized to establish a consistent rule for mapping struct field names to database column names.

The DefaultFieldMapper serves as a global field mapper function, tasked with the conversion of field names to a desired style. By default, it is set to nil, effectively performing no action. Recognizing that the majority of table column names follow the snake_case convention, one can assign DefaultFieldMapper to sqlbuilder.SnakeCaseMapper. For instances that deviate from this norm, a custom mapper can be assigned to a Struct via the WithFieldMapper method.

Here are important considerations regarding the field mapper:

Refer to the field mapper function sample for an illustrative example.

Nested SQL

Creating nested SQL is straightforward: simply use a builder as an argument for nesting.

Here is an illustrative example.

sb := sqlbuilder.NewSelectBuilder()
fromSb := sqlbuilder.NewSelectBuilder()
statusSb := sqlbuilder.NewSelectBuilder()

sb.From(sb.BuilderAs(fromSb, "user")))
sb.Where(sb.In("status", statusSb))

fromSb.Select("id").From("user").Where(fromSb.GreaterThan("level", 4))
statusSb.Select("status").From("config").Where(statusSb.Equal("state", 1))

sql, args := sb.Build()

// Output:
// SELECT id FROM (SELECT id FROM user WHERE level > ?) AS user WHERE status IN (SELECT status FROM config WHERE state = ?)
// [4 1]

Use sql.Named in a builder

The sql.Named function, as defined in the database/sql package, facilitates the creation of named arguments within SQL statements. This feature is essential for scenarios where an argument needs to be reused multiple times within a single SQL statement. Incorporating named arguments into a builder is straightforward: treat them as regular arguments.

Here is a sample.

now := time.Now().Unix()
start := sql.Named("start", now-86400)
end := sql.Named("end", now+86400)
sb := sqlbuilder.NewSelectBuilder()

    sb.Between("created_at", start, end),
    sb.GE("modified_at", start),

sql, args := sb.Build()

// Output:
// SELECT name FROM user WHERE created_at BETWEEN @start AND @end AND modified_at >= @start
// [{{} start 1514458225} {{} end 1514544625}]

Argument modifiers

Several argument modifiers are available:

Freestyle builder

A builder essentially serves as a means to log arguments. For constructing lengthy SQL statements that incorporate numerous special syntax elements (e.g., special comments intended for a database proxy), Buildf can be employed to format the SQL string using a syntax akin to fmt.Sprintf.

sb := sqlbuilder.NewSelectBuilder()

explain := sqlbuilder.Buildf("EXPLAIN %v LEFT JOIN SELECT * FROM banned WHERE state IN (%v, %v)", sb, 1, 2)
sql, args := explain.Build()

// Output:
// [1 2]

Using special syntax to build SQL

The sqlbuilder package incorporates special syntax for representing uncompiled SQL internally. To leverage this syntax for developing customized tools, the Build function can be utilized to compile it with the necessary arguments.

The format string employs special syntax for representing arguments:

sb := sqlbuilder.NewSelectBuilder()
sb.Select("id").From("user").Where(sb.In("status", 1, 2))

b := sqlbuilder.Build("EXPLAIN $? LEFT JOIN SELECT * FROM $? WHERE created_at > $? AND state IN (${states}) AND modified_at BETWEEN $2 AND $?",
    sb, sqlbuilder.Raw("banned"), 1514458225, 1514544625, sqlbuilder.Named("states", sqlbuilder.List([]int{3, 4, 5})))
sql, args := b.Build()


// Output:
// EXPLAIN SELECT id FROM user WHERE status IN (?, ?) LEFT JOIN SELECT * FROM banned WHERE created_at > ? AND state IN (?, ?, ?) AND modified_at BETWEEN ? AND ?
// [1 2 1514458225 3 4 5 1514458225 1514544625]

For scenarios where only the ${name} syntax is required to reference named arguments, utilize BuildNamed. This function disables all special syntax except for ${name} and $$.

Interpolate args in the sql

Certain SQL-like drivers, such as those for Redis or Elasticsearch, do not implement the StmtExecContext#ExecContext method. These drivers encounter issues when len(args) > 0. The sole workaround is to interpolate args directly into the sql string and then execute the resulting query with the driver.

The interpolation feature in this package is designed to provide a "basically sufficient" level of functionality, rather than a capability that rivals the comprehensive features of various SQL drivers and DBMS systems.

Security warning: While efforts are made to escape special characters in interpolation methods, this approach remains less secure than using Stmt as implemented by SQL drivers.

This feature draws inspiration from the interpolation capabilities found in the package.

Here is an example specifically for MySQL:

sb := MySQL.NewSelectBuilder()
    sb.NE("id", 1234),
    sb.E("name", "Charmy Liu"),
    sb.Like("desc", "%mother's day%"),
sql, args := sb.Build()
query, err := MySQL.Interpolate(sql, args)


// Output:
// SELECT name FROM user WHERE id <> 1234 AND name = 'Charmy Liu' AND desc LIKE '%mother\'s day%'
// <nil>

Here is an example for PostgreSQL, noting that dollar quoting is supported:

// Only the last `$1` is interpolated.
// Others are not interpolated as they are inside dollar quote (the `$$`).
query, err := PostgreSQL.Interpolate(`
CREATE FUNCTION dup(in int, out f1 int, out f2 text) AS $$
    SELECT $1, CAST($1 AS text) || ' is text'

SELECT * FROM dup($1);`, []interface{}{42})


// Output:
// CREATE FUNCTION dup(in int, out f1 int, out f2 text) AS $$
//     SELECT $1, CAST($1 AS text) || ' is text'
// $$
// SELECT * FROM dup(42);
// <nil>


This package is licensed under the MIT license. For more information, refer to the LICENSE file.