huangzixia / ExUTR

ExUTR is a practical and powerful tool that enables rapid genome-wide 3'-UTR prediction from massive RNA-Seq data
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Last update 16/08/2017 Created 15/02/2017 Version 0.1.0


ExUTR is a practical and powerful workflow that enables rapid genome-wide 3'-UTR prediction from massive RNA-Seq experiments. The implementation of ExUTR is based mainly on the intrinsic signals of transcripts, which is especially intriguing for countless non-model organisms where reference genomes and annotations are missing. Being independent of a well-annotated reference genome will dramatically expand its application to much broader research area for which RNA-Seq data is available.

ExUTR contains three Steps: 1) Transcriptome assembly (Optional); 2) ORF prediction; 3) 3'-UTR retrieval.

ExUTR has been tested on Ubuntu 12.04 desktop but it should work on most Linux operating systems.

- [Installation] (

- [Quick Start] (

ExUTR Workflow


![workflow] (

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Copyright (c) 2017, UCD School of Biology and Environmental Science, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.