hubernikus / nonlinear_obstacle_avoidance

Obstacle avoidance around linear and nonlinear dynamics.
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Nonlinear Obstacle Avoidance

License: Unlicense Code style: black

Obstacle avoidance around linear and nonlinear dynamics.


To setup got to your install/code directory, and type:

git clone

(Make sure submodules are there if various_tools library is not installed. To initialize submodules after cloning use git submodule update --init --recursive. To update all submodules git submodule update --recursive

Custom Environment

Choose your favorite python-environment. I recommend to use virtual environment venv. Setup virtual environment (use whatever compatible environment manager that you have with Python >=3.9).

python3.10 -m venv .venv

with python -V >= 3.9

Activate your environment

source .venv/bin/activate

Setup Dependencies

Install all requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt && pip install -e .

Make sure to install the required submodules:

pip install "git+"
pip install "git+"

If you need to modify certain elements of the software, its advised to clones these repositories to better browser them.

Citing Repository

If you use this repository in a scientific publication, we would appreciate the citation to:

Huber, Lukas. Exact Obstacle Avoidance for Robots in Complex and Dynamic Environments Using Local Modulation. No. 10373., EPFL, 2024.

Bibtex entry:

  title={Exact Obstacle Avoidance for Robots in Complex and Dynamic Environments Using Local Modulation},
  author={Huber, Lukas},
  address={Lausanne, Switzerland},
  type={PhD thesis}