hubspotdevops / puppet-nexus

Puppet module for Sonatype Nexus
MIT License
24 stars 93 forks source link

Sonatype Nexus Puppet module Build Status

Install and configure Sonatype Nexus.

!!! No Longer Maintained !!!

We are not actively using or maintaining this project and welcome the community to fork this repo.



The following is a basic role class for building a nexus host. Adjust accordingly as needed.

NOTE: you must pass version to Class['nexus']. This is needed for the download link and determining the name of the nexus directory.

class role_nexus_server {

  # puppetlabs-java
  # NOTE: Nexus requires
  class{ '::java': }

  class{ '::nexus':
    version    => '2.8.0',
    revision   => '05',
    nexus_root => '/srv', # All directories and files will be relative to this

  Class['::java'] ->

NOTE: If you wish to deploy a Nexus Pro server instead of Nexus OSS set deploy_pro => true

Usage(draft): Nexus 3 support

class role_nexus_server {

  class{ '::nexus':
    version               => '3.0.0',
    revision              => '03',
    download_site         => '',
    nexus_type            => 'unix',
    nexus_work_dir_manage => false


NOTE: If you wish to use Nexus 3, nexus_work_dir_manage need to be set to false because this module support only Nexus 3 installation

Nginx proxy

The following is setup for using the jfryman/puppet-nginx module. Nexus does not adequately support HTTP and HTTPS simultaneously. Below forces all connections to HTTPS. Be sure to login after the app is up and head to Administration -> Server. Change the base URL to "https" and check "Force Base URL". The application will be available at:


  class{ '::nginx': }

  file { '/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf':
    ensure => absent,
    require => Class['::nginx::package'],
    notify => Class['::nginx::service']

  nginx::resource::vhost { 'nexus':
    ensure            => present,
    www_root          => '/usr/share/nginx/html',
    rewrite_to_https  => true,
    ssl               => true,
    ssl_cert          => '/etc/pki/tls/certs/server.crt',
    ssl_key           => '/etc/pki/tls/private/server.key',

  nginx::resource::location { 'nexus':
    ensure    => present,
    location  => '/nexus',
    vhost     => 'nexus',
    proxy     => "http://${nexus_host}:${nexus_port}/nexus",
    ssl       => true,




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