huepat / voxir

VoxIR: Voxel-Based Indoor Reconstruction
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VoxIR: Voxel-Based Indoor Reconstruction

Dear colleagues,

Thank you for your interest in our work!

This repository contains the code for the publication:

      Hübner, P.; Weinmann, M.; Wursthorn, S. & Hinz, S. (2021).
      Automatic Voxel-based 3D Indoor Reconstruction and Room Partitioning from Triangle Meshes.
      ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2021, 181, 254-278

Along with the code, four triangle meshes of different building environments captured with the Microsoft HoloLens (version 1) are published along with manually constructed ground truth data. The datasets are attached as zip file to the release section (direct link)

Please cite the paper if you are using VoxIR in the context of a scientific publication.

Best regards

Patrick Hübner (on behalf of the authors)

Update 30.05.2022:

Included code for publication:

      Hübner, P.; Wursthorn, S. & Weinmann, M. (2022).
      Normal Classification of 3D Occupancy Grids for Voxel-Based Indoor Reconstruction from Point Clouds.
      ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2022, V-4-2022, 121-128


Structure of the Repository

The Visual Studio Solution in this repository contains multiple class library projects:

Furthermore, a demo console project (voxir) executing a simple demo scenario is included as well.

In the following, examples of how to use the functions provided by the class library projects are given

How to Use VoxIR

Create a PLYReader (can read ASCII as well as binary PLY files):

HuePat.VoxIR.IO.PLY.Reading.PLYReader reader = new HuePat.VoxIR.IO.PLY.Reading.PLYReader() {

    // Options (listed with default values):

    // Normal vectors of triangles should be pointing towards the building interior
    // Use this to invert them, in case they are pointing consistently towards the outside in your dataset
    InvertNormals = false,

    // Set to false, if the vertex coordinates in your file are double values
    // (Only relevant for reading binary files)
    AreVertexCoordinatesFloat = true,

    // Indicates the number of bytes a linebreak is encoded in your binary PLY file
    // (Only relevant for reading binary files)
    LineBreakByteSize = 1,

    // The identifier used for designating the vertex coordinates in your PLY file header
    // (Note: The PLY file can contain an arbitrary number of other attributes besides the
    //  vertex coordinates without impairing the reading process)
    CoordinateIndentifiers = ("x", "y", "z")

Load a triangle mesh:

HuePat.VoxIR.Util.Geometry.Mesh mesh = reader.ReadMesh("path/to/MeshFile.ply");

Note: VoxIR expects triangle meshes to be in a coordinate system where the Y-Axis points downwards (with respect to the represented building geometry). The X and Z axis are horizontal and do not need to be aligned with the building geometry in a Manhattan-World way. If your triangle mesh does not conform to this coordinate system definition, you need to rotate it before applying VoxIR (See the implementation of the Matterport3DReader for an example of how to do this):

mesh = HuePat.VoxIR.IO.Matterport3D.Matterport3DReader.LoadHouse("path/to/Matterport3DHouse.ply");

Apply VoxIR:

int[,,][] grid = HuePat.VoxIR.VoxIR.Process(
    0.05, // Resolution of the voxel grid [m]
    new Util.Geometry.AABox( // Extend of the voxel grid (Pass null to fit grid to mesh BBox, otherwise ensure the grid extent is larger than the mesh extent)
        new OpenTK.Mathematics.Vector3d(-10.0), // Min grid coordinate [m]
        new OpenTK.Mathematics.Vector3d(+10.0)), // Min grid coordinate [m]
    out HashSet<int> rampSpaceIds); // Outputs the room ids belonging to ramp spaces (see paper for definition of ramp space)

How to Access Voxel States

The grid coordinate system is denoted by (i, r, c) within the VoxIR code and corresponds to (y, x, z) in the metric coordinate system (see comment on mesh reading above). I.e. i points downwards and r and c are horizontal grid axes.

int i = 0;
int r = 0;
int c = 0;

Access a voxel state by its grid coordinate:

int[] voxelState = grid[i, r, c];

A voxel is empty if its voxel state is null:

bool isEmpty = voxelState == null;

If a voxel is not empty, you can query its room ids (Extension methods in HuePat.VoxIR.Util.Grid.VoxelState):

int[] roomIds = voxelState.GetRoomIds();

Note: Negative room ids signalize transition spaces, positive room ids signify rooms. Ramp spaces as a special type of room are listed in the output parameter rampSpaceIds (See above). Resulting room ids are not consecutive (1, 2, 3, ...) as initial rooms get merged during space partitioning. Furthermore, room ids are not identical between multiple applications of VoxIR due to parallelized operations. The space partitioning results are however always the same, only the room ids can change.

Query the number of rooms a voxel belongs to:

int roomCount = voxelState.GetRoomCount();

Query if a voxel belongs to a certain room:


Get voxel class values for a certain room id

int[] voxelClassValues = voxelState.GetVoxelClassValues(roomIds[0]);

Note: Voxel class values can be of values:

A voxel can have multiple voxel class values from {CEILING, FLOOR, WALL} for one room id

Get all voxel class values from all room ids:

voxelClassValues = voxelClassValues.GetVoxelClassValues();

How to Save/Load Voxel Grids to/from Binary Files

Save the voxel grid to a binary file:


Load the voxel grid from a binary file:


How to Visualize Voxel Grids

Visualize voxel classification as PLY:



(Colors refer to voxel class values aggregated for all room ids per voxel)

Note: The method above used HuePat.VoxIR.IO.Visualization.GridFrameVoxelMesher which generates cubes of 1m3 centered at grid coordinates (r, c, -i) in meter (This causes the z-Axis to point upwards with respect to the building geometry which is well-suited for viewing in prevalent PLY viewers). If you want to overlay the grid visualization with the input triangle mesh, use:

  new HuePat.VoxIR.IO.Visualization.MeshFrameVoxelMesher(
      0.05, // Use same voxel resolution [m] as used when creating the voxel grid

Visualize voxel classification as image slizes (Here for i sections; similarly, methods for r and c sections exist):

  "path/to/file.png", // All image file types supported by OpenCV can be used (Path is extended by "_iXXX" for XXX = slize number)
  HuePat.VoxIR.IO.Visualization.BackgroundColor.BLACK); // Also possible: WHITE

Analogous to the methods presented above, HuePat.VoxIR.IO.Visualization.Visualizer has further visualization methods (VisualizeSpacePartitioning...) that visualize different rooms in different colors with black/white for transition spaces (depending on background color).

How to Use the Provided Datasets with Ground Truth

VoxIR is published together with four triangle meshes of different indoor environments captured with the Microsoft HoloLens (version 1) as described in the paper. The VoxIR datasets are published together with manually generated ground truth data in the form of mesh segments per room and per semantic class (CEILING, FLOOR, WALL, WALL_OPENING, INTERIOR_OBJECT) as individual PLY files. These segments are not clompletely identical to the unmodified datasets, as holes in room surfaces due to occlusion or inclompete acquisition were manually closed in the ground truth data. This manual closing of holes was done by merging vertices on opposing sides of hole borders. Thus, the ground truth mesh segment can also deviate from the mesh of the unmodified datasets in the vicinity of holes due to changed mesh topology and triangle geometry. While this is not a problem for the voxel-based evaluation of VoxIR, scenarios are conceivable, where it might be desirable to transfer the ground truth information to the triangle meshes of the original datasets. To this aim, suitable methods are provided which are described in the following.

Read ground truth mesh segments:

Dictionary<int, List<(HuePat.VoxIR.Util.Geometry.Mesh, HuePat.VoxIR.Datasets.GroundTruthInfo)>> groundTruthMeshSegments;
groundTruthMeshSegments = HuePat.VoxIR.Datasets.GroundTruthReader.LoadGroundTruthMeshes("path/to/VoxIR_Datasets/GroundTruth/Office");

This results in a Dictionary, where the keys are the room ids (negative for transition spaces and positive for rooms) and the values are List of tuples of the mesh segments and GroundTruthInfos. The GroundTruthInfos have the following properties:

HuePat.VoxIR.Datasets.GroundTruthInfo groundTruthInfo = groundTruthMeshSegments[42][0].Item2;
int roomId = groundTruthInfo.RoomId; // The room id (same as the key of the dictionary)
int voxelClassValue = groundTruthInfo.ClassValue; // The voxel class value (CEILING, FLOOR, WALL, WALL_OPENING, INTERIOR_OBJECT)
bool isRampSpace = groundTruthInfo.IsRampSpace; // Indicates, whether the respective room is a ramp space

As mentioned above, the ground truth mesh segments can deviate from the triangle mesh of the original dataset. In order to transfer the ground truth data to the original triangle mesh, you can use the following methods:

  mesh, // The triangle mesh of the original dataset
  groundTruthMeshSegments, // The ground truth mesh segments
  out bool[] isRampSpacePerFace, // Array indicating per face index of the original triangle mesh, if the respective triangle belongs to a ramp space
  out int[] classValuePerFace, // Array of class values per face index of the original triangle mesh
  out int[] roomIdPerFace); // Array of room ids per face index of the original triangle mesh

Note (02.07.2022): There is a problem with this method which results in enormous processing times and faulty results. It will be debugged in due time.

The ground truth data transfered to the original triangle mesh can be visualizes via the following methods:

Visualizes ramp space triangles in green and other triangles in red:


Visualizes the semantic class values of the triangles:



Visualizes the room ids of the triangles (different room ids are visualized in different colors):


Create a voxel grid from the ground truth mesh segments:

int[,,][] groundTruthGrid = HuePat.VoxIR.Datasets.GroundTruth.CreateGroundTruthGrid(
  0.05, // Resolution of the voxel grid [m]
  new Util.Geometry.AABox( // Extend of the voxel grid (Pass null to fit grid to mesh BBox, otherwise ensure the grid extent is larger than the mesh extent)
      new OpenTK.Mathematics.Vector3d(-10.0), // Min grid coordinate [m]
      new OpenTK.Mathematics.Vector3d(+10.0)), // Min grid coordinate [m]
  groundTruthMeshSegments); // The ground truth mesh segments

The ground truth voxel grid can be visualized with the same methods as demonstrated above for the voxel grid resulting from VoxIR

How to Conduct an Evaluation of VoxIR against the Ground Truth Voxel Grid

All available evaluation methods require a parameter of type OutputConfig which allows to configure what kind of additional information should be outputted:

HuePat.VoxIR.Evaluation.IO.OutputConfig outputConfig = new Evaluation.IO.OutputConfig("path/to/OutputDirectory") {

    // Options (listed with default values):

    // Exports more detailed logs as txt files
    ExportExtendedLogs = false,

    // Exports visualizations as PLY
    ExportPLY = false,

    // Exports visualizations as images
    ExportImages = false,

    // Image file type in case ExportImages is set to true
    // (all image file types supported by OpenCV can be used)
    OutputImageFileType = "png",

    // Background color in case ExportImages is set to true
    BackgroundColor = HuePat.VoxIR.IO.Visualization.BackgroundColor.BLACK, // other option: WHITE

    // VoxelMesher in case ExportPLY is true
    // (GridFrameVoxelMesher, MeshFrameVoxelMesher (see above) or own implementations)
    VoxelMesher = new HuePat.VoxIR.IO.Visualization.GridFrameVoxelMesher()

The evaluation can be applied to a single dataset and corresponding ground truth directory:

HuePat.VoxIR.Evaluation.Result result = HuePat.VoxIR.Evaluation.Evaluation.Evaluate(
  0.05, // Resolution of the voxel grid [m]
  0.0.DegreeToRadian(), // rotation around the vertical axis to apply to both, test and ground truth meshes [rad]

Note: The extend of the voxel grids are determined as the minimal BBox encompassing both, the test mesh and the ground truth meshes.

The evaluation results contain the following properties (see paper for further details):

double roomMappingError = result.RoomMappingError;
double roomSegmentationPrecision = result.RoomSegmentationPrecision;
double roomSegmentationRecall = result.RoomSegmentationRecall;
double roomSegmentationF1Score = result.RoomSegmentationF1Score;
Dictionary<int, double> voxelClassificationPrecision = result.VoxelClassificationPrecision;
Dictionary<int, double> voxelClassificationRecall = result.VoxelClassificationRecall;
Dictionary<int, double> voxelClassificationF1Score = result.VoxelClassificationF1Score;
Dictionary<int, double> voxelClassificationNeighbourhoodPrecision = result.VoxelClassificationNeighbourhoodPrecision;
Dictionary<int, double> voxelClassificationNeighbourhoodRecall = result.VoxelClassificationNeighbourhoodRecall;

The Dictionaries have keys of the following voxel class values:

The evaluation can be applied to the same dataset and ground truth directory pair with a list of multiple (resolution, rotation around the vertical axis) parameter tuples (In this case, no Result object gets returned; The results are written to a csv table in the output directory set in the OutputConfig):

  new (double, double)[] {
      (0.05, 0.0.DegreeToRadian()),
      (0.05, 30.0.DegreeToRadian()),
      (0.07, 0.0.DegreeToRadian()),

The evaluation can be applied to multiple datasets, each time with the same set of parameters. E.g. for replicating the evaluation published in the tables in the paper, use:

  new (string, string)[] {
  new (double, double)[] {
      (0.05, 0.00.DegreeToRadian()),
      (0.05, 10.00.DegreeToRadian()),
      (0.05, 20.00.DegreeToRadian()),
      (0.05, 30.00.DegreeToRadian()),
      (0.05, 40.00.DegreeToRadian()),
      (0.05, 45.00.DegreeToRadian())

  new (string, string)[] {
  new (double, double)[] {
      (0.03, 0.00.DegreeToRadian()),
      (0.05, 0.00.DegreeToRadian()),
      (0.07, 0.00.DegreeToRadian()),
      (0.09, 0.00.DegreeToRadian()),
      (0.11, 0.00.DegreeToRadian()),
      (0.13, 0.00.DegreeToRadian()),
      (0.15, 0.00.DegreeToRadian())

Note: During refactoring for the publication of VoxIR, some changes were made to the code. furthermore, the alignment of the datasets with their respective coordinate systems has since changed (see Hübner, P.; Weinmann, M.; Wursthorn, S. & Hinz, S. 2021. Pose Normalization of Indoor Mapping Datasets Partially Compliant to the Manhattan World Assumption arXiv:2107.07778, 1-39, The evaluation results attained with the method above are thus not identical to the tables in the paper. They are however overall in a range comparable to the published results.