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AdvProp implementation #68

Open michaelklachko opened 4 years ago

michaelklachko commented 4 years ago

In the paper, they propose calculating two losses: one for the forward pass with "clean" BN params, and another for the forward pass with adversarial BN params. Then they combine these two losses, and backprop through both BN paths at the same time (joint optimization).

Does the following look correct to you:

class Net(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Net, self).__init__()
        self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 32, kernel_size=5, stride=2)
        self.bnC = nn.BatchNorm2d(32)
        self.bnA = nn.BatchNorm2d(32)
        self.relu = nn.ReLU()
        self.linear = nn.Linear(32*14*14, 10)

    def forward(self, x, clean=True):
        x = self.conv(x)
        if clean:
            x = self.bnC(x)
            x = self.bnA(x)
        x = self.relu(x)
        x = self.linear(x)
        return x

model = Net()
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.01)
loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

for i in range(1000):
    batchC, targetC = get_clean_batch()
    batchA, targetA = get_adv_batch()

    outputC = model(batchC, clean=True)
    outputA = model(batchA, clean=False)

    lossC = loss_fn(outputC, targetC)
    lossA = loss_fn(outputA, targetA)
    loss = lossC + lossA


If so, how would you propagate clean argument to all the blocks, especially the ones that use nn.Sequential lists?

Is there some existing AdvProp code to look at?

rwightman commented 4 years ago

@michaelklachko That's my understanding of how it'd work (with a simplified model like that). You'd then always be using clean=True in your example for validation and production.

As you say though, it's less than ideal to pass that through in more complex networks. I had two approaches to try.

  1. Make a duplicate 'aux' model that references the same conv/linear layers as the original but replaces the BN layers with new ones. I think the gradient tracking would still work but I'm not 100%. The model for validation and saving remains 100% as usual. Requires n passes for n BN sets.

  2. Make a custom BN layer that either splits along predefined batch boundary and maintains and routes to child BN layers for perturbed/advserial samples. This would be done by iterating over the model and replacing the BN layers like the SyncBN helpers ( The saving/validation code would have to be setup so it uses bn[0] and ends up appearing like an unmodified model. Requires one pass, just larger batch size.

rwightman commented 4 years ago

I did a first pass implementing option 2. It was minimal code, seems to be working, measured at somewhere between 15-20% throughput hit on my older Pascal (2 x 1080ti) machine. Think that'll be much better than two separate forward passes with the need to either maintain two models or recursively change a state variable per batch.

michaelklachko commented 4 years ago

Nice! Looks like a framework limitation forced the more efficient solution, because if I could propagate the flag I'd have stopped there :)

rwightman commented 4 years ago

@michaelklachko SplitBatchNorm is in master now. I've done limited experiments with it at this stage.

sab148 commented 4 years ago

I have some questions if you can answer me please,

1) In the paper of AdvProp section 4.3 they said

For each clean mini-batch, we first attack the network using the auxiliary BNs to generate its adversarial counter- part;

Using your code do we have to generate by ourselves the adversarial examples by ading noise to the clean images ? Because it seems that in the paper adversarial examples are generated by the CNN.

2) Also about the calculation of the loss function, it seems like you calculate only one loss for both clean and adversarial examples and not calculate one for each and sum up like in the paper. Is these two ways are equivalent ?

Thank you for your time

rwightman commented 4 years ago

@sab148 The only part of the AdvProp I have so far is the SplitBatchNorm.

So yes, you must generate adversarial examples with a CNN, possibly using a variety of attacks, but I believe the AdvProp paper used one type of PGD attack. You might use a snapshot of the same model that you are training, or a variety of other pretrained models, or a combination for generating the adv examples. It will likely require another set of GPUs separate from the training ones. I have not integrated any of this but hacked together something similar in the past (out of date code, old pytorch,

I believe the two losses is an artifact of the way the paper network was implemented. I believe they had to do two separate passes for how they implemented their BN. I replace all BN layers with one that splits and passes samples through different BNs based on the batch index ranges, so everything is in one pass and the same batch, you just need to make sure you build the batch properly, and if you did need to weight different examples differently in the loss you'd need to keep track of that.

sab148 commented 4 years ago

@rwightman Thank you so much for your help :)

amaarora commented 3 years ago

. I replace all BN layers with one that splits and passes samples through different BNs based on the batch index ranges, so everything is in one pass and the same batch, you just need to make sure you build the batch properly, and if you did need to weight different examples differently in the loss you'd need to keep track of that.

Hey @rwightman - so if I am to write a tutorial or train a model using AdvProp ( on ImageNet and your SplitBatchNorm2D then is below the correct way?

Pseudo Code:

  1. Get a batch of size 32 with imgs as X and labels as y from ImageNet, called batch(X, y)
  2. Generate a new auxilary batch for these 32 imgs, labels where e is the adverserial noise so we get a new batch called batch(X+e, y)
  3. Create a batch of size 64 where the first 32 images are clean and next 32 images are adverserial example
  4. Convert the model using split_batchnorm function to convert all BatchNorm2D layers to SplitBatchNorm2D layers where number of splits equals 2.

And now, the standard training steps-

  1. Calculate the loss using nn.CrossEntropyLoss
  2. Do loss.backward()
  3. Do optimizer.step()
  4. Do scheduler.step() if scheduler is present
rwightman commented 3 years ago

@amaarora likely some missing details (as there always are), but that is the gist of it yes. Similar to the AugMix training in terms of batch construction and possible splitbn use, BUT the generation of adversarial samples on the fly isn't trivial. For PGD and even basic iterative adv example generation you likely need to dedicate 1:1 or 1:2 ratio of GPUs and may want some queuing to allow those examples to be generated in separate processes from training processes.

amaarora commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your help :)