huggingface / pytorch-image-models

The largest collection of PyTorch image encoders / backbones. Including train, eval, inference, export scripts, and pretrained weights -- ResNet, ResNeXT, EfficientNet, NFNet, Vision Transformer (ViT), MobileNetV4, MobileNet-V3 & V2, RegNet, DPN, CSPNet, Swin Transformer, MaxViT, CoAtNet, ConvNeXt, and more
Apache License 2.0
30.69k stars 4.63k forks source link
augmix convnext distributed-training dual-path-networks efficientnet image-classification imagenet maxvit mixnet mobile-deep-learning mobilenet-v2 mobilenetv3 nfnets normalization-free-training pretrained-models pretrained-weights pytorch randaugment resnet vision-transformer-models

PyTorch Image Models

What's New

❗Updates after Oct 10, 2022 are available in version >= 0.9❗

June 24, 2024

model top1 top1_err top5 top5_err param_count img_size
mobilenetv4_hybrid_large.ix_e600_r384_in1k 84.356 15.644 96.892 3.108 37.76 448
mobilenetv4_hybrid_large.ix_e600_r384_in1k 83.990 16.010 96.702 3.298 37.76 384
mobilenetv4_hybrid_medium.ix_e550_r384_in1k 83.394 16.606 96.760 3.240 11.07 448
mobilenetv4_hybrid_medium.ix_e550_r384_in1k 82.968 17.032 96.474 3.526 11.07 384
mobilenetv4_hybrid_medium.ix_e550_r256_in1k 82.492 17.508 96.278 3.722 11.07 320
mobilenetv4_hybrid_medium.ix_e550_r256_in1k 81.446 18.554 95.704 4.296 11.07 256

June 12, 2024

model top1 top1_err top5 top5_err param_count img_size
mobilenetv4_hybrid_large.e600_r384_in1k 84.266 15.734 96.936 3.064 37.76 448
mobilenetv4_hybrid_large.e600_r384_in1k 83.800 16.200 96.770 3.230 37.76 384
mobilenetv4_conv_large.e600_r384_in1k 83.392 16.608 96.622 3.378 32.59 448
mobilenetv4_conv_large.e600_r384_in1k 82.952 17.048 96.266 3.734 32.59 384
mobilenetv4_conv_large.e500_r256_in1k 82.674 17.326 96.31 3.69 32.59 320
mobilenetv4_conv_large.e500_r256_in1k 81.862 18.138 95.69 4.31 32.59 256
mobilenetv4_hybrid_medium.e500_r224_in1k 81.276 18.724 95.742 4.258 11.07 256
mobilenetv4_conv_medium.e500_r256_in1k 80.858 19.142 95.768 4.232 9.72 320
mobilenetv4_hybrid_medium.e500_r224_in1k 80.442 19.558 95.38 4.62 11.07 224
mobilenetv4_conv_blur_medium.e500_r224_in1k 80.142 19.858 95.298 4.702 9.72 256
mobilenetv4_conv_medium.e500_r256_in1k 79.928 20.072 95.184 4.816 9.72 256
mobilenetv4_conv_medium.e500_r224_in1k 79.808 20.192 95.186 4.814 9.72 256
mobilenetv4_conv_blur_medium.e500_r224_in1k 79.438 20.562 94.932 5.068 9.72 224
mobilenetv4_conv_medium.e500_r224_in1k 79.094 20.906 94.77 5.23 9.72 224
mobilenetv4_conv_small.e2400_r224_in1k 74.616 25.384 92.072 7.928 3.77 256
mobilenetv4_conv_small.e1200_r224_in1k 74.292 25.708 92.116 7.884 3.77 256
mobilenetv4_conv_small.e2400_r224_in1k 73.756 26.244 91.422 8.578 3.77 224
mobilenetv4_conv_small.e1200_r224_in1k 73.454 26.546 91.34 8.66 3.77 224

May 14, 2024

May 11, 2024

model top1 top5 param_count img_size
vit_mediumd_patch16_reg4_gap_256.sbb_in12k_ft_in1k 86.202 97.874 64.11 256
vit_betwixt_patch16_reg4_gap_256.sbb_in12k_ft_in1k 85.418 97.48 60.4 256
vit_mediumd_patch16_rope_reg1_gap_256.sbb_in1k 84.322 96.812 63.95 256
vit_betwixt_patch16_rope_reg4_gap_256.sbb_in1k 83.906 96.684 60.23 256
vit_base_patch16_rope_reg1_gap_256.sbb_in1k 83.866 96.67 86.43 256
vit_medium_patch16_rope_reg1_gap_256.sbb_in1k 83.81 96.824 38.74 256
vit_betwixt_patch16_reg4_gap_256.sbb_in1k 83.706 96.616 60.4 256
vit_betwixt_patch16_reg1_gap_256.sbb_in1k 83.628 96.544 60.4 256
vit_medium_patch16_reg4_gap_256.sbb_in1k 83.47 96.622 38.88 256
vit_medium_patch16_reg1_gap_256.sbb_in1k 83.462 96.548 38.88 256
vit_little_patch16_reg4_gap_256.sbb_in1k 82.514 96.262 22.52 256
vit_wee_patch16_reg1_gap_256.sbb_in1k 80.256 95.360 13.42 256
vit_pwee_patch16_reg1_gap_256.sbb_in1k 80.072 95.136 15.25 256
vit_mediumd_patch16_reg4_gap_256.sbb_in12k N/A N/A 64.11 256
vit_betwixt_patch16_reg4_gap_256.sbb_in12k N/A N/A 60.4 256

April 11, 2024

print(final_feat.shape) torch.Size([2, 197, 768])

for f in intermediates: print(f.shape) torch.Size([2, 768, 14, 14]) torch.Size([2, 768, 14, 14]) torch.Size([2, 768, 14, 14]) torch.Size([2, 768, 14, 14]) torch.Size([2, 768, 14, 14]) torch.Size([2, 768, 14, 14]) torch.Size([2, 768, 14, 14]) torch.Size([2, 768, 14, 14]) torch.Size([2, 768, 14, 14]) torch.Size([2, 768, 14, 14]) torch.Size([2, 768, 14, 14]) torch.Size([2, 768, 14, 14])

print(output.shape) torch.Size([2, 1000])

model = timm.create_model('eva02_base_patch16_clip_224', pretrained=True, img_size=512, features_only=True, out_indices=(-3, -2,))
output = model(torch.randn(2, 3, 512, 512))

for o in output:    
torch.Size([2, 768, 32, 32])
torch.Size([2, 768, 32, 32])

Feb 19, 2024

Jan 8, 2024

Datasets & transform refactoring

Nov 23, 2023

Nov 20, 2023

Nov 3, 2023

Oct 20, 2023

Sep 1, 2023

Aug 28, 2023

Aug 25, 2023

Aug 11, 2023

Aug 3, 2023

July 27, 2023

May 11, 2023

May 10, 2023

April 27, 2023

April 21, 2023

April 12, 2023

April 5, 2023

March 31, 2023

model top1 top5 img_size param_count gmacs macts
convnext_xxlarge.clip_laion2b_soup_ft_in1k 88.612 98.704 256 846.47 198.09 124.45
convnext_large_mlp.clip_laion2b_soup_ft_in12k_in1k_384 88.312 98.578 384 200.13 101.11 126.74
convnext_large_mlp.clip_laion2b_soup_ft_in12k_in1k_320 87.968 98.47 320 200.13 70.21 88.02
convnext_base.clip_laion2b_augreg_ft_in12k_in1k_384 87.138 98.212 384 88.59 45.21 84.49
convnext_base.clip_laion2b_augreg_ft_in12k_in1k 86.344 97.97 256 88.59 20.09 37.55
model top1 top5 param_count img_size
eva02_large_patch14_448.mim_m38m_ft_in22k_in1k 90.054 99.042 305.08 448
eva02_large_patch14_448.mim_in22k_ft_in22k_in1k 89.946 99.01 305.08 448
eva_giant_patch14_560.m30m_ft_in22k_in1k 89.792 98.992 1014.45 560
eva02_large_patch14_448.mim_in22k_ft_in1k 89.626 98.954 305.08 448
eva02_large_patch14_448.mim_m38m_ft_in1k 89.57 98.918 305.08 448
eva_giant_patch14_336.m30m_ft_in22k_in1k 89.56 98.956 1013.01 336
eva_giant_patch14_336.clip_ft_in1k 89.466 98.82 1013.01 336
eva_large_patch14_336.in22k_ft_in22k_in1k 89.214 98.854 304.53 336
eva_giant_patch14_224.clip_ft_in1k 88.882 98.678 1012.56 224
eva02_base_patch14_448.mim_in22k_ft_in22k_in1k 88.692 98.722 87.12 448
eva_large_patch14_336.in22k_ft_in1k 88.652 98.722 304.53 336
eva_large_patch14_196.in22k_ft_in22k_in1k 88.592 98.656 304.14 196
eva02_base_patch14_448.mim_in22k_ft_in1k 88.23 98.564 87.12 448
eva_large_patch14_196.in22k_ft_in1k 87.934 98.504 304.14 196
eva02_small_patch14_336.mim_in22k_ft_in1k 85.74 97.614 22.13 336
eva02_tiny_patch14_336.mim_in22k_ft_in1k 80.658 95.524 5.76 336

March 22, 2023

Feb 26, 2023

Feb 20, 2023

Feb 16, 2023


PyTorch Image Models (timm) is a collection of image models, layers, utilities, optimizers, schedulers, data-loaders / augmentations, and reference training / validation scripts that aim to pull together a wide variety of SOTA models with ability to reproduce ImageNet training results.

The work of many others is present here. I've tried to make sure all source material is acknowledged via links to github, arxiv papers, etc in the README, documentation, and code docstrings. Please let me know if I missed anything.



All model architecture families include variants with pretrained weights. There are specific model variants without any weights, it is NOT a bug. Help training new or better weights is always appreciated.


Included optimizers available via create_optimizer / create_optimizer_v2 factory methods:




Several (less common) features that I often utilize in my projects are included. Many of their additions are the reason why I maintain my own set of models, instead of using others' via PIP:


Model validation results can be found in the results tables

Getting Started (Documentation)

The official documentation can be found at Documentation contributions are welcome.

Getting Started with PyTorch Image Models (timm): A Practitioner’s Guide by Chris Hughes is an extensive blog post covering many aspects of timm in detail.

timmdocs is an alternate set of documentation for timm. A big thanks to Aman Arora for his efforts creating timmdocs.

paperswithcode is a good resource for browsing the models within timm.

Train, Validation, Inference Scripts

The root folder of the repository contains reference train, validation, and inference scripts that work with the included models and other features of this repository. They are adaptable for other datasets and use cases with a little hacking. See documentation.

Awesome PyTorch Resources

One of the greatest assets of PyTorch is the community and their contributions. A few of my favourite resources that pair well with the models and components here are listed below.

Object Detection, Instance and Semantic Segmentation

Computer Vision / Image Augmentation

Knowledge Distillation

Metric Learning

Training / Frameworks



The code here is licensed Apache 2.0. I've taken care to make sure any third party code included or adapted has compatible (permissive) licenses such as MIT, BSD, etc. I've made an effort to avoid any GPL / LGPL conflicts. That said, it is your responsibility to ensure you comply with licenses here and conditions of any dependent licenses. Where applicable, I've linked the sources/references for various components in docstrings. If you think I've missed anything please create an issue.

Pretrained Weights

So far all of the pretrained weights available here are pretrained on ImageNet with a select few that have some additional pretraining (see extra note below). ImageNet was released for non-commercial research purposes only ( It's not clear what the implications of that are for the use of pretrained weights from that dataset. Any models I have trained with ImageNet are done for research purposes and one should assume that the original dataset license applies to the weights. It's best to seek legal advice if you intend to use the pretrained weights in a commercial product.

Pretrained on more than ImageNet

Several weights included or references here were pretrained with proprietary datasets that I do not have access to. These include the Facebook WSL, SSL, SWSL ResNe(Xt) and the Google Noisy Student EfficientNet models. The Facebook models have an explicit non-commercial license (CC-BY-NC 4.0,, The Google models do not appear to have any restriction beyond the Apache 2.0 license (and ImageNet concerns). In either case, you should contact Facebook or Google with any questions.



  author = {Ross Wightman},
  title = {PyTorch Image Models},
  year = {2019},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  doi = {10.5281/zenodo.4414861},
  howpublished = {\url{}}

Latest DOI