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RayGauss: Volumetric Gaussian-Based Ray Casting for Photorealistic Novel View Synthesis
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RayGauss: Volumetric Gaussian-Based Ray Casting for Photorealistic Novel View Synthesis

Hugo Blanc · Jean-Emmanuel Deschaud · Alexis Paljic

WACV 2025

Paper | arXiv | Project Page | Blender Models


We present an enhanced differentiable ray-casting algorithm for rendering Gaussians with scene features, enabling efficient 3D scene learning from images.

Hardware Requirements

Software Requirements

The following software components are required to ensure compatibility and optimal performance:

Installation on Ubuntu

Follow the steps below to set up the project:

  #Python-Optix requirements
  export OPTIX_PATH=/path/to/optix
  #For example, if the repo is in your home folder: export OPTIX_PATH=~/NVIDIA-OptiX-SDK-7.6.0-linux64-x86_64/
  export OPTIX_EMBED_HEADERS=1 # embed the optix headers into the package

  git clone
  cd ray_gauss
  conda env create --file environment.yml
  conda activate ray_gauss

Installation on Windows

Follow the steps below to set up the project:

  git clone
  cd ray_gauss

You need to install CUDA Toolkit on Windows, if possible version 12.4:

If you already have a CUDA version on your Windows, you need to change the environment.yml file to match the CUDA version you installed in Windows. For example, if you have CUDA 11.8:

Comment the line python-optix in the environment.yml file (python-optix needs to be installed from source on Windows)

Now, you can create the ray_gauss conda env:

conda env create --file environment.yml
conda activate ray_gauss

Install python-optix from source:

git clone
cd python-optix
set OPTIX_PATH=\path\to\optix
#For example, the repo is by default on C disk: set OPTIX_PATH=C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\OptiX SDK 7.6.0
set OPTIX_EMBED_HEADERS=1 # embed the optix headers into the package
pip install .

You can now train your own model:



NeRF Synthetic Dataset

Please download and unzip in the dataset folder. The folder contains initialization point clouds and the NeRF-Synthetic dataset.

Trained Models

If you would like to directly visualize a model trained by RayGauss, we provide the trained point clouds for each scene in NeRF-Synthetic. In this case, you can skip the training of the scene and evaluate or visualize it directly: Download Link.

Mip-NeRF 360 Dataset

Please download the data from the Mip-NeRF 360 website.

Place the datasets in the dataset folder.

Training and Evaluation

To reproduce the results on entire datasets, follow the instructions below:

NeRF-Synthetic Dataset

  1. Prepare the Dataset: Ensure the NeRF-Synthetic dataset is downloaded and placed in the dataset directory.

  2. Run Training Script: Execute the following command:


This will start the training and evaluation on the NeRF-Synthetic dataset with the configuration parameter in nerf_synthetic.yml.

Mip-NeRF 360 Dataset

To reproduce results on the Mip-NeRF 360 dataset:

  1. Prepare the Dataset: Download and place the Mip-NeRF 360 dataset in the dataset directory.

  2. Run Training Script: Execute the following command:


  3. Results: The results for each scene can be found in the output folder after training is complete.

Single Scene

To train and test a single scene, simply use the following commands:

    python -config "path_to_config_file" --save_dir "name_save_dir" --arg_names scene.source_path --arg_values "scene_path"
    python -output "./output/name_save_dir" -iter save_iter
    # For example, to train and evaluate the hotdog scene from NeRF Synthetic:
    # python -config "./configs/nerf_synthetic.yml" --save_dir "hotdog" --arg_names scene.source_path --arg_values "./dataset/nerf_synthetic/hotdog"
    # python -output "./output/hotdog" -iter 30000

By default, only the last iteration is saved (30000 in the base config files).

PLY Point Cloud Extraction

To extract a point cloud in PLY format from a trained scene, we provide the script, which can be used as follows:

   python -output "./output/name_scene" -iter num_iter
   # For example, if the 'hotdog' scene was trained for 30000 iterations, you can use:
   # python -output "./output/hotdog" -iter 30000

The generated PLY point cloud will be located in the folder ./output/scene/saved_pc/.


To visualize a trained scene, we provide the script, which opens a GUI to display the trained scene:

   # Two ways to use the GUI:

   # Using the folder of the trained scene and the desired iteration
   python -output "./output/name_scene" -iter num_iter

   # Using a PLY point cloud:
   python -ply_path "path_to_ply_file"

Camera Controls

First Person Camera

In First Person mode, you can use the keyboard keys to move the camera in different directions.

Note: Ensure that the First Person camera mode is active for these controls to work.

Trackball Camera

In Trackball mode, the camera can be controlled with the mouse to freely view around an object.

Note: Ensure that the Trackball camera mode is active for these controls to work.

Camera Path Rendering

To render a camera path from a trained point cloud, use the script as follows:

python -output "./output" -camera_path_filename "camera_path.json" -name_video "my_video"

The camera_path.json file, which defines the camera path, can be generated using NeRFStudio. This script loads a pre-trained model, renders images along a specified camera path, and saves them in output/camera_path/images/. A video is then generated from the images and saved in output/camera_path/video/.

Using a Reality Capture Dataset

To use a dataset created with Reality Capture, refer to the Reality Capture Instructions.


We thank the authors of Python-Optix, upon which our project is based, as well as the authors of NeRF and Mip-NeRF 360 for providing their datasets. Finally, we would like to acknowledge the authors of 3D Gaussian Splatting, as our project's dataloader is inspired by the one used in 3DGS; and Mip-Splatting for the calculation of the minimum sizes of the Gaussians as a function of the cameras.


If you find our code or paper useful, please cite

      title={RayGauss: Volumetric Gaussian-Based Ray Casting for Photorealistic Novel View Synthesis}, 
      author={Hugo Blanc and Jean-Emmanuel Deschaud and Alexis Paljic},