hugochan / KATE

Code & data accompanying the KDD 2017 paper "KATE: K-Competitive Autoencoder for Text"
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autoencoder deep-learning representation-learning text-embedding text-mining topic-modeling word-embedding

KATE: K-Competitive Autoencoder for Text

Code & data accompanying the KDD2017 paper "KATE: K-Competitive Autoencoder for Text"


This code is written in python. To use it you will need:

Getting started

To preprocess the corpus, e.g., 20 Newsgroups, just run the following:

    python -train [train_dir] -test [test_dir] -o [out_dir] -threshold [word_freq_threshold] -topn [top_n_words]

It outputs 4 json files under the [out_dir] directory: train_data, train_label, test_data and test_label. You can download the preprocessed data we used in our experiments here.

To train the KATE model, just run the following:

    python -i [train_data] -nd [num_topics] -ne [num_epochs] -bs [batch_size] -nv [num_validation] -ctype kcomp -ck [top_k] -sm [model_file]

To predict on the test set, just run the following:

    python -i [test_data] -lm [model_file] -o [output_doc_vec_file] -st [output_topics] -sw [output_sample_words] -wc [output_word_clouds]

To train a simple classifier, just run the following:

  python [train_doc_codes] [train_doc_labels] [test_doc_codes] [test_doc_labels] -nv [num_validation] -ne [num_epochs] -bs [batch_size]

To train baseline methods, e.g., VAE, just run the following:

     python -i [train_data] -nd [num of dimensions] -ne [num_epochs] -bs [batch_size] -nv [num_validation] -sm [model_file]


1) In order to apply the KATE model to your own dataset, you will need to preprocess the dataset on your own. Basically, prepare the vocabulary and Bag-of-Words representation of each document.

2) The KATE model learns vector representations of words (which are in the vocabulary) as well as documents in an unsupervised manner. It can also extracts topics from corpus. Document labels will be needed only if you want to for example train a document classifier based on learned document vectors.


1) KeyError when plotting word clouds

Make sure the words belong to the vocabulary. See here.


Experiment results on 20 Newsgroups

PCA on the 20-D document vectors


TSNE on the 20-D document vectors


Five nearest neighbors in the word representation space


Extracted topics

Text classification results on 20 Newsgroups

Visualization of the normalized topic-word weight matrices of KATE & LDA (KATE learns distinctive patterns)


If you found this code useful, please cite the following paper:

Yu Chen and Mohammed J. Zaki. "KATE: K-Competitive Autoencoder for Text." In Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. Aug 2017.

@inproceedings {chen2017kate,
author = { Yu Chen and Mohammed J. Zaki },
title = { KATE: K-Competitive Autoencoder for Text },
booktitle = { Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery },
doi = { },
year = { 2017 },
month = { Aug }

Other research papers that applied the KATE model:

Chen, Yu, Rhaad M. Rabbani, Aparna Gupta, and Mohammed J. Zaki. "Comparative text analytics via topic modeling in banking." In 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), pp. 1-8. IEEE, 2017.

  title={Comparative text analytics via topic modeling in banking},
  author={Chen, Yu and Rabbani, Rhaad M and Gupta, Aparna and Zaki, Mohammed J},
  booktitle={2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI)},