CakeStrap is a bootstrap for CakePHP - HTML5 CakePHP2.x Bootstrap3.0!
file to app/Config/config.php
and still in this file change the $config['Application']['status'] to trueapp/Config/database.php.default
file to app/Config/database.php
and configure your database credentialsCakeStrap has a JS and CSS folder structure allowing to automatic load files for each action of each controller. For example, if you have this JS structure folder:
/js /pages /home.js
This script will be automatic loaded when the user is in controller pages
and in action home
The same structure exists for CSS
Currently cakeStrap supports two languages, English and Portuguese. To enable the Portuguese language as the main just add the following line in your app/Controllers/AppController.php
at beforeFilter
Configure::write('Config.language', 'por');
Lee Graham created a easy way do deploy CakeStrap to OpenShift, check it out: cakeStrap Openshift
Have a question or found a bug? Please create an issue here on GitHub!