huguesrichard / Allopipe

AlloPipe is a computational method to assess the alloreactivity expected from a donor/recipient transplantation pair
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The AlloPipe tool is a computational workflow which imputes
    (i) directional amino acid mismatches and their related
    (ii) minor histocompatibility antigens NetMHCpan softwares
within a pair of annotated human genomic datasets.

Be careful with the terms of use of NetMHCpan

In a nutshell

The AlloPipe tool is divided into two modules: (i) Allo-Count and (ii) Allo-Affinity

     (i) Allo-Count imputes the directional amino acid mismatches

Allo-Count reformats the relevant data from the VEP-annotated .VCF file(s), performs a stringent data cleaning and computes the directional comparison of the sample amino acid sequences. Allo-Count returns:

Direction of the mismatch

The sample comparison is directional and accounts for either the amino acids that are present in the donor but absent in the recipient (donor-to-recipient) or that are present in the recipient but absent in the donor (recipient-to-donor).\ Donor-to-recipient count is designed to study polymorphisms that the recipient’s immune system recognises as ‘non-self’, as in solid organ transplantation.\ Recipient-to-donor count is designed toward detecting polymorphisms that the donor’s immune system recognises as ‘non-self’ once engrafted in the recipient, as in allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

     (ii) Allo-Affinity imputes the candidates minor histocompatibility antigens

Allo-Affinity reconstructs peptides of requested length around the amino acid changes, then returns their affinity towards HLA molecules using NetMHCpan softwares. Allo-Affinity returns:

4-digits HLA typing has to be provided by the user for the HLA molecules of interest.

There are two modes of operation for each module: (i) single pair or (ii) multiple pairs

Table of contents

  1. Before getting started
    1. Requirements
    2. AlloPipe installation
    3. VEP annotation

  1. Run the AlloPipe workflow
    1. Launch Allo-Count
      1. Single pair
      2. Multiple pairs
      3. Exploring the AMS table
    2. Launch Allo-Affinity
      1. Single pair
      2. Multiple pairs
      3. Exploring the af-AMS table

  1. Tutorial

Before getting started


AlloPipe specifically requires

  1. Python >=3.6 (developed on 3.9)

  2. Conda installed in the suitable version for your operating system and python version, as we recommend to install the dependencies needed to run AlloPipe in a dedicated conda environment.

  3. NetMHCpan and NetMHCIIpan downloaded as command line tools.\ Make sure you use NetMHCpan in accordance with their user licence.

AlloPipe installation

To download and install the AlloPipe workflow, first clone the repository from git.\ You might be requested to create a token for you to log in. See the GitHub tutorial

We then recommend to create a conda environment dedicated to the AlloPipe workflow. The dependencies specified in the requirements.txt are needed for AlloPipe to run and should be installed in this AlloPipe environment.

The following command lines will perform the above-mentioned steps:

    git clone
    cd Allopipe
    conda create --name Allopipe python=3.9
    conda activate Allopipe
    python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

VEP annotation

AlloPipe input file(s) must be VEP-annotated .VCF files. Other annotation tools could theoritically be used after code adjustments.

You will then also need a VEP annotation tool prior the use of AlloPipe. AlloPipe has been developed and tested with .VCF files annotated with v104, v110 and v111. We recommend to use the most recent version of VEP unless it leads to major changes in the architecture of the output .VCF files.

VEP annotation: On-line or command line installation\ VEP annotation can be done using the online tool or by downloading the command line tool.

  • To use the web interface, follow this link.

  • To install the command line tool, follow the installation tutorial available here.\ During the installation, you will be asked if you want to download cache files, FASTA files and plugins.

    • We recommend to download the cache files for the assembly of your VCF files to be able to run VEP offline.\ Download the VEP cache files which correspond to your Ensembl VEP installation and genome reference!
    • We recommend to download the FASTA files for the assembly of your VCF files to be able to run VEP offline.\ Download the FASTA files which correspond to your Ensembl VEP installation and genome reference!
    • We don't recommend to download any plugin

We then recommend to add VEP to your PATH by adding the following line to your ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile:

export PATH=%%PATH/TO/VEP%%:${PATH}

If you are on Windows, you can follow this tutorial to add VEP to your PATH.

For complete insights on VEP, see VEP

Run the following command to annotate you VCF file(s) with VEP.\ All specified options are mandatory, with the exception of the assembly if you only downloaded one cache file.

    vep --fork 4 --cache --assembly <GRChXX> --offline --af_gnomade -i <PATH-TO-FILE-TO-ANNOTATE/FILE-TO-ANNOTATE>.vcf -o <PATH-TO-ANNOTATED-FILE/ANNOTATED-FILE>.vcf --coding_only --pick_allele --use_given_ref --vcf 

Where:\ <GRChXX> is the version of the genome used to align the sequences.\ <PATH-TO-FILE-TO-ANNOTATE/FILE-TO-ANNOTATE>.vcf is the path to your file to annotate.\ <PATH-TO-ANNOTATED-FILE/ANNOTATED-FILE> is the path to the directory and the name of the ouput annotated file.\

This command line works for individual .VCF files or multi-VCF files, whether compressed (.gvcf) or not (.vcf). Run this command for every file you want to input in AlloPipe.

Once the VEP annotation of your file(s) is(are) complete, you are now ready to launch your first AlloPipe run!

Run the AlloPipe workflow

Launch Allo-Count

What does Allo-Count perform?

From variant annotated .VCF file(s), variants are first reformated then filtered considering a set of quality metrics (defaults values):

The curated .VCF file(s) is(are) then queried for the amino acid information to assess the directional amino acid mismatches between samples.

Direction of the mismatch

The sample comparison is directional and accounts for either the amino acids that are present in the donor but absent in the recipient (donor-to-recipient) or that are present in the recipient but absent in the donor (recipient-to-donor).\ Donor-to-recipient count is designed to study polymorphisms that the recipient’s immune system recognises as ‘non-self’, as in solid organ transplantation.\ Recipient-to-donor count is designed toward detecting polymorphisms that the donor’s immune system recognises as ‘non-self’ once engrafted in the recipient, as in allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

counts either the amino acids that are present in the donor but absent in the recipient (donor-to-recipient, dr) or the other way around (recipient-to-donor: present in the recipient but absent in the donor, rd).

Single pair

Once the VEP annotation is complete, go to the root of the AlloPipe directory to run the following commands in the terminal (don't forget to activate your conda environment!) :

    cd src/

Where :\ <NAME-RUN> is the name of the run\ <NAME-OF-THE-PAIR> is the name of the pair\ <PATH-TO-DONOR-ANNOTATED-FILE/ANNOTATED-FILE>.vcf is the path to the donor's annotated VCF \ <PATH-TO-RECIPIENT-ANNOTATED-FILE/ANNOTATED-FILE>.vcf is the path to the recipient's annotated VCF \ <DIRECTION OF THE MISMATCH> = 'rd' or 'dr', depending on the direction of the mismatch

A complete helper function is provided

    python --help

Multiple pairs

It is possible to launch Allo-Count for each pair of

    cd src/

Where:\ <NAME-RUN> is the name of the run\ <PATH-TO-THE-MERGED-ANNOTATED-FILE>.vcf is the path to the annotated merged VCF file\ <PATH-TO-THE-PAIR-LIST>.csv is the path to the list pairing the sample (template provided in the tutorial)\ <DIRECTION OF THE MISMATCH> is the direction of the mismatch as previously described

It is not possible to run different mismatches within the same command line.

We provide a complete helper function

    python --help


To avoid artefacts related to the quality of the sequencing that might lead to AMS lower or higher than expected, we provide to the user the ref/commun ratio.

Exploring the AMS table

After the run is complete, have look at the output/runs// directory that was created.
The directory is structured as followed :

  1. the AMS/ directory contains a subdirectory created for these run parameters specifically, the AMS value contained in a csv file.
  2. the plots/ subdirectory
  3. the run_tables subdirectory contains all the tables created during the run.

In the run_tables/ directory, you can find the mismatches table that will give you direct information on the mismatched positions.
In this table, you can find the following information :

  1. VCF information

    1. CHROM (str): Chromosome of the variant
    2. POS (int): Position on the chromosome
    3. ID_{x, y} (str): Reference SNP cluster ID for the donor (x) or recipient (y)
    4. REF, ALT (str): REF and ALT alleles at the given position
    5. QUAL_{x, y} (float): Phred-scaled quality score for the assertion made in ALT
    6. FILTER_{x, y} (str): PASS if this position has passed all filters
    7. FORMAT_{x, y} (list): Format of the sample column post AlloPipe processing
    8. Sample_{x, y} (str): Sample information regarding the position. Note that the column name is the one provided in the original VCF
      • In the case of transplantation, Sample_x is the donor and Sample_y is the recipient
  2. Sample information

    1. GT_{x, y} (str): Predicted genotype of the sample
    2. GQ_{x, y} (float): Score of quality of the predicted genotype
    3. AD_{x, y} (str): Allelic depth
    4. FT_{x, y} (str): Sample genotype filter indicating if this genotype was “called”
    5. phased_{x, y} (str): Predicted genotype containing phased information (if provided in the sample column)
    6. DP_{x, y} (int): Sequencing Depth at position
    7. TYPE_{x, y} (str): type of genotype (homozygous, heterozygous)
  3. VEP information

    1. consequences_{x, y} (int): All the columns with a consequence with the number of times it is recorded in transcripts for the variant
    2. transcripts_{x, y} (str): Transcripts recorded for the variant
    3. genes_{x, y} (str): Genes recorded for the variant
    4. aa_REF, aa_ALT (str): Amino-acid for REF and ALT alleles for the variant
    5. gnomADeAF{x, y} (float): Frequency of existing variant in gnomAD exomes combined population
    6. aa_refindiv{x, y}, aa_altindiv{x, y} (str): REF and ALT amino-acids recorded for the sample (x and y)
    7. aaindiv{x, y} (str): REF and ALT amino-acids combined in one column
  4. AlloPipe information

    1. diff (str): difference between the amino-acids of both samples
    2. mismatch (int): number of mismatches in the diff field
    3. mismatch_type (str): type of mismatch (homozygous, heterozygous)

Launch Allo-Affinity

Allo-Affinity generates a set of candidate minor histocompatibility antigens around each previously assessed directional amino acid mismatches using sliding window. The user defines the length of the potentially HLA-embedded peptides, usually 9-mers for HLA class I and 15-mers for HLA class II molecules. The affinity values are computed using NetMHCpan4.1 and NETMHCIIpan4.3, respectively.

What does Allo-Affinity perform?

From previously generated files that are the TABLE-MISMATCH and the TRANSCRIPT-TABLE, Allo-Affinity reconstructs the set of peptides that are different between the donor and the recipient.

The directionality of the mismatch is kept, meaning that if Allo-Count has been run within the donor-to-recipient direction, only peptides present by the donor but absent from the recipient will be reconstructed.\ In the same way, if Allo-Count has been run within the recipient-to-donor direction, only peptides present by the recipient but absent from the donor will be reconstructed.

Allo-Affinity prepares the files that are required by NetMHCpan4.1 and NETMHCIIpan4.3 to finally impute the affinity of those reconstructed peptides towards the HLA peptide grooves.

Please note that the HLA typing has to be known before running the command line, as the AlloPipe tool does not impute the HLA typing from genomic data.

Simple pair

Once the AMS run is complete, go back to the AlloPipe root directory and run this second set of commands:

cd src/
python -M <PATH-TO-MISMATCH-TABLE>.tsv \

Where:\ <PATH-TO-GENOME-REFERENCE.cdna.all.VEP-VERSION>.fa.gz is the path to\ <PATH-TO-GENOME-REFERENCE.pep.VEP-VERSION>.fa.gz is the path to\ <PATH-TO-GENOME-REFERENCE.VEP-VERSION.refseq>.tsv.gz is the path to\ <PATH-TO-MISMATCH-TABLE>.tsv is the path to the mismatch table generated by Allo-Count\ <PATH-TO-TRANSCRIPT-TABLE>.tsv is the path to the transcript table generated by Allo-Count\ <TEST-RUN> is the name of the run\ <TEST-PAIR> is the name of the pair \ <LENGTH-OF-PEPTIDES-TO-BE-RECONSTRUCTED> is the length of peptided to be imputed \ <HLA-TYPING> is the HLA typing e.g. HLA-A01:01,HLA-A02:01,HLA-B08:01,HLA-B27:05,HLA-C01:02,HLA-C07:01

Multiple pairs

To be implemeted

Getting your affinity-AMS (af-AMS)

This second step of AlloPipe uses the AMS information of the first step.
You will find 3 new subdirectories in the test_run/ directory :

  1. the AAMS/ directory contains a subdirectory created for these run parameters specifically, the AAMS value contained in a csv file.
  2. the netMHCpan_out/ subdirectory contains all tables generated during the netMHCpan step.
  3. the aams_run_tables/ subdirectory contains all the other tables created during the run

The AAMS value obtained with VEP v107 and netMHCpan4.1 is 34.

Exploring the af-AMS table

If you want more in-depth information on the mismatches contributing to the AAMS, you will find a mismatches table in the aams_run_tables/ directory.
It contains the mismatches information from the AMS run along with information provided by netMHCpan :

  1. NetMHCpan information
    1. hla_peptides (str): Potential ligand peptide built from VEP information and Ensembl information
    2. Gene_id (str): Ensembl Gene ID
    3. NB (int): Number of Weak Binding/Strong Binding peptides accross given HLA
    4. EL-score (float): Raw prediction score
    5. EL_Rank (float): Rank of the predicted EL-score compared to a set of random natural peptides
    6. BA-score (float): Binding-Affinity score
    7. BA_Rank (float): Rank of the predicted BA-score
    8. HLA (str): Specified MHC molecule / Allele name
    9. Transcript_id (str): Ensembl Transcript ID
    10. Peptide_id (str): Ensembl Peptide ID

You can now get started with your files, check the documentation if you want more control over the filters that we implemented.


We provide a couple of example data in /tutorial, i.e. tutorial/donor_to_annotate.vcf and tutorial/recipient_to_annotate.vcf (those files correspond to human chr6).\ To test your VEP installation, run the following command at the root of the AlloPipe directory :

    vep --fork 4 --cache --assembly GRCh38 --offline --af_gnomade -i tutorial/donor_to_annotate.vcf -o tutorial/donor_annotated_VEP.vcf --vcf
    vep --fork 4 --cache --assembly GRCh38 --offline --af_gnomade -i tutorial/recipient_to_annotate.vcf -o tutorial/recipient_annotated_VEP.vcf --vcf 

Once the VEP annotation is complete, go to the root of the AlloPipe directory to run the following commands in the terminal :

cd src/
python -f -n test_run -p test_pair ../tutorial/donor_annotated_VEP.vcf ../tutorial/recipient_annotated_VEP.vcf rd

If your AMS returns 44, congrats ! You successfully generated your first Allogenomic Mismatch Score (AMS) and related tables !

Finally, to get your af-AMS and related table, run:

gzip -d ../tutorial/Ensembl/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.all.103.fa.gz
gzip -d ../tutorial/Ensembl/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.pep.all.103.fa.gz
gzip -d ../tutorial/Ensembl/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.103.refseq.tsv.gz

python \
-M ../output/runs/test_run/run_tables/test_pair_test_run_mismatches_20_400_5_gq_20_0.8_bl_3.tsv \
-T ../output/runs/test_run/run_tables/test_pair_test_run_transcripts_pair_codons_20_400_5_gq_20_0.8_bl_3.tsv \
-E ../tutorial/Ensembl/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.all.103.fa \
-P ../tutorial/Ensembl/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.pep.all.103.fa \
-R ../tutorial/Ensembl/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.103.refseq.tsv \
-n test_run -p test_pair \
-l 9 --el_rank 2 \
-a HLA-A*01:01,HLA-A*02:01,HLA-B*08:01,HLA-B*27:05,HLA-C*01:02,HLA-C*07:01

Ir your af-AMS returns 33, you are all set !

You can now enjoy AlloPipe. We will be happy of any feedback !