huilinye / OpenFSI

A highly efficient and portable fluid-structure simulation package based on immersed-boundary method
GNU General Public License v3.0
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OpenFSI Manual

Table of contents

About OpenFSI

OpenFSI is a highly efficient and portable fluid-structure interaction (FSI) simulation package based on immersed-boundary method. The fluid dynamics is accounted by the software Palabos. And the structure solver is implemented within the framework of LAMMPS. In current version, there are 1D, 2D and 3D lattice model and 3D shell model in structure solvers. Using these models, we can model a broad FSI problems including swimming of micro-organisms with tails, flapping of 2D or 3D plate mimicking bird flying and fish swimming and biological flow with large numbers of blood cells.

Highlighted features

Code structure

Compile and Run



Configure you lammps input file, e.g., in.lammps, which setups the system, including reading particle coordinates, angles information and bond information, and parallelism pattern such as CPU cores that will be used to run the simulation. After checking the input file, just type following command to run the simulation

./$project_name in.lammps > log.file

log.file will record the information displayed in the window.

Use OpenFSI

Prepare data and input files

One data file is necessary that describes the system including the number of the particles and bonds, the size of the domain, coordinates of the particles, and coefficients of the bonds, etc. Following is an example from example/2D/

The first part claims the numbers and types of particles and relevant lattice properties, respectively.

866 atoms
4572 bonds
0 angles
0 dihedrals
762 impropers

866 atom types
4572 bond types
0 angle types
0 dihedral types
762 improper types

The second part define the boundary of the domain

0.000 240.000 xlo xhi
0.000 120.000 ylo yhi
0.000   1.000 zlo zhi

lo and hi represent the lower and upper bound of the domain. Because there is no physical 2D domain setup in LAMMPS, the third dimension should be claimed no matter what is the dimension of the problem. It is necessary to exert 2D command in the lammps input file to exclude the effect of the third dimension.

Following is the mass part


1 0.04375914 
2 0.06035109 
3 0.02000890 

The first column is the type of the particle and the second one is the mass of the corresponding particle.

Then the Bond, angle, dihedral and improper coefficients are presented one by one. In bond part

Bond Coeffs #harmonic

1 0.00061920 0.00000000
2 0.00061805 0.00000000
3 0.00061692 0.00000000

Here, the harmonic bond is shown. The first column is the type of the bond; second column tells the bond coefficient; and last column is the equlibrium length of the bond. For this 2D problem, there is no angle and dihedral potential applied, therefore these parts can be leaved blank in the data file. The improper part is like

Improper Coeffs #neohookean

1 0.010000 1.000000 0.795583
2 0.010000 1.000000 0.795640
3 0.010000 1.000000 0.795695

Following is the coordinates of the particles in the system

1 1 1 40.00000000 60.00000000 0.50000000
2 2 2 60.00000000 60.00000000 0.50000000
3 2 3 130.00000000 60.00000000 0.50000000

First column is the ID of the particle; second and third column are type ID and molecule ID, respectively. Here, molecule ID is illustrated to represent the body of the solid structure. For example, if there are two beams in the system, then one is denoted molecule 1 and the other is described as molecule 2. The third, fourth and fifth columns are the coordinate of the corresponding particle in x, y and z directions, respectively.

The last part is the patterns of the lattice properties, e.g., bond, angle, and improper. We give an example of bond


1 1 1 7
2 2 7 8
3 3 8 9

The first column is the ID of the bond, and the second one is the bond type. The third and fourth are the IDs of the particles which are are bonded.

Make and Run

After preparing the required files, it is time to compile and run the simulation as depicted above.


If any errors happen to you during the compiling or running stage, please contact for assistance to solve the problem.