humanmade / Sideload-on-publish

Automatically sideload images when publishing posts/comments to ensure things don't get broken.
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This project is unmaintained.

Sideload Images on Publish

WordPress plugin for automatically sideloading external images when publishing posts/comments to ensure things don't break in the future when those images are no longer available.

Searches the content for <img> elements and images inserted in markdown format.

Only loads images from whitelisted domains. This can be easily filtered using the hm_sideload_images filter.

Current Whitelist

'', // DropBox
'',   // CloudApp
'',           // Evernote / Skitch
'',          // Evernote / Skitch
'',         // Skydrive
'',                    // Skydrive

WP-CLI Commands

To sideload images on existing posts & comments, you can use the provided WP CLI commands.

Find out more about WP-CLI

Sideload all images on all posts sideload-images all-in-posts [--post__in=] [--post_type=] [--post_statuses=]

Contribution guidelines
