humansensinglab / dfcil-hgr

[ICCV 2023] Data-Free Class-Incremental Hand Gesture Recognition
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Data-Free Class-Incremental Hand Gesture Recognition

Code and dataset for the ICCV 2023 paper:\ Data-Free Class-Incremental Hand Gesture Recognition\ S. Aich, J Ruiz-Santaquiteria, Z. Lu, P. Garg, K J Joseph, A. F. Garcia, V. N. Balasubramanian, K. Kin, C. Wan, N. C. Camgoz, S. Ma, and F De la Torre\ International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023\ [project]

This (main) branch contains the implementation of the method proposed in this paper. Please refer to the baseline branch for the other DFCIL methods used for benchmarking.




If you find this paper/code useful, please consider citing (.bib):

    author    = {Aich, Shubhra and Ruiz-Santaquiteria, Jesus and Lu, Zhenyu and Garg, Prachi and Joseph, KJ and Fernandez Garcia, Alvaro and Balasubramanian, Vineeth N and Kin, Kenrick and Wan, Chengde and Camgoz, Necati Cihan and Ma, Shugao and De la Torre, Fernando},
    title     = {Data-Free Class-Incremental Hand Gesture Recognition},
    booktitle = ICCV,
    year      = {2023},