humayuntariq98 / ExploreEZ

A Mongoose, Express and Node based travel application which is designed to revolutionize the way people plan, organize, and embark on their travel adventures.
MIT License
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A Mongoose, Express and Node based travel application which is designed to revolutionize the way people plan, organize, and embark on their travel adventures. Users can view a front page that display all destinations, stored sever-side, and be able to view details regarding the place, along with user reviews.


Destinations ![Alt text](<public/images/Screenshot 2023-08-17 at 11.42.07 AM 2.png>) Add Distinations ![Alt text](<public/images/Screenshot 2023-08-17 at 12.04.56 PM.png>) Add Review ![Alt text](<public/images/Screenshot from 2023-08-17 15-17-56 (1).png>) ERD Diagram ![Alt text](<public/images/Untitled Diagram.drawio.png>)

Technologies Used

Getting Starting

Try out our application and add your favorite destination! ExploreEz

Future Features