humengying0907 / InstaPrism

InstaPrism is an R package for fast implementation of BayesPrism
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InstaPrism is an R package for cell type composition and gene expression deconvolution in bulk RNA-Seq data. Based on the same conceptual framework as BayesPrism, InstaPrism significantly increases calculation speed while providing nearly identical deconvolution results.


if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

if (!require("Biobase", quietly = TRUE))

if (!require("devtools", quietly = TRUE))


Deconvolution with InstaPrism

Quick start with the following example

# bulk input with genes in rows and samples in columns; this example data is from ovarian cancer
bulk_expr = read.csv(system.file('extdata','example_bulk.csv',package = 'InstaPrism')) 

# load built-in reference; choose a reference that matches the tumor type of the bulk input
OV_ref = InstaPrism_reference('OV') 

# deconvolution with InstaPrism
deconv_res = InstaPrism(bulk_Expr = bulk_expr,refPhi_cs = OV_ref)

# The deconvoled cell type fraction is now accessible with
estimated_frac = t(deconv_res@Post.ini.ct@theta)

# InstaPrism also returns the deconvolved gene expression Z
Z = get_Z_array(deconv_res) # a sample by gene by cell-type array

Deconvolution results comparison with BayesPrism

Using either scRNA-based reference (update = F) or updated reference (update = T), InstaPrism achieves nearly identical deconvolution results as BayesPrism.

Running time comparsion with BayesPrism

Below is a running time comparsion when running deconvolution on the tutorial data provided in BayesPrism.

Memory Comparison with BayesPrism

InstaPrism significantly reduced the memory usaged during deconvolution. Below is a memory usage comparsion when running deconvolution on the tutorial data provided in BayesPrism.

Built-in Reference for InstaPrism

We have provided precompiled reference tailored for a wide range of cancer types. The reference can be downloaded directly using the download link below, or loaded directly using the following command

BRCA_ref = InstaPrism_reference('BRCA')
reference name tumor type #cells used for reference construction #cell types/cell states umap citation download
BRCA_refPhi breast cancer 100,064 8/76 UMAP Wu et al. 2021
CRC_refPhi colorectal cancer 371,223 15/98 UMAP Pelka et al. 2021
GBM_refPhi glioblastoma 338,564 10/57 cellxgeneLink, UMAP Ruiz et al. 2022
LUAD_refPhi lung adenocarcinomas 118,293 13/77 UMAP Xing et al. 2021
OV_refPhi ovarian cancer 929,690 9/40 cellxgeneLink, UMAP Vazquez et al. 2022
RCC_refPhi clear cell renal cell carcinoma 270,855 11/106 cellxgeneLink, UMAP Li et al. 2022
SKCM_refPhi skin cutaneous melanoma 4,645 8/23 UMAP Tirosh et al. 2016

Reference evaluation pipeline

To validate the performance of a reference, or to compare between different references, please refer to the Reference_evalu_pipeline we developed.


Check InstaPrism_tutorial for detailed implementation of InstaPrism and compare its performance with BayesPrism.


M. Hu and M. Chikina, “InstaPrism: an R package for fast implementation of BayesPrism.” bioRxiv, p. 2023.03.07.531579, Mar. 12, 2023. doi: