humlab-sead / sead_clearinghouse_import

Temporary import system for SEAD Clearinghouse
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SEAD Clearinghouse Import

This folder contains python scripts that creates, uploads and processes an "CH complient" XML import file. The file must be a complete data submission prepared as an Excel file i.e. a file such as previously imported Dendro archeologhy/buildning and Ceramics submissions.


This program uses tidlib to cleanup the resulting XML which you can install using apt:

sudo apt-get install tidy

You will need Python ^3.11 (install with) and Poetry on your local machine.

Clone the SEAD Clearinghouse import repository into a new folder and setup the local environment:

git clone
cd sead_clearinghouse_import
poetry install


 λ PYTHONPATH=. python importer/scripts/ --help

  FILENAME is either an Excel file, or a previously generated XML file.

  Imports an Excel file to the database. The content of the Excel file is
  processed and stored as an XML  file conforming to the clearinghouse data
  import XML schema. The Excel file
  must satisfy the following requirements: - The file must be in the Excel
  2007+ format (xlsx) - The file must contain a sheet named `data_table_index'
  listing all tables in the submission having new or changed data. - The file
  must contain a sheet named as in SEADe' for each table in the submission.

  -t, --data-types TEXT         Types of data (short description)  [required]
  --output-folder TEXT          Output folder
  -h, --host TEXT               Target database server
  -d, --database TEXT           Database name
  -u, --user TEXT               Database user
  --port INTEGER                Server port number.
  --skip                        Skip the import (do nothing)
  --id INTEGER                  Replace existing submission.
  --table-names TEXT            Only load specified tables.
  --xml-filename TEXT           Name of existing XML file to use.
  --log-folder TEXT             Name of existing XML file to use.
  --check-only                  Only check if file seems OK.
  --register / --no-register    Register file in the database.
  --explode / --no-explode      Explode XML into public tables.
  --tidy-xml / --no-tidy-xml    Run XML formatting tool on document.
  --timestamp / --no-timestamp  Add timestamp to target XML filename.
  --help                        Show this message and exit.


The import expects that user's password is stored in environment variable "SEAD_CH_PASSWORD".


Check for errors in file (don't create XML):

λ PYTHONPATH=. python importer/scripts/ data/input/building_dendro_2023-12_import.xlsx --check-only --data-types dendrochronology

Generate XML and submit to clearinghouse:

λ PYTHONPATH=. python importer/scripts/ data/input/building_dendro_2023-12_import.xlsx --data-types dendrochronology

2024-01-07 10:04:31.981 | Level 30 | importer.model.specification:log_messages:98 - WARNING type clash: tbl_dendro_dates.age_older integer<=>object 6038 Winter X 6039 Winter X 6040 Winter X 6130 After X 6131 After X

2024-01-07 10:04:31.982 | Level 30 | importer.model.specification:log_messages:98 - WARNING! Column tbl_dendro_dates.season_id: ends with "_id" but NOT marked as PK/FK Add FK constraint

2024-01-07 10:04:31.981 | Level 30 | importer.model.specification:log_messages:98 - WARNING type clash: tbl_physical_samples.sample_name character varying<=>int64 Non-critical, should be OK

2024-01-07 10:04:31.982 | Level 30 | importer.model.specification:log_messages:98 - WARNING tbl_dendro_dates has EXTRA DATA columns: error_uncertainty_id Non-critical, should be OK

2024-01-07 10:04:31.982 | Level 30 | importer.model.specification:log_messages:98 - WARNING tbl_sample_group_coordinates has EXTRA DATA columns: sample_group_name Non-critical, should be OK

2024-01-07 10:04:31.983 | Level 30 | importer.model.specification:log_messages:98 - WARNING tbl_sample_groups has EXTRA DATA columns: sample_group_id.1 Non-critical, should be OK

2024-01-07 10:04:31.983 | Level 30 | importer.model.specification:log_messages:98 - WARNING tbl_site_references has EXTRA DATA columns: Projektnr Non-critical, should be OK

2024-01-07 10:04:31.983 | Level 40 | importer.model.specification:log_messages:98 - CRITICAL ERROR Column tbl_dendro_dates.age_older has non-numeric values: Winter X After X Criticalerror, same cause as above 6038 Winter X 6039 Winter X 6040 Winter X 6130 After X 6131 After X

ERROR Non-nullable foreign key column tbl_dendro_dates.age_type_id has missing values WARNING Non-nullable foreign key column tbl_physical_samples.sample_type_id has missing values ERROR Non-nullable foreign key column tbl_sample_group_coordinates.sample_group_id has missing values == system_id?

Hej, tre mindre problem i nya dendrofilen: