hummingbird-dev / hummingbird-treeview

A powerful and fast jQuery treeview plugin
MIT License
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javascript jquery jquery-plugin tree treeview


A powerful and fast jQuery treeview plugin


Big Upgrade 2021/06/01

The hummingbird-treeview has been upgraded extensively. If you have used the treeview only interactively, no changes are needed. However, if you have used it programatically with respective methods, you have to change your syntax and concept!

We now fully support mass assignements, i.e. the methods expect now arrays of nodes for manipulation. Thus now you can e.g. check many nodes simultaneously by simply sending an array of id's to the respective method. The same concept is now valid for all methods.

Under the hood we have a complete new implementation of the tri-state logic, i.e. setting parent nodes to "indeterminate" if at least one, but not all children nodes are checked etc. This speeds up the processing massively and together with the new array concept makes the treeview super-fast.

The new functionalities allow new useful methods like e.g. saveState and restoreState, which can be used to permanently save a treeview state (remembering of all checked, unchecked, indeterminate checkboxes) and restore it at any time.

So then, have fun with the new hummingbird-treeview !



The hummingbird-treeview is tested with these versions, other versions work most probably as well.


alt text

Getting started


Install via npm

$ npm i hummingbird-treeview

or download manually here on GitHub or integrate via CDNs (see below).


Add the following resources for the hummingbird-treeview to function correctly:

    <!-- Required Stylesheets -->
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">

    <!-- Required Javascript -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

Or integrate the resources via CDNs:

Important: newest release is v3.0.5 !!!

    <!-- Required Stylesheets -->
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">

    <!-- Required Javascript -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

or include font-awesome v5.8.1 instead of font-awesome v4.7.0:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

The treeview input data can have two different formats, a very simple pseudo HTML list or a real HTML list structure. The simple pseudo HTML list can be extended with height and scroll options as well as id and data-id attributes, thus essentially we have three different ways to embed the treeview data into the page.

1. Simple pseudo HTML

     <div class="hummingbird-treeview-converter">
        <li>Warner Bros.</li>
        <li>--Robert De Niro</li>
        <li>--Joe Pesci</li>
        <li>-The Shawshank Redemption</li>
        <li>--Tim Robbins</li>
        <li>--Morgan Freeman</li>
        <li>-The Untouchables</li>
        <li>--Robert De Niro</li>
        <li>--Kevin Costner</li>
        <li>-Forrest Gump</li>
        <li>--Tom Hanks</li>
        <li>--Robin Wright</li>

The hyphens indicate the level of indenting. It is important to note that down the tree the next node can maximal be indented by one level, i.e. it can only have one hyphen more than the node before (e.g. from Goodfellas to Robert De Niro). In contrast up the treeview, arbitrarily large jumps of indention are possible, i.e. the next node can have much less hyphens than the node before (e.g. from Morgan Freeman to Paramount).

Internally this pseudo HTML list is converted to a real HTML structure. The treeview is embedded into a <div> container with id="treeview_container". The treeview itself is given the id="treeview". The unique ids of the items/nodes (Warner Bros., Goodfellas, ...) follow this schema: id="hum_1", id="hum_2", etc. The data-ids are given the name of the nodes, i.e. data-id="Warner Bros.", data-id="Goodfellas", etc.

Set options, e.g.: (detailed description of all options below)

$.fn.hummingbird.defaults.collapsedSymbol = "fa-arrow-circle-o-right";
$.fn.hummingbird.defaults.expandedSymbol = "fa-arrow-circle-o-down";
$.fn.hummingbird.defaults.checkDoubles = true; 

For using Font-Awesome 5. add SymbolPrefix="fas" or SymbolPrefix="far"*. Use e.g.

$.fn.hummingbird.defaults.SymbolPrefix = "fas";
$.fn.hummingbird.defaults.collapsedSymbol = "fa-hand-point-right";
$.fn.hummingbird.defaults.expandedSymbol = "fa-hand-point-down";

Initialize hummingbird-treeview within a $(document).ready() block:

$(document).ready(function() {



Congratulations, you are done, your pseudo HTML list has now treeview functionality.

Multiple treeviews on one page

Using the simple pseudo HTML list with the class="hummingbird-treeview-converter" the id of the treeview will be automatically set to "treeview". Additional pseudo HTML lists on the same page will receive the ids treeview2, treeview3, etc. Similar to above the unique ids of the items/nodes now follow the schema: id="hum2_1", id="hum2_2", ... for the second treeview, id="hum3_1", id="hum3_2", ... for the third treeview, etc. Thus initialization of every treeview is needed. Options can be set before each initialization.


$.fn.hummingbird.defaults.checkboxesGroups= "disabled";

$.fn.hummingbird.defaults.checkboxesGroups= "enabled";

2. Simple pseudo HTML plus height, scroll, id, data-id, data-css, data-str, data-nonHoverColor, data-nonHoverColor_bg, data-HoverColor, data-HoverColor_bg

     <div class="hummingbird-treeview-converter" data-height="100%" 
     data-scroll="false" data-id="_movies" data-css="overflow-x:scroll; background-color:coral;">
        <li id="item_1" data-id="Studio_1">Warner Bros.</li>
        <li id="item_2" data-id="Movie_1">-Goodfellas</li>
        <li id="item_3" data-id="Actor_1" data-nonHoverColor="#25610b" data-nonHoverColor_bg="yellow" data-HoverColor="red" data-HoverColor_bg="blue">--Robert De Niro</li>
        <li id="item_4" data-id="Actor_2">--Joe Pesci</li>
        <li id="item_5" data-id="Movie_2">-The Shawshank Redemption</li>
        <li id="item_6" data-id="Actor_3">--Tim Robbins</li>
        <li id="item_7" data-id="Actor_4">--Morgan Freeman</li>
        <li id="item_8" data-id="Studio_2">Paramount</li>
        <li id="item_9" data-id="Movie_3" data-str='data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="auto" title="1987"' >-The Untouchables</li>
        <li id="item_10" data-id="Actor_1">--Robert De Niro</li>
        <li id="item_11" data-id="Actor_5">--Kevin Costner</li>
        <li id="item_12" data-id="Movie_4">-Forrest Gump</li>
        <li id="item_13" data-id="Actor_6">--Tom Hanks</li>
        <li id="item_14" data-id="Actor_7">--Robin Wright</li>

Set the height of the treeview element "relative" with data-height="100%" or "absolute" with data-height="350px" and make it fully scrollable with data-scroll="true". Use data-css to inject arbitrary CSS for the treeview.
Additionally it is possible to customize individual nodes, e.g. set custom ids and data-ids. Set a data-id (e.g. to "_movies") to the div class="hummingbird-treeview-converter" to address the treeview via the id "treeview_movies". Leave it empty to use the standard id "treeview". The example above uses a dynamical (relative) height and only scolling in x direction. Add more custom functionality to the nodes by injecting the "data-str", see node "The Untouchables" above. The "data-str" has custom commands enclosed in single quotes, which can be used e.g. by other JavaScript methods. In this example we use Bootstraps tool-tips to show the production year of the movie in a tool-tip. It's also possible to include CSS styles, e.g. data-str='style="text-decoration:underline;"'. However, note that this does not work with text colors and background colors. Because those change dynamically on hover. Therefore use data-nonHoverColor, data-nonHoverColor_bg, data-HoverColor, data-HoverColor_bg as in the example above with "Robert De Niro". Note that these options don't work with hoverMode="bootstrap", only with the default hoverMode, i.e. hoverMode="html"

Set options, e.g.: (detailed description of all options below)

$.fn.hummingbird.defaults.collapsedSymbol= "fa-arrow-circle-o-right";
$.fn.hummingbird.defaults.expandedSymbol= "fa-arrow-circle-o-down";
$.fn.hummingbird.defaults.checkDoubles= true; 

Initialize hummingbird-treeview:


Or if you have left the data-id of the div class="hummingbird-treeview-converter" empty use the standard initialization:


Congratulations, you are done, your pseudo HTML list has now treeview functionality.

3. Full HTML structure

Create treeview structure/data:

    <div id="treeview_container" class="hummingbird-treeview" style="height: 230px; overflow-y: scroll;">
        <ul id="treeview" class="hummingbird-base">
        <li data-id="0">
        <i class="fa fa-plus"></i>
            <input id="xnode-0" data-id="custom-0" type="checkbox" /> node-0
            <li data-id="1">
            <i class="fa fa-plus"></i>
                <input  id="xnode-0-1" data-id="custom-0-1" type="checkbox" /> node-0-1
                    <input class="hummingbird-end-node" id="xnode-0-1-1" data-id="custom-0-1-1" type="checkbox" /> node-0-1-1
                    <input class="hummingbird-end-node" id="xnode-0-1-2" data-id="custom-0-1-2" type="checkbox" /> node-0-1-2
            <li data-id="1">
            <i class="fa fa-plus"></i>
                <input  id="xnode-0-2" data-id="custom-0-2" type="checkbox" /> node-0-2
                    <input class="hummingbird-end-node" id="xnode-0-2-1" data-id="custom-0-2-1" type="checkbox" /> node-0-2-1
                    <input class="hummingbird-end-node" id="xnode-0-2-2" data-id="custom-0-2-2" type="checkbox" /> node-0-2-2

Use here exactly the class="fa fa-plus" and change Symbols via the options functionality. The data-id of the group <li> tags indicates the level or depth of that group. It starts at 0. This is needed for the option singleGroupOpen.

Only change the following:

Treeview structure and node properties

Do not change the "fa fa-plus", do this via the options (see below).

Change font-size, line-height, checkbox width and height directly in the hummingbird-treeview.css. Additionally, the hummingbird-base class disables line breaks of nodes. To change that, edit again directly the hummingbird-treeview.css.


As you have seen above, options can be adjusted by calling

$.fn.hummingbird.defaults.option= value;

Following options are available:

More data-* attributes

     <div class="hummingbird-treeview-converter" data-height="230px" 
     data-scroll="true" data-id="_movies" data-boldParents="true">
        <li id="item_1" data-id="Studio_1">Warner Bros.</li>

     <div class="hummingbird-treeview-converter" data-height="230px" 
     data-scroll="true" data-id="_movies">
        <li id="item_8" data-id="Studio_2">Paramount</li>
        <li id="item_9" data-id="Movie_3" data-str='data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="auto" title="1987"' >-The Untouchables</li>
        <li id="item_10" data-id="Actor_1">--Robert De Niro</li>
        <li id="item_11" data-id="Actor_5">--Kevin Costner</li>

Add more custom functionality to the nodes by injecting the "data-str", see node "The Untouchables" above. The "data-str" has custom commands enclosed in single quotes, which can be used e.g. by other JavaScript methods. In this example we use Bootstraps tool-tips to show the production year of the movie in a tool-tip.

Add on options and functionality

Combining different options, methods, events and using additional logic, advanced treeview functionalities can be achieve.

$.fn.hummingbird.defaults.checkboxesGroups= "disabled";

var List = {"id" : [], "dataid" : [], "text" : []};
$("#treeview").on("CheckUncheckDone", function(){
   //uncheck all previously selected nodes
   if ( != "") {
   //initialize List freshly
   List = {"id" : [], "dataid" : [], "text" : []};
   //get all checked nodes
var ListGroup = {"id" : [], "dataid" : [], "text" : []};
var ListGroupOld = {};
var List = {"id" : [], "dataid" : [], "text" : []};

$("#treeview").on("CheckUncheckDone", function(){
   //get all checked nodes below this one
   ListGroupOld = ListGroup;

   if ( != "") {
   //initialize List freshly
   List = {"id" : [], "dataid" : [], "text" : []};
   ListGroup = {"id" : [], "dataid" : [], "text" : []};
   //get all checked nodes

$(document).on("reCheckGroup", function(){
   //check all from group
   if ( != "") {


Methods are used to interact with the treeview programmatically. Following methods are available:





$("#treeview").hummingbird("checkNode",{sel:"id", vals:["hum_1","hum_2","hum_3"]});
$("#treeview").hummingbird("checkNode",{sel:"text", vals:["Goodfellas","Tom Hanks"]});

$("#treeview").hummingbird("uncheckNode",{sel:"id", vals:["hum_1","hum_2","hum_3"]});
$("#treeview").hummingbird("uncheckNode",{sel:"text", vals:["Goodfellas","Tom Hanks"]});




$("#treeview").hummingbird("disableNode",{sel:"id",vals: ["hum_5", "hum_13", "hum_14", "hum_15"],state:false,disableChildren:true});

$("#treeview").hummingbird("enableNode",{sel:"id",vals: ["hum_5", "hum_13", "hum_14", "hum_15"],state:false,enableChildren:true});

$("#treeview").hummingbird("hideNode",{sel:"id",vals: ["hum_5","hum_6"]});

$("#treeview").hummingbird("showNode",{sel:"id",vals: ["hum_5","hum_6"]});

$("#treeview").hummingbird("disableParentNodeOnCollapse",{sel:"id",vals: ["hum_5","hum_6"],state:true});

text:['New Node1','New Node2'],the_id:['new_id1','new_id2'],data_id:['new_data_id1','new_data_id2']});


If you want to add a node including children, end_node must be set to false and an array containing children objects must be passed to the method with name children: In this example we create two new nodes each having two children.

var new_children = [



Warning: Be careful by using URL query parameters, cookies, or form inputs to create nodes, because this can introduce cross-site-scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. Remove or escape any user input before adding content to the document.



var List = {"id" : [], "dataid" : [], "text" : []};
var L =;

var List = {"id" : [], "dataid" : [], "text" : []};
var L =;

var List = {"id" : [], "dataid" : [], "text" : []};
var L =;

var treeState = {};


In addition restoreState can be used to create any arbitrary states created by custom methods. Therefore the treeState object must look like the following:

var treeState = {"checked":{}, "indeterminate":{}};
treeState.checked = checked;
treeState.indeterminate = indeterminate;

where the objects checked and indeterminate contain the respective node ID information:

var checked = {"id" : []};
var indeterminate = {"id" : []};



$("#treeview").hummingbird("filter",{str:".txt|.jpg|test", caseSensitive: false, box_disable:false, onlyEndNodes:false, filterChildren:true});

$("#treeview").hummingbird("search",{treeview_container:"treeview_container", search_input:"search_input", search_output:"search_output", search_button:"search_button", scrollOffset:-515, onlyEndNodes:false});

As an example, the search functionality is here implemented using Bootstrap. Other implementation are possible.


<div class="dropdown">
    <div class="input-group stylish-input-group">
    <input id="search_input" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Search" onclick="">
    <span class="input-group-addon" style="border-left:0">
        <button type="submit" id="search_button">
        <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></span>
    <ul class="dropdown-menu h-scroll" id="search_output">


.stylish-input-group .input-group-addon{
    background: white !important;
.stylish-input-group .form-control{
    box-shadow:0 0 0;
.stylish-input-group button{

.h-scroll {
    background-color: #fcfdfd;
    height: 260px; 
    overflow-y: scroll;


Events are fired on changes of the treeview state so that your application can respond:

$("#treeview").on("nodeChecked", function(){
   do something ...

$("#treeview").on("nodeUnchecked", function(){
   do something ...

$("#treeview").on("CheckUncheckDone", function(){
   do something ...

$("#treeview").on("nodeCollapsed", function(){
   do something ...

$("#treeview").on("nodeExpanded", function(){
   do something ...