humphd / bridge-troll

Collect all the trolls living under Ontario's bridges
3 stars 27 forks source link

A friendly troll that lives under Ontario's bridges.


bridge-troll is a browser based geolocation game based on open bridge data in Ontario by geographic location. The data is freely available from the Government of Ontario website:

It is being used under the Open Government Licence - Ontario


bridge-troll depends on node.js:

$ npm install


To run the web site in dev mode, use one of:

npm start


npm run debug

Both will build the site's resources, start a development web server at http://localhost:8080/, and also watch for changes that need to be rebuilt.

The npm run debug option further enables enhanced debugging in the map and with geolocation. For example, you can double-click on the map to move your position, zoom or move the map, and also use window.fakeGeo methods from the console. See src/fake-geolocation.js for info.

A number of other overrides are also possible when running in debug mode via the query string:


You can enable different log levels, and see more info in the browser console. Via the query string, set your desired log level:



You can run the test suite using:

npm run test

This will run a few things:

  1. eslint to check for any lint issues
  2. prettier to see if files need to be formatted (i.e., run npm run prettier) if it fails
  3. karma-headless to run the unit tests in a headless version of Chrome

After the tests have finished, a test code coverage report will be generated in coverage/index.html and will show you which parts of the code are being run during testing, and which are not. You can see a graphical coverage report by doing:

npm run coverage

See below for other ways to run these.


You can use various npm scripts to help accomplishing things:

npm run generate-bridges
    runs both generate-bridge-json and generate-bridge-cards

npm run generate-bridge-json
    parse data/2536_bridge_conditions.csv into data/bridge-data.json

npm run generate-bridge-cards
    create cards/*.svg for all images based on data/bridge-data.json and images/*.svg

npm run build
    bundle index.html into dist/ (suitable for production)

npm run eslint
    run eslint and report any errors that can't be automatically fixed

npm run prettier
    run prettier on all source files, fixing any formatting issues

npm run lint
    check that all flies pass eslint and prettier

npm run debug
    build index.html and start a dev web server, enabling enhanced debugging

npm run karma-headless
    run unit tests with ChromeHeadless (default)

npm karma-firefox
    run unit tests with Firefox (must be installed locally)

npm run karma-chrome
    run unit tests with Chrome (must be installed locally)

npm run karma-edge
    run unit tests with Edge (must be installed locally)