hundredblocks / semantic-search

Semantic search for images and words using neural networks.
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Semantic Search


This repository contains a barebones implementation of a semantic search engine. The implementation is based on leveraging pre-trained embeddings from VGG16 (trained on Imagenet), and GloVe (trained on Wikipedia).

It allows you to:

See examples of usage by following along on this notebook. Read more details about why and how you would use this in this blog post.


Clone the repository locally and create a virtual environment (conda example below):

conda create -n semantic_search python=3.5 -y
source activate semantic_search
cd semantic_search
pip install -r requirements.txt

If you intend to use text, download pre-trained GloVe vectors (we suggest to use the length 300 vectors):

curl -LO
mkdir models
mkdir models/glove.6B
mv glove.6B.300d.txt models/glove.6B/

Download an example image dataset by using:

mkdir dataset
mv dataset/diningtable dataset/dining_table
mv dataset/pottedplant dataset/potted_plant
mv dataset/tvmonitor dataset/tv_monitor

Credit to Cyrus Rashtchian, Peter Young, Micah Hodosh, and Julia Hockenmaier for the dataset

Running the pipeline end to end

Here is an example Streamlit tutorial for running the pipeline end to end!

python \
  --features_path feat_4096 \
  --file_mapping_path index_4096 \
  --model_path my_model.hdf5 \
  --custom_features_path feat_300 \
  --custom_features_file_mapping_path index_300 \
  --search_key 872 \
  --train_model True \
  --generate_image_features True \
  --generate_custom_features True \
  --training_epochs 1 \
  --glove_model_path models/glove.6B \
  --data_path dataset


To make full use of this repository, feel free to import the vector_search package in your project. For added convenience, a few functions are exposed through a command line API. They are documented below.

Using pre-trained models for image search

Search for a similar image to an input image

First, you need to index your images:

python \
  --index_folder dataset \
  --features_path feat_4096 \
  --file_mapping index_4096 \
  --index_boolean True \
  --features_from_new_model_boolean False

Then, you can search through your images using this index:

python \
  --input_image dataset/cat/2008_001335.jpg \
  --features_path feat_4096 \
  --file_mapping index_4096 \
  --index_boolean False \
  --features_from_new_model_boolean False

Training a custom model to map images to words

After you've downloaded the pascal dataset, and placed vectors in models/golve.6B We recommond first training for 2 epochs to evluate performance. Each epoch is around 20 minutes on CPU. Full training on this dataset is around 50 epochs.

python \
  --model_save_path my_model.hdf5 \
  --checkpoint_path checkpoint.hdf5 \
  --glove_path models/glove.6B \
  --dataset_path dataset \
  --num_epochs 30

Index your images

Index the image using the custom trained model to file to not repeatedly do this operation in the future

python \
  --index_folder dataset \
  --features_path feat_300 \
  --file_mapping index_300 \
  --model_path my_model.hdf5 \
  --index_boolean True \
  --features_from_new_model_boolean True \
  --glove_path models/glove.6B

Search for an image using image

python \
  --input_image dataset/cat/2008_001335.jpg \
  --features_path feat_300 \
  --file_mapping index_300 \
  --model_path my_model.hdf5 \
  --index_boolean False \
  --features_from_new_model_boolean True \
  --glove_path models/glove.6B

Search for an image using words

python \
  --input_word cat \
  --features_path feat_300 \
  --file_mapping index_300 \
  --model_path my_model.hdf5 \
  --index_boolean False \
  --features_from_new_model_boolean True \
  --glove_path models/glove.6B

Running the demo

After training and indexing the model, you can run the demo:

python \
  --features_path feat_4096 \
  --file_mapping_path index_4096 \
  --model_path my_model.hdf5 \
  --custom_features_path feat_300 \
  --custom_features_file_mapping_path index_300 \
  --search_key 872 \
  --train_model False \
  --generate_image_features False \
  --generate_custom_features False 

Creating a custom dataset

Image dataset must be of the format below if you would like to import your own:

|--- class_0/
|      |-------image_0
|      |-------image_1
|      ...
|      |-------image_n
|--- class_1/
|     ...
|--- class_n/

Each class name should be one word in the english language, or multiple words separated by "". In our example dataset for example, we rename the "diningtable" folder to dining''table.