hurbcom / challenge-bravo

Backend code challenge
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Hurb Bravo Challenge

[English | Portuguese]

Build an API, which responds to JSON, for currency conversion. It must have a backing currency (USD) and make conversions between different currencies with real and live values.

The API must convert between the following currencies:

Other coins could be added as usage.

Ex: USD to BRL, USD to BTC, ETH to BRL, etc...

The request must receive as parameters: The source currency, the amount to be converted and the final currency.

Ex: ?from=BTC&to=EUR&amount=123.45

Also build an endpoint to add and remove API supported currencies using HTTP verbs.

The API must support conversion between FIAT, crypto and fictitious. Example: BRL->HURB, HURB->ETH

"Currency is the means by which monetary transactions are effected." (Wikipedia, 2021).

Therefore, it is possible to imagine that new coins come into existence or cease to exist, it is also possible to imagine fictitious coins such as Dungeons & Dragons coins being used in these transactions, such as how much is a Gold Piece (Dungeons & Dragons) in Real or how much is the GTA$1 in Real.

Let's consider the PSN quote where GTA$1,250,000.00 cost R$83.50 we clearly have a relationship between the currencies, so it is possible to create a quote. (Playstation Store, 2021).

Ref: Wikipedia [Institutional Website]. Available at: Accessed on: 28 April 2021. Playstation Store [Virtual Store]. Available at: Accessed on: 28 April 2021.

You can use any programming language for the challenge. Below is the list of languages ​​that we here at Hurb have more affinity:


Evaluation criteria


Any questions you may have, check the issues to see if someone hasn't already and if you can't find your answer, open one yourself. new issue!

Godspeed! ;)

Challange accepted