This API Server is the backend data management dashboard for mapping community resources such as Shelter and Food Distribution Points in disaster-effected regions. It has importers for data from a FEMA managed GeoServer that contains data supplied by the RedCross, and user interfaces for manually updating.
There are planned features to have crowdsourced update tools to help the community update the data in real time as shelter/distribution point records become stale.
The Hurricane API was born out of necessity during Hurricane Harvey in 2017 when Houston, TX was innundated with a storm and people struggled to location shelters. The developers at Sketch City took it upon themselves to crowdsource a solution. This software is the product of their efforts and has continued to be developed by other Code for America brigade members.
But the API wouldn't mean anything without our volunteers:
This system's software code is licensed under the GPLv3.
Full license available in LICENSE
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work is licensed under a <a rel="license"
href="">Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.