Open hkarakurt opened 2 years ago
So far there is no method to remove batch effect of splicing events in bulk RNA-seq. Not to mention that in scRNA-seq.
Thank you for your answer. Do you think platform or experimental procedure differences affect the results of DAS as well? I may need to merge 2 sets from 10X and Smart-Seq. I believe this is not a possible option for DAS analysis.
Thank you.
Theoretically, it should have batch effect. There are a few reviews on this topic. The most debated topic is the validity of such analysis because of the relatively low sequencing depth of scRNA-seq. One paper mentioned the question about batch effect. Hence, I can't tell you a conclusive answer because there is no common understanding or standard protocol.You should make your own judgement based on your knowledge or could develop your own tools for this purpose.
Hello, Thank you for this amazing tool. I have a question. I have multiple datasets (all 10X chromium) but their experimental procedures are different so basically there is a batch effect. Is there a specific way to overcome batch effect in datasets in SCATS?
Thank you in advance.