hvalev / spotifyd-docker

Spotifyd within a docker container for ARM (armv7/arm64) and x32/x64 architectures in configuration variants alsa/pulseaudio for audio-backend and with/without D-Bus API for controlling spotifyd through generic media players.
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arm docker raspberry-pi spotifyd

Spotify Daemon in Docker

Alsa Alsa dbus Pulseaudio Pulseaudio dbus
Alsa Docker Pulls Alsa Docker Image Size (latest by date) Alsa Docker Pulls Alsa Docker Image Size (latest by date) Alsa Docker Pulls Alsa Docker Image Size (latest by date) Alsa Docker Pulls Alsa Docker Image Size (latest by date)

build spotifyd%20version

Spotifyd within a docker container for ARM (armv7/arm64) and x32/x64 architectures in configuration variants alsa/pulseaudio for audio-backend and with/without D-Bus API for controlling spotifyd through generic media players.


According to my subjective experience and available hardware, dbus in the alsa variant is better as it uses a software controller which appears to increase volume linearly. On the other hand the volume control with pure alsa renders anything below 60% practically unhearable and anything above 80% too loud. I haven't tested the pulseaudio version yet. Let me know if you have some feedback.

How to run the alsa variant

docker run -d --net host --group-add $(getent group audio | cut -d: -f3) --device /dev/snd:/dev/snd -v /usr/share/alsa:/usr/share/alsa -v $PWD/contrib/spotifyd.conf:/etc/spotifyd.conf hvalev/spotifyd-XXX

where you need to replace XXX with the appropriate image tag in https://hub.docker.com/u/hvalev. or with docker-compose:

    container_name: spotify
    restart: always
    image: hvalev/spotifyd-XXX
    network_mode: host
      - /dev/snd:/dev/snd
      - /usr/share/alsa:/usr/share/alsa
      - /etc/spotifyd/spotifyd.conf:/etc/spotifyd.conf
      - /etc/asound.conf:/etc/asound.conf
      - ${AUDIO_GRP}

If you're running this on a raspberry-pi, you can replace ${AUDIO_GRP} with 29 as that is the id of the audiogroup user. If not, simply type id in the terminal and enter whatever number shows next to (audio).

How to run the pulseaudio variant

    container_name: spotify
    restart: always
    image: hvalev/spotifyd-pulseaudio
    user: ${PUID}:${PGID}
    #network_mode: host #disabling to only show logged in user in spotify app (if you run multiple containers at once with different user logins)
      - /dev/snd:/dev/snd
      - ${AUDIO_GRP}
      - PULSE_SERVER=unix:/tmp/pulseaudio.socket
      - PULSE_COOKIE=/tmp/pulseaudio.cookie
      - /run/user/1000/pulse/native:/tmp/pulseaudio.socket
      - ${USERDIR}/docker/spotifyd/spotifyd.conf:/etc/spotifyd.conf

How to build it

Grab the dockerfile with the configuration you wish to build and remove --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM from the first image. Since a single Dockerfile is used for all images, you also need to add --target alsa-dbus-release or another flavor to build along with your build command.


At the moment the rust-fix intermediary build image exists as a workaround to this bug.


Spotifyd requires a Spotify Premium account.


Naturally, all credit goes to spotifyd. The instructions, dockerfile and explanation at GnaphronG/docker-spotifyd constitute a major portion of the contents in this repository.