hvfrancesco / lpmt

little projection mapping tool
GNU General Public License v3.0
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LPMT - Little Projection-Mapping Tool

(C) 2011, HVA - Hermanitos Verdes Architetti / Modena, Italy

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LPMT is a little projection-mapping tool for use in our office, it is developed in C++ using OpenFrameworks. It’s based on simple quad warping paradigm, and, though rather simple, can be used to achieve complex and professional projection-mapping sets.

This is the up-to-date version of lpmt, based on OpenFrameworks 007


At the moment LPMT is only available as source code, and we've only tested it on linux systems but thanks to the multi-platform nature of OpenFrameworks it should work out-of-the-box on Windows and OsX too.

up-to-date code (git repository): http://gitorious.org/projection-mapping

for the github fans, the repository is mirrored here: https://github.com/hvfrancesco/ProjectionMapping

if you don't like git, you can find a rarely updated zip file: http://www.hv-a.com/projectTiles/projection-mapping.zip



’s' – saves settings to xml (projection_settings.xml in data folder) ‘l’ – loads settings from xml file

‘a’ – adds new quad ‘>’ – go to next quad ‘<’ – go to previous quad '+' - raise active quad position in layers pile '-' - lower active quad position in layers pile ‘z’ – selects first gui page for active quad settings ‘x’ – selects second gui page for active quad settings ‘c’ – selects gui page for active quad corner position fine-tuning ‘q’ – fills window with active quad ‘1’ – shows general settings page of gui

‘g’ – toggles gui (for quad warping with mouse gui must be switched off) ‘f’ – toggles fullscreen mode ‘w’ – toggles cam snapshot window background ‘m’ – toggles mask-editing mode ‘b’ – toggles surface bezier/grid warping editing mode

‘spacebar’ – toggles projection/setup modes ‘r’ – resyncs all videos and slideshows in all quads to starting point ‘p’ – starts projection ‘o’ – stops projection

‘n’ – connects to a MostPixelsEver sync server

‘F10’ – toggles timeline interface ‘F9’ – toggles timeline BPM reference grid ‘F11’ – toggles stage visibility under timeline ‘F12’ – play/stop timeline



you can contact us at: francesco[at]hv-a.com

this README was last edited by hv_francesco on Wed Feb 23, 2011 19:54 GMT+1, edited 1 times in total.

HVA - hermanitos verdes architetti modena - italy www.hv-a.com