BisKit is a snakemake pipeline that allows the user to analyze bisulfite sequencing data. BisKit is currently for use only on the CCHMC HPC. BisKit aligns reads sequentially to multiple RNA sources and outputs detailed alignment, read, and call statistics for each sample as well as pairwise comparison results between the input samples. The results are also summarized in the form of a MultiQC report.
Alignment is performed using HISAT-3N (, and methylation calling is performed using mpileup ( After alignment, the resulting bam file is processed to only contain forward-aligned reads that have been aligned exactly once to the forward strand. Reads aligned only to the minus strand are obtained and merged to the unaligned reads resulting from alignment. These unaligned reads are then used for alignment to the next source.
BisKit aligns the reads to multiple sources in the following order:
Source |
1. rRNA |
2. tRNA |
3. miRNA |
4. piRNA |
5. genome |
6. circRNA |
The initial setup should be performed only once.
Move to your home directory.
cd ~
Clone BisKit_CCHMC to your home directory. You can clone the repo to any location, but for the purposes of this README it will be cloned to your home directory. This will create a folder called BisKit_CCHMC with the files necessary to run BisKit on the CCHMC HPC. Change permissions to the newly downloaded files in case you might not have permission to access them.
git clone
chmod -R 755 ~/BisKit_CCHMC
Set PATH to the BisKit directory in .bash_profile to have access to it in any directory for ease of use in the future, and define a temporary directory as well for use by BisKit during analysis. For this tutorial (working on the cluster at CCHMC), TMPDIR will be set as the user's scratch directory on the cluster.
echo 'export BISKIT_PATH=~/BisKit_CCHMC' >>~/.bash_profile
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:${BISKIT_PATH}/Scripts' >>~/.bash_profile
# if not declared
echo 'export TMPDIR=/scratch/$(whoami)' >>~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
A reference directory is required to run BisKit. The directory should look like the following, where each source has its own folder containing fasta files and HISAT-3N index files (the example below is for mm10):
├── circRNA
│ ├── circRNA.fa
│ ├── circRNA.fa.fai
│ └── index_HISAT2-3N
├── Genome
│ ├── chrom.size
│ ├── genome.gtf
│ ├── genome.fa
│ ├── genome.fa.fai
│ └── index_HISAT2-3N
├── lookupTable.tsv
├── miRNA
│ ├── index_HISAT2-3N
│ ├── miRNA.fa
│ ├── miRNA.fa.fai
│ └── miRNA.gtf
├── piRNA
│ ├── index_HISAT2-3N
│ ├── piRNA.fa
│ └── piRNA.fa.fai
├── rRNA
│ ├── index_HISAT2-3N
│ ├── rRNA.fa
│ └── rRNA.fa.fai
└── tRNA
├── index_HISAT2-3N
├── tRNA.fa
└── tRNA.fa.fai
Each source directory should contain the files above, with the exact file names. The lookupTable.tsv file contains the genomic coordinates for the non-genome sources. If you are part of CCHMC, contact the authors for access to these files as they are available on the cluster.
If you would like to create the HISAT-3N index files yourself, check out the following link on how to create them: ( You should include splice site information if available.
Make sure the index folder names are "index_HISAT2-3N".
Create a workspace folder for analysis in your desired location on the HPC. For the purposes of this README, the name of the analysis folder will be "BisKit_Analysis" and created in the home directory. Move into the newly created folder by entering the following commands:
mkdir ~/BisKit_Analysis
cd ~/BisKit_Analysis
Create a new directory within the analysis folder called "0.Fastq".
mkdir 0.Fastq
Put all fastq data files (only single-end sequencing data are supported at this time; if you have data from paired-end sequencing, you will only be using one of the two paired fastq files.) to be used for analysis within this folder. The name of this folder should not be changed.
Run the following command in your analysis folder (same directory as your 0.Fastq folder).
This should create the following two files, and your analysis directory will look like the following:
├── 0.Fastq
├── config.bis.yml
└── sample.tsv
sample.tsv is a tab-separated sample information file with the following 4 columns:
Id | Name | Group | Fq1 |
Sample1_1 | Sample1_1 | Sample1 | Sample1_1.fq.gz |
Sample1_2 | Sample1_2 | Sample1 | Sample1_2.fq.gz |
Sample2_1 | Sample2_1 | Sample2 | Sample2_1.fq.gz |
Sample2_2 | Sample2_2 | Sample2 | Sample2_2.fq.gz |
Sample3_1 | Sample3_1 | Sample3 | Sample3_1.fq.gz |
Sample3_2 | Sample3_2 | Sample3 | Sample3_2.fq.gz |
Note that the Id and Name are the same for each sample, and the Group is the same for each replicate.
config.bis.yml is a config file for pairwise comparisons.
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
refDir | Path to the reference directory that contains reference files and HISAT2 index files (covered in section 1.2.1 of this README). | "/Genomes/mm10" |
adapter | adapter used for trimming. Set as "NULL" if you don't want to perform trimming. Check the config file for detailed adapter options. | ["AGATCGGAAGAGC", "TGGAATTCTCGGGTGCCAAGG"] |
opt_cutadapt | Additional options used for cutadapt. Follow the cutadapt software flag syntax; leave empty quotes if N/A. | "--minimum-length 18 -q 20" |
softClipping | Soft-clipping setting for alignment | True |
Allow_genome_spliced_alignment | Allow spliced alignment during genome alignment | True |
Allow_RNA_spliced_alignment | Allow spliced alignment during RNA alignment | False |
doDedup | Perform deduplication | False |
chrRegexTarget | Regular expressions for target chromosome names. | "^chr[0-9XY]+$" |
coverage_threshold | threshold for minimum coverage for a position to be considered a potential candidate | 10 |
methylationRate_threshold | threshold for minimum 'methylation rate' for a position to be considered a potential candidate | 0.1 |
differential_threshold | threshold for minimum difference between two samples at a position to be considered a significant candidate | 0.05 |
statistical_significance_call | type of statistical significant to be used for the methylation call step | p-value |
statistical_threshold_call | value of statistical threshold for the methylation call step | 0.05 |
minimum_replicates | minimum replicates a C has to be observed in to be considered a candidate | 2 |
minimum_C_count | minimum C count needed for a position to be considered a candidate | 3 |
statistical_significance_diff | type of statistical significance to be used for differential analysis | p-value |
statistical_threshold_diff | value of statistical threshold for the methylation call step | 0.05 |
Perform a dry-run in the BisKit_Analysis directory to check if everything is correctly defined.
Correct any errors that occur; errors can be caused by incorrect parameters, folders, and/or missing inputs.
Run BisKit by submitting a Snakemake job in your analysis directory by running the command below. Make sure any previously loaded modules are purged to make sure no conflicts occur between environments. This can happen especially if a different python version is loaded while the pipeline is running.
module purge
After running BisKit, check if the jobs are automatically created and submitted by Snakemake using the following command:
There will be only one job during the first few seconds or even up to a couple minuts depending on the network status of the cluster. The first jobs that appears in the jobs list is the master job that automatically creates and submits each task.
Child jobs will eventually appear and run as their dependencies are satisfied.
(tl;dr available in section 3.4)
Once the job is complete or ends prematurely due to an error, two log files will be created in your work directory.
These file names are specified in as the following:
tail submit.err
If you see something along the lines of "(100%) done", the run is complete.
If you do not see 100%, it means there was an error in one of the jobs.
Investigate the submit.err file to check which job exited due to an error. It will show the name of the rule and the sample.
Check the log of individual jobs under the logs directory in your work directory and open the corresponding .err file to check what error has been raised.
Note: There may be other errors that don't show specific details in the err file. In that case, check the file with the .out extension. It may be related to insufficient memory.
├── 0.Fastq
├── 1.Sample
├── 1.Sample_Plots
├── 2.Diff
├── 3.combined_Diff
├── 4.multiQC
├── config.bis.yml
├── diag.pdf
├── logs
├── multiqc_report.html
├── sample.tsv
├── submit.err
└── submit.out
Once BisKit is complete, there will be a file named multiqc_report.html in the work directory. This file contains interactive plots that display alignment, call, and differential analysis statistics.
Since these are interactive plots, you can hover over the plot to see the detailed numbers.
Note that some plots will not be generated if there is no data for that particular section; instead, there will be a Error - was not able to plot data. text. Detailed explanations of the contents of the MultiQC report are shown below:
Section | Description |
Read Stratification (All) | Number of reads aligned to each source per sample; includes reads that are unaligned |
Read Stratification (Aligned) | Number of reads aligned to each source per sample |
{Source1} Alignment | {Source1} alignment statistics per sample; contains info on uniquely aligned, multi-aligned, and unaligned reads |
{Source2} Alignment | {Source2} alignment statistics per sample; contains info on uniquely aligned, multi-aligned, and unaligned reads |
... | ... |
Section | Description |
{Source1} M-Bias Plot | M-Bias plot for {Source1} |
{Source2} M-Bias Plot | M-Bias plot for {Source2} |
... | ... |
Section | Description |
All Call Stats (Plot) | Call statistics for all sources per sample; shows the number of significant and non-significant candidates in the form of a plot |
All Call Stats (Table) | Call statistics for all sources per sample; shows the number of significant and non-significant candidates in the form of a table |
{Source1} Call Stats (Plot) | Call statistics for candidates in reads aligned to {Source1} shown as a plot |
{Source1} Call Stats (Table) | Call statistics for candidates in reads aligned to {Source1} shown as a table |
{Source2} Call Stats (Plot) | Call statistics for candidates in reads aligned to {Source2} shown as a plot |
{Source2} Call Stats (Table) | Call statistics for candidates in reads aligned to {Source2} shown as a table |
... | ... |
Section | Description |
Differential Analysis | Differential analysis statistics for all sources per sample; shows up/down regulated candidates, as well as candidates that are unique to one sample; (uniq1 = unique to sample on the left) |
{Source1} Categorization (All) | Differential analysis statistics for candidates in reads aligned to {Source1}; includes candidates unique to each sample |
{Source1} Categorization (UP vs DOWN) | Differential analysis statistics for candidates in reads aligned to {Source1}; shows up vs down regulated candidates only |
{Source2} Categorization (All) | Differential analysis statistics for candidates in reads aligned to {Source2}; includes candidates unique to each sample |
{Source2} Categorization (UP vs DOWN) | Differential analysis statistics for candidates in reads aligned to {Source2}; shows up vs down regulated candidates only |
... | ... |
Shows the distribution of up/down regulated candidates per sample comparison.
Shows the information on the difference between methylation rate and p-values of sample comparisons.
The 1.Sample directory contains output files pertaining to each sample.
├── 1.rRNA
│ ├── Align
│ │ ├── align.bam
│ │ ├── align.bam.bai
│ │ ├── align.log
│ │ ├── align.minus.bam
│ │ ├── align.minus.bam.bai
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├── alignStats.tsv
│ │ ├── m-bias_mostCommonReadLength_forward.png
│ │ ├── m-bias_mostCommonReadLengthOfGenomeAlignment_forward.png
│ │ ├── m-bias_mostCommonReadLengthOfGenomeAlignment_reverse.png
│ │ ├── m-bias_mostCommonReadLength_reverse.png
│ │ ├── unaligned.fq.gz
│ │ └── unaligned_pre.fq.gz
│ ├── call_cov10
│ │ ├── call_stats_simplified.tsv
│ │ ├── call_stats.tsv
│ │ ├── call.tsv
│ │ ├── log2_cov.png
│ │ ├── log2_cov_pVal.png
│ │ ├── methRate.png
│ │ └── methRate_pVal.png
│ ├── mpileup_out_raw_all.tsv
│ ├── mpileup_out_raw_uniq.tsv
│ └── readStats.tsv
├── 2.tRNA
│ ├── Align
│ ├── call_cov10
│ ├── featureCount_all.txt
│ ├── featureCount_uniq.txt
│ ├── mpileup_out_raw_all.tsv
│ ├── mpileup_out_raw_uniq.tsv
│ └── readStats.tsv
├── 3.miRNA
│ ├── Align
│ ├── call_cov10
│ ├── featureCount_all.log
│ ├── featureCount_all.txt
│ ├── featureCount_all.txt.summary
│ ├── featureCount_uniq.log
│ ├── featureCount_uniq.txt
│ ├── featureCount_uniq.txt.summary
│ ├── mpileup_out_raw_all.tsv
│ ├── mpileup_out_raw_uniq.tsv
│ └── readStats.tsv
├── 4.piRNA
│ ├── Align
│ ├── call_cov10
│ ├── featureCount_all.txt
│ ├── featureCount_uniq.txt
│ ├── mpileup_out_raw_all.tsv
│ ├── mpileup_out_raw_uniq.tsv
│ └── readStats.tsv
├── 5.genome
│ ├── Align
│ ├── call_cov10
│ ├── featureCount_all.log
│ ├── featureCount_all.txt
│ ├── featureCount_all.txt.summary
│ ├── featureCount_uniq.log
│ ├── featureCount_uniq.txt
│ ├── featureCount_uniq.txt.summary
│ ├── mpileup_out_raw_all.tsv
│ ├── mpileup_out_raw_uniq.tsv
│ ├── mpileup_uniq.tsv
│ ├── readLenGenome.txt
│ └── readStats.txt
├── 6.circRNA
│ ├── Align
│ ├── call_cov10
│ ├── featureCount_all.txt
│ ├── featureCount_uniq.txt
│ ├── mpileup_out_raw_all.tsv
│ ├── mpileup_out_raw_uniq.tsv
│ ├── mpileup_uniq.tsv
│ └── readStats.tsv
├── cov10
│ ├── mergedAlignStats.tsv
│ ├── mergedCallStatsNoHeader.tsv
│ ├── mergedCallStats.tsv
│ ├── mergedCandidates.tsv
│ ├── Plots
│ │ ├── Candidate_Stratification_(All).pdf
│ │ ├── Candidate_Stratification_(All).png
│ │ ├── Candidate_Stratification_(pVal)_(Annotated).pdf
│ │ ├── Candidate_Stratification_(pVal)_(Annotated).png
│ │ ├── Candidate_Stratification_(pVal).pdf
│ │ ├── Candidate_Stratification_(pVal).png
│ │ ├── Read_Stratification_Without_Unaligned.pdf
│ │ ├── Read_Stratification_Without_Unaligned.png
│ │ ├── Read_Stratification_With_Unaligned.pdf
│ │ ├── Read_Stratification_With_Unaligned.png
│ │ ├── Significant_Candidate_Count.pdf
│ │ ├── Significant_Candidate_Count.png
│ │ ├── Significant_Candidate_Percentage.pdf
│ │ └── Significant_Candidate_Percentage.png
│ ├──
│ └──
└── featureCounts.tsv
Each source is numbered in order of alignment, and each numbered directory contains the following:
Align directory contains alignment bam files and static m-bias plots.
- align.bam contains information of all aligned reads.
- align.minus.bam contains information of reads aligned to the minus strand
- contains information of reads aligned to the plus strand
- contains information of reads uniquely aligned to the plus strand
- alignStats.tsv contains organized alignment statistics
- m-bias_mostCommonReadLength.png shows m-bias using the most common read length of all reads.
- m-bias_mostCommonReadLengthOfGenomeAlignment.png shows m-bias using the most common read length of genome alignment.
- unaligned.fq.gz contains the reads that have not aligned to the current source.
- unaligned_pre.fq.gz is a raw fastq file of unaligned reads, not containing reads filtered out from the bam processing step.
call_cov10 directory contains information on from the m5C call step.
- call_stats_simplified.tsv contains call statistics of only those that have at least 10 coverage.
- call_stats.tsv contains call statistics of all candidates.
- call.tsv contains m5C call results.
Col # | Field | Description |
1 | #SeqID | Chromosome number or reference name |
2 | refPos | 1-based nucleotide position on the reference |
3 | refStrand | Strand of the reference |
4 | refBase | Nucleotide at the current position |
5 | cov | Read coverage at the current position |
6 | C_count | Number of unconverted C at the current position |
7 | methRate | Methylation Rate at the current position; N[C]/N[CT] |
8 | uniqCov | Number of unique reads covering the current position |
9 | C_count_uniq | Number of unconverted C from unique reads at the current position |
10 | methRate_uniq | Unique methylation Rate at the current position; N[C]/N[CT] |
11 | 95_CI_lower | Lower confidence interval |
12 | 95_CI_upper | Upper confidence interval |
13 | p-value_mState | p-value for methylation state |
14 | FDR_mState | FDR for methylation state |
15 | scores | Confidence interval scores; the higher the better |
16 | seqContext | Sequence context around the current nucleotide position; ±3 |
17 | genomicCoords | Genomic Coordinates for the current position; will be empty for rRNA |
18 | gene_type | Gene type |
19 | gene | Gene name; will be empty for rRNA |
- log2_cov.png shows the distribution of log2(coverage)
- log2_cov_pVal.png shows the distribution of log2(coverage) after applying the p-value threshold to the candidates
- methRate.png shows the distribution of the methylation rate
- methRate_pVal.png shows the distribution of the methylation rate after applying the p-value threshold to the candidates
- mpileup_out_raw.tsv files contain the raw output files from mpileup
- mergedAlignStats.tsv file contains the merged alignment statistics for all sources of the current sample.
- mergedCallStatsNoHeader.tsv file contains the merged call statistics for all sources of the current sample without the column headers (for multiqc purposes).
- mergedCallStats.tsv file contains the merged call statistics for all sources of the current sample.
- mergedCandidates.tsv file contains the m5C candidates merged for all sources of the current sample.
Col # | Field | Description |
1 | #SeqID | Chromosome number or reference name |
2 | refPos | 1-based nucleotide position on the reference |
3 | refStrand | Strand of the reference |
4 | refBase | Nucleotide at the current position |
5 | cov | Read coverage at the current position |
6 | uniqCov | Number of unique reads covering the current position |
7 | C_count | Number of unconverted C at the current position |
8 | methRate | Methylation Rate at the current position; N[C]/N[CT] |
9 | 95_CI_lower | Lower confidence interval |
10 | 95_CI_upper | Upper confidence interval |
11 | p-value_mState | p-value for methylation state |
12 | FDR_mState | FDR for methylation state |
13 | scores | Confidence interval scores; the higher the better |
14 | seqContext | Sequence context around the current nucleotide position; ±3 |
15 | genomicCoords | Genomic Coordinates for the current position; will be empty for rRNA |
16 | gene_type | Gene type |
17 | gene | Gene name; will be empty for rRNA |
18 | Source | Source or species |
- Plots directory contains plots for read stratification and candidiate stratification.
- file is the bigwig file for the reads aligned to the minus strand to be viewed on a genome browser such as IGV.
- file is the bigwig file for the reads aligned to the plus strand to be viewed on a genome browser such as IGV.
The 1.Sample_Plots directory contains plots comparing all samples.
├── Candidate_Stratification_Count_(All).pdf
├── Candidate_Stratification_Count_(All).png
├── Candidate_Stratification_Count_(Annotated).pdf
├── Candidate_Stratification_Count_(Annotated).png
├── Candidate_Stratification_Count_(Significant).pdf
├── Candidate_Stratification_Count_(Significant).png
├── Candidate_Stratification_Percentage_(All).pdf
├── Candidate_Stratification_Percentage_(All).png
├── Candidate_Stratification_Percentage_(Annotated).pdf
├── Candidate_Stratification_Percentage_(Annotated).png
├── Candidate_Stratification_Percentage_(Significant).pdf
├── Candidate_Stratification_Percentage_(Significant).png
├── Read_Stratification_Count.pdf
├── Read_Stratification_Count.png
├── Read_Stratification_Percentage.pdf
├── Read_Stratification_Percentage.png
├── Significant_Candidate_Count.pdf
├── Significant_Candidate_Count.png
├── Significant_Candidate_Percentage.pdf
└── Significant_Candidate_Percentage.png
This directory contains comparison plots for candidate stratification for annotation and non-annotation regions, read stratification, and significant candidate counts. "Significant" is based on the parameters defined in the 'config.bis.yml' file.
├── Sample1_vs_Sample2
│ ├── Cov10_pVal0.05_Diff0.05
│ │ ├── categorized_pairwise_comparison.tsv
│ │ ├── Plots
│ │ │ ├── Categorization_By_Source_Count_(All).pdf
│ │ │ ├── Categorization_By_Source_Count_(All).png
│ │ │ ├── Categorization_By_Source_Count_(Single).pdf
│ │ │ ├── Categorization_By_Source_Count_(Single).png
│ │ │ ├── Categorization_By_Source_Count_(UNIQ1v2).pdf
│ │ │ ├── Categorization_By_Source_Count_(UNIQ1v2).png
│ │ │ ├── Categorization_By_Source_Count_(UPvDOWN).pdf
│ │ │ ├── Categorization_By_Source_Count_(UPvDOWN).png
│ │ │ ├── Categorization_By_Source_Percentage_(All).pdf
│ │ │ ├── Categorization_By_Source_Percentage_(All).png
│ │ │ ├── Categorization_By_Source_Percentage_(Single).pdf
│ │ │ ├── Categorization_By_Source_Percentage_(Single).png
│ │ │ ├── Categorization_By_Source_Percentage_(UNIQ1v2).pdf
│ │ │ ├── Categorization_By_Source_Percentage_(UNIQ1v2).png
│ │ │ ├── Categorization_By_Source_Percentage_(UPvDOWN).pdf
│ │ │ ├── Categorization_By_Source_Percentage_(UPvDOWN).png
│ │ │ ├── Categorization_By_Source.tsv
│ │ │ ├── delta_methRate.png
│ │ │ ├── delta_methRate_pVal.png
│ │ │ ├── methRate_log2foldChange.png
│ │ │ ├── methRate_log2foldChange_pVal.png
│ │ │ ├── volcano.pdf
│ │ │ └── volcano.png
│ │ └── stats.tsv
│ └── pairwise_comparison.tsv
├── Sample1_vs_Sample3
│ ├── Cov10_pVal0.05_Diff0.05
│ └── pairwise_comparison.tsv
└── Sample2_vs_Sample3
├── Cov10_pVal0.05_Diff0.05
└── pairwise_comparison.tsv
Each comparison will have its own directory. The 'pairwise_comparison.tsv' file is a raw file with the m5C candidates of the two samples merged together.
The BisKit pipeline outputs differential analysis results m5C for each sample comparison in the following location:
Each row represents a candidate, and each column represents the following (the number of columns may differ due to the number of samples and replicates; n = number of columns):
Col # | Field | Description |
1 | Comparison | Shows which two samples are being compared, and whether this m5C candidate is up/down regulated, unchanged, or unique to either sample |
2 | #SeqID | Chromosome number or reference name |
3 | refPos | 1-based nucleotide position on the reference |
4 | refStrand | Strand of the reference |
5 | refBase | Nucleotide at the current position |
6 | seqContext | Sequence context around the current nucleotide position; ±3 |
7 | genomicCoords | Genomic Coordinates for the current position; will be empty for rRNA |
8 | Source | Source or species |
9 | gene_type | Gene type |
10 | gene | Gene name; will be empty for rRNA |
11 | cov_sample1 | Read coverage at the current position for sample1 |
12 | uniqCov_sample1 | Number of unique reads covering the current position for sample1 |
13 | C_count_sample1 | Number of unconverted C at the current position for sample1 |
14 | methRate_sample1 | Methylation Rate at the current position for sample 1; N[C]/N[CT] |
15 | 95_CI_lower_sample1 | Lower confidence interval for sample1 |
16 | 95_CI_upper_sample1 | Upper confidence interval for sample1 |
17 | p-value_mState_sample1 | p-value for methylation state for sample1 |
18 | FDR_mState_sample1 | FDR for methylation state for sample1 |
19 | scores_sample1 | Confidence interval scores for sample1; the higher the better |
... | ... | Relevant information for the next sample |
n-5 | combined_p-value_mState_sampleName1 | Combined p-value for sample 1 (only applicable when there are replicates) |
n-4 | combined_p-value_mState_sampleName2 | Combined p-value for sample 2 (only applicable when there are replicates) |
n-3 | p-value_mState_sampleName1_vs_sampleName2 | p-value of methylation rate comparison between the two samples |
n-2 | FDR_mState_sampleName1_vs_sampleName2 | FDR of methylation rate comparison between the two samples (only available when 'statistical_significance_diff' is set to 'FDR') |
n-1 | combined_FDR_mState_sampleName1 | Combined FDR for sample 1 (only applicable when there are replicates; only available when 'statistical_significance_diff' is set to 'FDR') |
n | combined_FDR_mState_sampleName2 | Combined FDR for sample 2 (only applicable when there are replicates; only available when 'statistical_significance_diff' is set to 'FDR') |
└── Cov10_pVal0.05_Diff0.05
├── all_sample_comparisons.tsv
├── all_sample_comparisons.xlsx
├── Differential_Analysis_Categorization_Count_(All).pdf
├── Differential_Analysis_Categorization_Count_(All).png
├── Differential_Analysis_Categorization_Count_(UNIQ1v2).pdf
├── Differential_Analysis_Categorization_Count_(UNIQ1v2).png
├── Differential_Analysis_Categorization_Count_(UPvDOWN).pdf
├── Differential_Analysis_Categorization_Count_(UPvDOWN).png
├── Differential_Analysis_Categorization_Percentage_(All).pdf
├── Differential_Analysis_Categorization_Percentage_(All).png
├── Differential_Analysis_Categorization_Percentage_(UNIQ1v2).pdf
├── Differential_Analysis_Categorization_Percentage_(UNIQ1v2).png
├── Differential_Analysis_Categorization_Percentage_(UPvDOWN).pdf
└── Differential_Analysis_Categorization_Percentage_(UPvDOWN).png
The BisKit pipeline outputs combined differential analysis results m5C for all sample comparison to one excel file in the following location:
Each row represents a candidate, and each column represents the following (the number of columns will differ based on the number of comparisons):
Col # | Field | Description |
1 | Comparison1 | Shows which two samples are being compared, and whether this m5C candidate is up/down regulated, unchanged, or unique to either sample |
2 | Comparison2 | Shows which two samples are being compared, and whether this m5C candidate is up/down regulated, unchanged, or unique to either sample |
... | ... | Relevant sample information as shown in section 3.4.2 |
Contains raw files used by MultiQC to generate the MultiQC report.
├── 0.Fastq
├── 1.Sample
├── 1.Sample_Plots
├── 2.Diff
├── 3.combined_Diff
├── 4.multiQC
├── config.bis.yml
├── diag.pdf
├── logs
├── >>> multiqc_report.html <<<
├── sample.tsv
├── submit.err
└── submit.out
├── 2.Diff
│ ├── Sample1_vs_Sample2
│ │ ├── Cov10_pVal0.05_Diff0.05
│ │ │ ├── >>> categorized_pairwise_comparison.tsv <<<
│ │ │ ├── Plots
│ │ │ └── stats.tsv
│ │ └── pairwise_comparison.tsv
│ ├── Sample1_vs_Sample3
│ │ ├── Cov10_pVal0.05_Diff0.05
│ │ │ ├── >>> categorized_pairwise_comparison.tsv <<<
│ │ │ ├── Plots
│ │ │ └── stats.tsv
│ │ └── pairwise_comparison.tsv
└── └── Sample2_vs_Sample3
├── Cov10_pVal0.05_Diff0.05
│ ├── >>> categorized_pairwise_comparison.tsv <<<
│ ├── Plots
│ └── stats.tsv
└── pairwise_comparison.tsv
└── 3.combined_Diff
└── Cov10_pVal0.05_Diff0.05
├── all_sample_comparisons.tsv
└── >>> all_sample_comparisons.xlsx <<<
## 4. Some points to note
- The max depth parameter for mpileup is 10,000, which means only a maximum of 10,000 reads will be considered per position. Viewing the entire range of coverage takes too much resources, and methylation information can be captured through the methylation rate.
- Paired-end reads are not supported. If you have paired-end sequencing data, use only one of the fq files (e.g. reads_R1.fq) as input.
- mpileup is used in lieu of hisat-3n-table to call m5C candidates since mpileup is faster when running on large datasets.
- If you want to make additional comparisons between samples that you have not compared during the pipeline, add them to the 'diff_pair_list' parameter in the config.bis.yml file and run the pipeline again. Additional comparisons should not take long since alignment and call results for each sample are already available.