hwsuk / discord-bot

Multi-purpose Discord bot for the HWSUK Discord server
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HWSUK Discord Bot

Deployment requirements

Environment variables

Name Purpose Required Default value
MONGODB_HOST The hostname of the MongoDB instance to connect to No
MONGODB_PORT The port on which the MongoDB instance is listening No 27017
MONGODB_USERNAME The username with which to authenticate with MongoDB Yes
MONGODB_PASSWORD The password with which to authenticate with MongoDB Yes
MONGODB_DATABASE The name of the database in MongoDB to read/write data No hwsuk
DISCORD_SERVER_ID The server ID that is checked when modifying roles or searching for members Yes
PRAW_CLIENT_ID The client ID for the application used for PRAW queries Yes
PRAW_CLIENT_SECRET The client secret for the application used for PRAW queries Yes
PRAW_PASSWORD The password for the user used for PRAW queries Yes
PRAW_USER_AGENT The user agent sent to Reddit when making PRAW queries No Checks if users are banned for our synced discord and keeps flairs synced
PRAW_USERNAME The username of the user used for PRAW queries No HWSUKMods
REACTION_CHANNEL_ID The channel ID used for feedback Yes
MOD_CHANNEL_ID The channel ID used for mod notifications of feedback items Yes
REACTION_THRESHOLD Determines how many upvotes a feedback submission needs before it is sent to the mods Yes
BUY_SELL_CHANNEL_ID The channel ID used for removing too frequent posts Yes
BUY_SELL_BACKUP_DM_CHANNEL_ID The channel ID used for notifying users of removed posts if they have DMs disabled No 292032782409007115
BUY_SELL_LIMIT_SECONDS The number of seconds that each user post is limited to Yes 259200
LOGGING_FILENAME Determines the naming format used for log files No f'bot-{datetime.now().strftime("%m-%d-%Y-%H%M%S")}.log'