hyaguchijsk / ps4eye_tegra

PS4Eye stereo proc for Tegra K1
5 stars 3 forks source link

videoio #15

Closed jmtatsch closed 8 years ago

jmtatsch commented 8 years ago


not really an issue rather a question. It seems my opencv install is missing the video module:

fatal error: opencv2/videoio.hpp: No such file or directory

include <opencv2/videoio.hpp>

Did you build opencv from source or use opencv4tegra? When compiling from source would you recommend OpenCV3?

hyaguchijsk commented 8 years ago


I recommend to use OpenCV3. I have tested only with OpenCV3 from source. Thank you for your report.

jmtatsch commented 8 years ago

Hi Hyaguchi,

which kernel are you running on jetson tk1? I am trying to run this on a hacked shield android tv with tx1 but it still fails... Do you have some hints for me?

After running the ps4eye init script my camera is picked up as :

Ä10951.706181Å usb 2-1: new SuperSpeed USB device number 6 using tegra-xhci
Ä10951.728470Å usb 2-1: New USB device found, idVendor=05a9, idProduct=058a
Ä10951.728484Å usb 2-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0
Ä10951.728495Å usb 2-1: Product: USB Camera-OV580
Ä10951.728504Å usb 2-1: Manufacturer: Omnivision Technologies, Inc.
Ä10951.736628Å uvcvideo: Found UVC 1.00 device USB Camera-OV580 (05a9:058a)

The video device is there:

ls -al /dev/video*                                                                                                         
crw-rw-rw- 1 root video 81, 0 Feb 29 08:46 /dev/video0

But the node fails with:

roslaunch ps4eye_tegra stereo.launch                                                                                       tatsch@shieldtv
... logging to /home/tatsch/.ros/log/111dc282-debc-11e5-9ece-00044b4b721f/roslaunch-shieldtv-3127.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://shieldtv:56288/


 * /ps4eye_proc/capture_mode: True
 * /ps4eye_proc/filter_iter: 1
 * /ps4eye_proc/filter_radius: 3
 * /ps4eye_proc/left_file_name: /home/tatsch/catk...
 * /ps4eye_proc/ndisparity: 96
 * /ps4eye_proc/right_file_name: /home/tatsch/catk...
 * /ps4eye_proc/use_bilateral_filter: True
 * /ps4eye_proc/use_csbp: False
 * /ps4eye_proc/use_stretch: False
 * /rosdistro: jade
 * /rosversion: 1.11.16

    point_cloud2 (nodelet/nodelet)
    camera_transform (tf/static_transform_publisher)
    manager (nodelet/nodelet)
    ps4eye_proc (nodelet/nodelet)

auto-starting new master
processÄmasterÅ: started with pid Ä3138Å

setting /run_id to 111dc282-debc-11e5-9ece-00044b4b721f
processÄrosout-1Å: started with pid Ä3151Å
started core service Ä/rosoutÅ
processÄmanager-2Å: started with pid Ä3154Å
processÄps4eye_proc-3Å: started with pid Ä3163Å
processÄstereo/point_cloud2-4Å: started with pid Ä3169Å
processÄcamera_transform-5Å: started with pid Ä3171Å
Ä INFOÅ Ä1456733503.459468903Å: Loading nodelet /ps4eye_proc of type ps4eye_tegra/ps4eye_proc to manager manager with the following remappings:
Ä INFOÅ Ä1456733503.471141567Å: waitForService: Service Ä/manager/load_nodeletÅ has not been advertised, waiting...
Ä INFOÅ Ä1456733503.474389327Å: Initializing nodelet with 4 worker threads.
Ä INFOÅ Ä1456733503.493073516Å: waitForService: Service Ä/manager/load_nodeletÅ is now available.
ÄERRORÅ Ä1456733503.639368964Å: Failed to load nodelet Ä/ps4eye_procÅ of type Äps4eye_tegra/ps4eye_procÅ even after refreshing the cache: Could not find library corresponding to plugin ps4eye_tegra/ps4eye_proc. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
ÄERRORÅ Ä1456733503.639483655Å: The error before refreshing the cache was: Could not find library corresponding to plugin ps4eye_tegra/ps4eye_proc. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
ÄFATALÅ Ä1456733503.639812937Å: Service call failed!
Äps4eye_proc-3Å process has died Äpid 3163, exit code 255, cmd /opt/ros/jade/lib/nodelet/nodelet load ps4eye_tegra/ps4eye_proc manager __name:=ps4eye_proc __log:=/home/tatsch/.ros/log/111dc282-debc-11e5-9ece-00044b4b721f/ps4eye_proc-3.logÅ.
log file: /home/tatsch/.ros/log/111dc282-debc-11e5-9ece-00044b4b721f/ps4eye_proc-3*.log
hyaguchijsk commented 8 years ago

I'm sorry to late reply,

My kernel is:

ubuntu@ulluco:~$ uname -a
Linux ulluco 3.10.40-gc017b03 #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Feb 2 17:50:48 PST 2015 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux

It seems to be OK to conenct to the camera because /dev/video0 is exist and its ID is 05a9:058a.

The error indicates that the nodelet manager fails to load ps4eye_proc nodelet, but I do not judge where the problem is.

or, it may be the problem about yaml-cpp I've faced similar load problem once. Unfortunately, I forgot the solution, but I somehow resolved this... Could you try sudo apt-get install libyaml-cpp-dev?

jmtatsch commented 8 years ago

Yes, I did build ps4eye_tegra with catkin_make. The bashrc is sourced and libyaml-cpp-dev is already installed. My kernel is at

uname -a                                                                                                                                                        
Linux shieldtv 3.10.61 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Dec 31 06:02:16 UTC 2015 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux

maybe the 64bit architecture with 32bit userspace doesn't help either. I will look into this when i have some spare time..