hybridinteractive / craft-contact-form-extensions

Adds extensions to the Craft CMS contact form plugin.
MIT License
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Emails No Longer Sending From Production but do from local #112

Closed OldRustyDayton closed 3 years ago

OldRustyDayton commented 3 years ago

Hello - I recently set up this extension on my local Mamp Pro server and my Hyperlane production server. Last week I successfully had everything hooked up and working on both local and production. However, this week I am unable to get production to send email notifications/confirmations. I have made 0 code commits since it was working. The orders still go to the database but no email is sent. Any ideas what would cause this with no code changes?

DynamiteGoesBoom commented 3 years ago

@OldRustyDayton Most users use a service like MailGun to handle the email sending notifications. You can also use PHPMail or SendMail directly on the server itself. But due to those services being unreliable, you're much better off using a third party email service like Mail Gun.

LifeByStorm commented 3 years ago

Maybe I am misunderstanding...Isn't the whole point of the extension, Contact Form Extensions, to offer email notifications and store the orders to the Craft database?

DynamiteGoesBoom commented 3 years ago

@LifeByStorm that is somewhat the point yes. This plugin is designed to allow users to log emails into the database. However it is not responsible for sending emails out. That part is up to the user. You can easily setup MailGun (or another SMTP) service to handle this though. That's what we, and countless other users, have done in the past.

LifeByStorm commented 3 years ago

Okay thank you for taking the time and clearing that up for me!

DynamiteGoesBoom commented 3 years ago

@LifeByStorm happy to help and best of luck! Feel free to hop in Craft's Discord Channel if you have questions or need help getting SMTP setup.