hybridinteractive / craft-contact-form-extensions

Adds extensions to the Craft CMS contact form plugin.
MIT License
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Craft Contact Form Extensions


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Adds extensions to the Craft CMS contact form plugin.


Support Open Source

This plugin is licensed under a MIT license, which means that it's completely free open source software, and you can use it for whatever and however you wish.


This plugin requires Craft CMS 3 and the Contact Form plugin.


Install this plugin through the Plugin Store or follow these instructions.

  1. Open your terminal and go to your Craft project:

    cd /path/to/project
  2. Then tell Composer to load the plugin:

    composer require hybridinteractive/craft-contact-form-extensions
  3. In the Control Panel, go to Settings → Plugins and click the “Install” button for Craft Contact Form Extensions.

Overwriting the email templates

When you overwrite the email templates, your twig view will receive a submission variable which contains all the information that a default Contact Form submission contains:

Overriding the form name

When saving submissions to the database the default form name will be "Contact". If you add a message[formName] hidden field you can override the form name. This can also used to create multiple form indexes in the Control Panel.

<input type="hidden" name="message[formName]" value="myFormName">

Overriding the confirmation template

When sending confirmation option is enabled and custom templates per form are needed, override the template with a hidden field. The template needs to be placed under templates\_emails folder. Add a hash for safety. The same data is passed as in the default overridden template.

<input type="hidden" name="message[template]" value="{{ 'contact'|hash }}">

Overriding the confirmation subject

When sending confirmation option is enabled and custom subjects per form are needed, override the subject with a hidden field. Add a hash for safety.

<input type="hidden" name="message[subject]" value="{{ 'subject'|hash }}">

Overriding where the message is sent

<input type="hidden" name="message[toEmail]" value="{{ 'hello@rias.be'|hash }}">

Overriding recaptcha on a per form basis

<input type="hidden" name="message[recaptchaTemplateOverride]" value="true">

Overriding saving to database on a per form basis

<input type="hidden" name="message[saveSubmissionOverride]" value="true">

Overriding confirmation email on a per form basis

<input type="hidden" name="message[disableConfirmation]" value="true">

Adding invisible reCAPTCHA

Before you set your config, remember to choose invisible reCAPTCHA while applying for keys.


Enable reCAPTCHA in the Contact Form Extensions settings and fill in your siteKey and secretKey.

Then use the following code in your forms inside of the <form> element:

{{ craft.contactFormExtensions.recaptcha | raw }}

ReCaptcha V3

To use ReCaptcha V3, choose the V3 option in the settings, make sure to enter a correct siteKey and secretKey and enter a threshold. Learn more about ReCaptcha V3

Then include the following code in your forms inside of the <form> element, for example for the homepage action (actions help separate out reCaptcha submissions within the reCaptcha console):

{{ craft.contactFormExtensions.recaptcha('homepage') | raw }}

Display form submissions in your template files

{% for submission in craft.contactFormExtensions.submissions %}
   {{ submission.dateCreated|date('d-m-Y H:i') }} - {{ submission.fromEmail }} - {{ submission.fromName }}
{% endfor %}

Brought to you by Hybrid Interactive