hybridinteractive / craft-contact-form-extensions

Adds extensions to the Craft CMS contact form plugin.
MIT License
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After updating, recaptcha doesn't work #152

Closed mateostabio closed 2 years ago

mateostabio commented 2 years ago

I just performed an update to Craft CMS to 3.7.43, and updated this plugin to 4.0.0-beta.3

Now the forms won't send unless I disable the Invisible reCAPTCHA. If I leave it enabled, it does not send emails.

Please help.

rosskenney commented 2 years ago

@mateostabio so you are now on Craft 4 then?

mateostabio commented 2 years ago

No I am on the update before performing the Craft 4 update. (v3.7.43) I can't proceed to Craft 4 yet, as my prod can't be changed to PHP 8.

rosskenney commented 2 years ago

@mateostabio Ah, the Craft 3 version is in the version 1.X.X range. The 4.0.0-beta.3 is for Craft 4 only. Please downgrade to version 1.3.1. We will still maintain that version for Craft 3.

rosskenney commented 2 years ago

Also to note, this is how a lot of other plugins did it also so if you are running into issues, make sure you are using the Craft 3 compatible version.

mateostabio commented 2 years ago

Thank you ! Will do.