hybridinteractive / craft-contact-form-extensions

Adds extensions to the Craft CMS contact form plugin.
MIT License
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Editing submissions #156

Open DigitaleJungle opened 2 years ago

DigitaleJungle commented 2 years ago

Hi there! I really love this extension and I'm using it for several of my websites. One of them a website for a small event. I would like to give my enduser the option to manage/edit some submissions so they can keep track of who has confirmed to attend. I have a table listing all the submissions of a specific form using: {% for entry in craft.contactFormExtensions.submissions.subject(Query).all() %} and then I create a form for every row. This works perfectly, but the forms create an new entry everytime. Is there a way of writing this new or altered information into the database? => using the controller action action entries/save-entry gave me an "entry not found" error.

This would really help me out! thanks in advance!!

rosskenney commented 2 years ago

Hi @SoundOfGeorge, Currently there is no ability in the plugin to edit the submissions beyond deleting them. I can look into this when I have some free time but it may not be quick. I would think we would need to add another service or adjust the save service to check if there is another field with the submission id listed. The save entry wont work as this is it's own table and not using craft entries. It would be a cool feature to have and then could be implemented into the CP to also allow editing there.

DigitaleJungle commented 2 years ago

Hi Ross, Good to know i don't have to look any further. I would do it myself if I could but i'm affraid that kind of stuff is way out of my comfort zone. I think this would indeed supercharge the extension and really have a solution for all kind of purposes. Thank you in advance, to consider this :) You'll see when you can pick it up or not.