hybridinteractive / craft-contact-form-extensions

Adds extensions to the Craft CMS contact form plugin.
MIT License
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Date Time Stored Seems to be not the current time #176

Closed auzadventure closed 1 year ago

auzadventure commented 1 year ago

The Date Created on the submission post seems to not be correct, maybe it's not factoring the time zone. Is there a way to set an offset or adjust for time zone?

rosskenney commented 1 year ago

I am testing and cannot recreate this. Is there a discrepancy in your location vs craft timezone settings?

rosskenney commented 1 year ago

Just to be sure I did a simple test using the template date {{ now|datetime }} and then checked against the submission to verify it is using the timezone and all showing correct in submissions in the CP

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auzadventure commented 1 year ago

Yes, the system time is set to GMT. AT the moment I have no access to the settings because they turned allowadminaccess off of craft cms so I was asking if there is a possibility to set an offset in the settings of the plugin. Otherwise it's fine, I will bug them for access.

rosskenney commented 1 year ago

We do not currently have that as an ability. Sorry