hyc / randprog

Randomly generate a C (or javascript) program
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-- mode: Text --

             randprog --- a random generator of C programs

                       Eric Eide and John Regehr

                University of Utah School of Computing

Please send bug reports and fixes to Eric Eide and John Regehr.

This program is based on an earlier random program generator written by Bryan Turner bryan.turner@pobox.com.

The default seed is hardcoded. Provide a new seed as the only argument on the command line. The seed is expected to be a hexadecimal string. A suitable string can be retrieved using:

WALLET_ADDRESS="a valid Monero wallet address" curl -X POST http://node.moneroworld.com:18089/json_rpc -d '{"method": "getblocktemplate", "params": {"reserve_size": 8, "wallet_address": "'$WALLET_ADDRESS'"}}'

Use the blockhashing_blob as the hexadecimal string for the seed.