hychen / flutter_js_context

Enhances the interoperability between Dart and flutter_js.
MIT License
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This package enhances the interoperability between Dart and flutter_js.


Use this package to

Getting started

flutter pub add flutter_js_context


import 'package:flutter_js_context/flutter_js_context.dart';

void main() {
  final context = JsContext();

  JsRef obj = JsRef.define(context, 'myvar', '1');

  // equals 'var myvar[ref.key] = 4;' in JavaScript.

  // plus the object's value which is 4 and 4 in javascript runtime.
  context.evaluate("${obj.toJsCode()} + 4"); // 8

  // plus the object's value which is 8 and 4 in dart.
  print(obj.value + 4); // 12

See test for more usage.