hychim / molpc2

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Modelling of Large Protein Complexes

This directory contains the pipeline for modeling large protein complexes without knowing the stochiometry using AlphaFold2, and Monte Carlo Tree Search(MCTS). MoLPC2 can be run using predictions of subcomponents from any method and is thus not directly dependent on AlphaFold2.

Given a set of unique protein sequences, this pipeline predicts the structure of an entire complex composed of the supplied sequences. The pipeline is developed for protein complexes with 7-26 chains, but is also functional for smaller protein complexes.

Here is a colab notebook version for MCTS part of MoLPC2

| 1AVO | C7 | Hetero 14-mer - A7B7 |

Native complex in grey, prediction colored by chain

Computational Requirement

Before beginning the process of setting up this pipeline on your local system, make sure you have adequate computational resources. The main bottleneck here is the structure prediction of trimeric subcomponents with AlphaFold2, which can require >40Gb of GPU RAM depending on the number of residues in the subcomponent that is being predicted. Make sure you have available GPUs suitable for this type of structure prediction as predicting with CPU will take an unreasonable amount of time. This pipeline assumes you have NVIDIA GPUs on your system, readily available.


All needed packages(including AlphaFold and IMP) are supplied through Conda. The only requirement for running MoLPC is therefore Conda, which can be installed by following: https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html To setup this pipeline, clone this gitlab repository:

git clone https://github.com/hychim/molpc2.git

Run the following to install a conda environment with the necessary dependencies.

conda env create --name molpc2 -f environment.yml

The AlphaFold database are also required which can be downloaded following: https://github.com/deepmind/alphafold. The database is assumed named as alphafold_data and placed outside the molpc2. You can also change it in the pipeline.sh script,

├── data
├── environment.yml
├── output
├── pipeline.sh
├── README.md
├── script
└── src
├── bfd
├── mgnify
├── params
├── pdb70
├── pdb_mmcif
├── pdb_seqres
├── uniprot
├── uniref30
└── uniref90


To run the molpc2 pipeline. The only inut required is a fasta file containing the sequence of all individual chains in the complexes.

For example, to fold a homomer. The input fasta should be:


For example, to fold a heteromer with 2 individual chains. The input fasta should be:


Then to run molpc-pipeline, simply do:

bash pipeline YOUR_FASTA.fasta


Please make sure all required parameters are given
Usage: pipeline.sh <OPTIONS>
Required Parameters:
-f <fasta_path>       Path to fasta file with all unique chain(s), e.g. data/2BL2.fasta
Optional Parameters:
-o <output>           Output path(default: ./output)
-m <mer>              Number of chains of the sub-unit predicted from the AlphaFold. (default: 3)
-d <alphafold_data>   Path to directory of AlphaFold supporting data. (default: ../alphafold_data_v2.3)
-c <moves>            Maximum moves in monte carlo tree search, if your complexes have more than 30 chains, please increase the no. of moves. (default: 30)
-s <steps>            Number of simulations in each moves in mcts, more the steps, more accurate the modeling will be. (default: 50)
-i <stoichiometry>    Stoichiometry of the complex, e.g. '5A:5B'. (default: 'None')
-r <remodel>          Remodel the final structure with AlphaFold (AF), IMP (IMP) or no re-modeling(False) (default: 'False')

MoLPC2 output

The outputs will be saved in output directory(/molpc/output//) of the directory. The outputs include the computed MSAs, unrelaxed structures, relaxed structures, ranked structures, raw model outputs, prediction metadata, and section timings. The output directory will have the following structure:

├── <NAME>_imp.pdb
├── <NAME>_mcts.pdb
├── <NAME>_stiochiometry.fasta
├── fasta_trimer
│   └── <NAME>_{XXX}.fasta
├── imp
│   ├── <NAME>_dr.csv
│   └── <NAME>_topology.txt
├── mcts
│   ├── <NAME>_close.txt
│   ├── <NAME>_final.pdb
│   ├── <NAME>_path.txt
│   └── <NAME>_step{1,2,...,30}.pdb
├── pairs
│   └── <NAME>_{XXX}_{YY}_{ZZ}.pdb
└── trimer
    └── <NAME>_{XXX}.pdb

The contents of each output file are as follows:


The pipeline consists of four steps:

  1. Compute all combination without replacement Combination without replacement of trimer sequences will be computed and generate the fasta file for trimer modeling in AlphaFold2.

  2. AlphaFold-Multimer Model the trimer combinations with AlphaFold2-Multimer

  3. Converting trimer to protein pairs Convert the trimer from AlphaFold2 to protein pairs. Pairs with distance larger than the threshold(default 6Å) will be filtered out.

  4. MCTS From the interactions in the predicted subcomponents, we add chains sequentially following a predetermined path through the interaction network (graph). If two pairwise interactions are A-B and B-C, we assemble the complex A-B-C by superposing chain B from A-B and B-C using BioPython’s SVD and rotating the missing chain to its correct relative position. To find the optimal assembly route for a complex, we search for an optimal path using Monte Carlo Tree Search

  5. Extract distant restrain from MCTS final complexes

  6. Model complexes with IMP (optional)

