hydecorp / hydejack

A boutique Jekyll theme for hackers, nerds, and academics
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Suggestions #80

Closed botev closed 6 years ago

botev commented 6 years ago


First thanks a lot for this Jekyll Theme I really like it and it was great pleasure exploring its capabilities. Also given that my blog is going to be relatively mathsy the default integration with latex rendered (via Katex).

I added a few very very tiny things to my blog and if you do think any of them would be of interest I would be happy to make a PR for them. Here is a list:

qwtel commented 6 years ago


thanks for reaching out, I'm always interested in how people use and customize hydejack.

Regarding your points:

  1. is already achievable with the post_addons and project_addons configuration option 🙂 (see example config).
  2. sidebar images are great. I've already implemented them in the upcoming v8 version (using the config logo key, also used by jekyll-seo-tag)
  3. Yes! I should add more icons for academic platforms (not sure what the most important ones are though. google scholar. researchgate? arxiv?)
  4. It's okay if you configure your page in this way, but I'm categorically opposed to it. I recognise that it is rather ugly and I've made some changes to it in v8, but the basic principle stays the same.
botev commented 6 years ago

Cool, I will be looking forward to the logo in v8. I need to check regarding post_addons and see how to then achieve the same.

As for the research platforms, at least in my area (Machine Learning) Google Scholar and arxiv are the most popular. Google scholar as a platform to showcase all work, while arxiv is great because it's a free open venue for publications.

And thanks for getting back so fast.