hydescarf / Obsidian-Theme-Mado-11

A simple theme that makes Obsidian feels a bit more like a modern app.
MIT License
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How to set the "Schedulle" pane on the right side? #7

Closed kang-theo closed 2 years ago

kang-theo commented 2 years ago

Hi, Cyasha, I wonder what plugin is used for the "Schedule" pane . I am always looking for a plugin to show the details of an todo entry.

Thanks a lot.

hydescarf commented 2 years ago

Sorry to inform you that the "Schedule Pane" is just an ordinary note (manually written todo) that was dragged to the side dock. I'm sure there is a similar plugin for this, you can try asking in the reddit/discord community.

For what I have found, https://github.com/schemar/obsidian-tasks this one seems to be similar to it, didn't try but I think you can set it up, and then drag the note to the side dock.

kang-theo commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your response, Cyasha. It's really a good obsidian theme you created. I used to find a GTD plugin, however, they do not support the entry details. I will try asking in the discord, thanks again.