hydescarf / Obsidian-Theme-Mado-11

A simple theme that makes Obsidian feels a bit more like a modern app.
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Obsidian Theme - Mado 11

NOTE: This theme is now on maintenance mode and won't be updated in the future.
You may check out this issue for possible css snippet fixes past Obsidian v16.0.

Mado 11 is an Obsidian theme, inspired by Windows 11 UI styling.

This theme aims for a simplified, yet spacious kind of an app feel, with bigger buttons to click on the sidebar.

(Looking for a more minimalism theme? Check out Mado Miniflow!)

Recommended fonts for this theme:

Style Settings Available

Mado CSS Classes For Fun!

Mado Heading ![](img/mado-heading.png) ``` cssclass: mado-heading ```
Mado Explorer ![](img/mado-explorer.png) ``` cssclass: mado-explorer ``` When placed onto the sidebar, it will become exactly like how File Explorer would look like. A.k.a. pseudo-File Explorer! There are rules for this to work: ``` 1. You may only use (link),

(h1 heading) and
  • (list) in the note. 2. will act as first level file title. 3.

    will act as first level folder title. 4.
  • will act as first level folder's children, where its contents should fill with just , and itself should be placed below

    . 5. Second level folder, or nested
  • , is not possible. 6. For

    to be foldable, you have to enable the foldable option in the settings. 7. To make a solo-file below a folder list, use an empty

    to act as a separator. ``` Example: ``` [[File 1]] [[File 2]] # Folder 1 - [[Listed File 1]] - [[Listed File 2]] [[File 3]] ```

  • Mado Table ![](img/mado-table.png) ``` cssclass: mado-table ``` ``` cssclass: mado-table (special styling) cssclass: mado-table-XXX (special styling with XXX being the options) cssclass: mado-table-XXX, mado-table-XXX (special styling with multiple options) ``` ``` Options: mado-table-auto (auto-widen table size by its contents and center it) mado-table-normal (no special styling, include this if you wish to use other options without special styling) mado-table-stripe, mado-table-border (stripe/border design) mado-table-left, mado-table-right, mado-table-top, mado-table-bottom (define table-header position) mado-table-topless (remove table-header position on the top) ```
    Mado Panel ![](img/mado-panel.png) ``` cssclass: mado-panel ``` ``` cssclass: mado-panel (transform all lists into panels) cssclass: mado-panel-XXX (XXX being the options) cssclass: mado-panel-XXX, mado-panel-XXX (including more options, in this case, only `auto` is available as an extra) Options: mado-panel-list (long and thin size, lists can be nested) mado-panel-list-rightbox (the position of the checkbox in a list will be placed on the right instead of left) mado-panel-small, mado-panel-medium, mado-panel-large, mado-panel-long, mado-panel-short (define fixed-size, lists cannot be nested) mado-panel-auto (maintain the minimum fixed-size of above, while auto-widen based on its contents, not applicable to mado-panel-list) mado-panel-link (turns link into a full button. Must not mix with plain text inside a single list) ``` Rule: ``` 1. Only
  • (list) will turn into panel. 2. The list can consist of (link) or "[]"(Checkbox), or plain text. ``` Callout version is also available if you need only one part of the list to become panel. Options in callout version can be chained directly. (Only `auto` and `link` are currently available to be chained) Example: ``` > [!mado-panel-small-auto] > - Listing ```
  • Mado Timeline ![](img/mado-timeline.png) ``` cssclass: mado-timeline ```
    Mado Daily ![](img/mado-daily.png) ``` cssclass: mado-daily ``` Feel like logging into a game to turn in for daily bonus? Well, now you can with this manual-stamp daily! You can set the reward for every 2nd and 5th day, and then start filling in with any value or emoji in the empty cells. The reward will mark as checked when the previous cell is filled in. Also, adding in another cssclass `mado-table` will give it a better looking, optional of course!
    Mado Table Check & List2Table ![](img/mado-table-check.png) Stamp a checkmark by manually using "strikethrough" (`~~~~`/``) inside the block, either on the value or beside the value! ``` cssclass: mado-table-check ``` Don't like manually stamping? Then try out callout `mado-list2table`! By turning a list of checklists into a pseudo-table, you can now mark a check on the block by directly clicking onto it! ``` > [!mado-list2table] > - Title > - [ ] Checkboxes > - [ ] Checkboxes ```