hydrobyte / McJSON

A Delphi / Lazarus / C++Builder simple and small class for fast JSON parsing.
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Shorteners self-test result #7

Closed totyaxy closed 1 year ago

totyaxy commented 1 year ago


It's not a bugreport, only help for you (with "," separator):

[PASS] Test 01: parse simple object [PASS] Test 02: parse simple array [PASS] Test 03: parse simple sub object array [PASS] Test 04: simple object value change [PASS] Test 05: Add, Insert, Delete functions [PASS] Test 06: object is nil Error: Invalid index: get item by index 3 [PASS] Test 07: getters and setters [FAIL] Test 08: numbers: scientific notation Error: Can't convert item "number" with value "-1.23456789E-10" to "double" [PASS] Test 09: escapes [PASS] Test 10: invalid JSON [PASS] Test 11: valid or unusual JSON [FAIL] Test 12: type transformations [FAIL] Test 13: Save and Load using files [PASS] Test 14: constructors [PASS] Test 15: Copy, Clone, IsEqual, Remove functions [PASS] Test 16: exceptions Error: Object reference is nil: get item by key "not" Error: Object reference is nil: get item by key "not" Error: Object reference is nil: get item by index 1 Error: Invalid item type: expected "object" got "value" Error: Can't convert item "string" with value "123a" to "integer" Error: Can't convert item "null" to "integer" Error: Error while parsing text: "duplicated key k" at pos "14" [PASS] Test 17: enumerators [FAIL] Test 18: example like JsonDataObjects [PASS] Test 19: At() shortener for array item access [PASS] Test 20: key paths [FAIL] Test: Github readme.md content Error: Error while parsing text: "expected : got 3" at pos "48"

5 tests FAILED

With "." separator:

[PASS] Test 01: parse simple object [PASS] Test 02: parse simple array [PASS] Test 03: parse simple sub object array [PASS] Test 04: simple object value change [PASS] Test 05: Add, Insert, Delete functions [PASS] Test 06: object is nil Error: Invalid index: get item by index 3 [PASS] Test 07: getters and setters [PASS] Test 08: numbers: scientific notation [PASS] Test 09: escapes [PASS] Test 10: invalid JSON [PASS] Test 11: valid or unusual JSON [PASS] Test 12: type transformations [FAIL] Test 13: Save and Load using files [PASS] Test 14: constructors [PASS] Test 15: Copy, Clone, IsEqual, Remove functions [PASS] Test 16: exceptions Error: Object reference is nil: get item by key "not" Error: Object reference is nil: get item by key "not" Error: Object reference is nil: get item by index 1 Error: Invalid item type: expected "object" got "value" Error: Can't convert item "string" with value "123a" to "integer" Error: Can't convert item "null" to "integer" Error: Error while parsing text: "duplicated key k" at pos "14" [PASS] Test 17: enumerators [PASS] Test 18: example like JsonDataObjects [PASS] Test 19: At() shortener for array item access [PASS] Test 20: key paths [PASS] Test: Github readme.md content

1 tests FAILED

Lazarus 2.2.4 x64 (official installer) on Win10 x64

hydrobyte commented 1 year ago


Please, test the "main" branch for decimal separator awareness and other fixes. See InternalFloatToStr and InternalStrToFloat.

The "Shorteners" branch will be merged to "main" soon.


totyaxy commented 1 year ago

I thought the shortener was a newer version. The trunk version with "," or "." only 1 test failed (save and load using files).

hydrobyte commented 1 year ago

Nice. Could you debug it and report why this test failed? Here I have two Windows PCs with Lazarus 2.2.0 and 2.3.0 and both have zero failures.

totyaxy commented 1 year ago

Hi, yes.

If any of them allowed then reasult test failed:

// load a Ansi file (especifying it)
M.LoadFromFile('test13-Ansi.json', false);
Result := Result and (M['ansi'].AsString = 'ăçüö');

// load a UTF-8 file
Result := Result and (M['utf8'].AsString = 'ăçüö');

But not a surprise, as I see {$mode delphi} , and {$codepage cp1252} on the file header.

If I see these file with notepad++

  1. test13-Ansi.json (force cp1252 codepage because I see garbage otherwise): {"ansi":"ãçüö"} (it's different as you see)

  2. test13-UTF8.json (auto UTF8 detected correctly): {"utf8":"ãçüö"} (it's different too as you see)

Then I try to rewrite the "ă" to "ã" in the source, then I got message from the Lazarus: "save file cp1250 loose characters.."

So this is character encoding problem.

hydrobyte commented 1 year ago


  1. "test13-Ansi.json" is a ANSI file with CP-1252 characters. Here in my Notepad++ (via menu Encoding > Character sets > Western European > Windows-1252) I can see "{"ansi":"ãçüö"}" as expected.

  2. I've set {$codepage cp1252} in PrjTestMcJSON.lpr because the .lpr file is not encoded in UTF-8. It opens correctly, it compiles and run OK.

  3. Into your description I just see "ãçüö". There is no "ă" (items 1 and 2).

I think this error is related with your Windows (System) Codepage, that might be different from 1252. I just don't know why {$codepage cp1252} failed in order to prevent this CodePage misleading.

I'll explore changing my source code files to UTF-8, but I think this will broke Delphi (old versions) and Lazarus/FPC compatibility. I'll try changing just the .lpr file first to UTF-8 and improve Test13.

On the other hand, I think this error can't stop you from using McJSON if you work with .json files encoded in UTF-8.

Thanks for sharing. Stay tuned to next commits.


totyaxy commented 1 year ago

Hi, I stayed, with the latest revision 94, the result of test 13 is still failed (Laz 2.2.4 and Laz 2.3.0 both same results)

hydrobyte commented 1 year ago


I was revising Lazarus support to UTF-8, comparing it to Delphi pre-Unicode, and I think it is expected that Test13 fails with a Windows CodePage different from 1252.

I'll close this thread because it is in the wrong branch.

Please, create a new Issue within main branch and report your Windows CodePage.
