hydrobyte / McJSON

A Delphi / Lazarus / C++Builder simple and small class for fast JSON parsing.
MIT License
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cpp-builder delphi delphi7 json json-parser lazarus


A Delphi / Lazarus / C++Builder simple and small class for fast JSON parsing.


Some points of interest:


Object-Pascal Example

function Test99(out Msg: string): Boolean;
  Json: TMcJsonItem;
  i: Integer;
  Msg := 'Test: Github readme.md content';
  Json := TMcJsonItem.Create();
      // add some pairs.
      Json.Add('key1').AsInteger := 1;
      Json.Add('key2').AsBoolean := True;
      Json.Add('key3').AsNumber  := 1.234;
      Json.Add('key4').AsString  := 'value 1';
      // add an array
      Json.Add('array', jitArray);
      for i := 1 to 3 do
        Json['array'].Add.AsInteger := i;
      // save a backup to file
      if (Json['array'].Count = 3) then
      // remove an item
      // oops, load the backup
      if (Json.Count = 4) then
      // test final result
      Result := (Json.AsJSON = '{"key1":1,"key2":true,"key3":1.234,"key4":"value 1","array":[1,2,3]}');
      Result := False;

Will produce \test\test99.json:

  "key1": 1,
  "key2": true,
  "key3": 1.234,
  "key4": "value 1",
  "array": [

C++Builder Example

#include "McJson.hpp"
bool Test99(AnsiString& Msg)
  bool Result;
  TMcJsonItem* Json = NULL;
  Msg = "Test: Github readme.md content";
  Json = new TMcJsonItem();
    { // add some pairs.
      Json->Add("key1")->AsInteger = 1;
      Json->Add("key2")->AsBoolean = true;
      Json->Add("key3")->AsNumber  = 1.234;
      Json->Add("key4")->AsString  = "value 1";
      // add an array
      Json->Add("array", jitArray);
      for (int i = 1; i <= 3 ; i++)
        Json->Values["array"]->Add()->AsInteger = i;
      // save a backup to file
      if (Json->Values["array"]->Count == 3)
      // remove an item
      // oops, load the backup
      if (Json->Count == 4)
      // test final result
      Result = (Json->AsJSON ==
                "{\"key1\":1,\"key2\":true,\"key3\":1.234,\"key4\":\"value 1\",\"array\":[1,2,3]}");      
      Result = false;
    if (Json) delete (Json);
  return (Result);

Use Cases

Please considere read Unit Tests in test folder for a complete list of McJSON use cases.

Parse a JSON string

Just use the AsJSON property

  N: TMcJsonItem;
  N := TMcJsonItem.Create;
  N.AsJSON := '{"i": 123, "f": 123.456, "s": "abc", "b": true, "n": null}';
  // use N here

If you want to check if a JSON string is valid:

Answer := N.Check( '{"i":[123}' ); // Answer will be false

The Check method will not raise any exception. The example above will catch and hide the Error while parsing text: "expected , got }" at pos "10" exception. If you need to catch and manage exceptions, use CheckException like:

  Answer := N.CheckException( '{"k":1, "k":2}' ); // Answer will be false
  on E: Exception do
    // Error while parsing text: "duplicated key k" at pos "11" 


McJSON allows a simple way to access items through paths. We can use '/', '\' or '.' as path separators.

N.AsJSON := '{"o": {"k1":"v1", "k2":"v2"}}';
// access and change second object's value
N.Path('o.k2').AsString := 'value2';

Results in:

   "o": {

Note that Path() does not accept indexes yet, like this:

N.AsJSON := '{"o": [{"k1":"v1"}, {"k2":"v2"}]';
N.Path('o[1].k2').AsString := 'value2';

Property shorteners

Since version 1.0.4 McJSON allows to use property shorteners like in Andreas Hausladen's Json Data Objects.

// access (automatic creation as in JDO)
Obj.S['foo'] := 'bar';
Obj.S['bar'] := 'foo';
// array creation, Obj is the owner of 'array'
Obj.A['array'].Add.AsInteger := 10;
Obj.A['array'].Add.AsInteger := 20;
// object creation, 'array' is the owner of ChildObj
ChildObj := Obj['array'].Add(jitObject);
ChildObj.D['value'] := 12.3;
// array creation, ChildObj is the owner of 'subarray'
ChildObj.A['subarray'].Add.AsInteger := 100;
ChildObj.A['subarray'].Add.AsInteger := 200;

Results in:


Array or object items

Here is how to access all items (children) of a JSON object and change their value type and content.

N.AsJSON := '{"o": {"k1":"v1", "k2":"v2"}}';
// type and value: from string to integer
for i := 0 to N['o'].Count-1 do  
  N['o'].Items[i].AsInteger := i+1;   

Results in:

   "o": {

Shortener for array item access

We can use the Items[index] and Values['key'] properties to access items inside objects and arrays. Since version 0.9.5, we can use the At(index, 'key') or At('key', index) as shorteners.

N.AsJSON := '{"a": [{"k1":1,"k2":2},{"k1":10,"k2":20}]}';
// how to access k2 of second object.
i := N['a'].Items[1].Values['k2'].AsInteger; // i will be equal to 20
i := N['a'].Items[1]['k2'].AsInteger;        // uses the Values[] as default property
i := N['a'].At(1, 'k2').AsInteger;           // shortener: index, key
i := N.At('a', 1)['k2'].AsInteger;           // shortener: key, index

And there are other uses without the key parameter:

N.AsJSON := '{"k1":1,"k2":2,"k3":3,"k4":4}';
i := N.Items[2].AsInteger; // i will be equal to 3
i := N.At(2).AsInteger;    // shortener: just index
i := N.At('k3').AsInteger; // shortener: just key


Using Delphi enumerator you can browse item's object children and values.

  N, item: TMcJsonItem;
  N := TMcJsonItem.Create;
  N.AsJSON := '{"o": {"k1":"v1", "k2":"v2"}}';
  for item in N['o'] do
    // use item here, e.g. item.Key, item.Value, item.AsString

Object and array value setters

Change all values of an object with multiple items. Not so common out there.

N.AsJSON := '{"o": {"k1":"v1", "k2":"v2"}}';
N['o'].AsString := 'str';

Results in:

   "o": {
      "k1": "str",
      "k2": "str"

And if it is necessary to change the type of o:

N['o'].ItemType := jitValue;
N['o'].AsString := 'str';

Results in:

  "o": "str"

Object and array type convertions

Convert from array to object type and vice-versa. Also, not so common out there.

N.AsJSON := '{ "k1": ["1", "2"], "k2": {"1": "a", "2": "b"} }';
N['k1'].ItemType := jitObject; // convert array to object with items
N['k2'].ItemType := jitArray ; // convert object with items to array 

Results in:

   "k1": {
      "0": "1",
      "1": "2"
   "k2": [

Insert items

Insert some items using keys and position.

P.Insert('c', 0).AsInteger := 3;
P.Insert('b', 0).AsInteger := 2;
P.Insert('a', 0).AsInteger := 1;

Results in:

  "a": 1,
  "b": 2,
  "c": 3

Also, it is possible to insert objects in arrays.

Q.AsJSON := '{"x":0}';
P.ItemType := jitArray;
P.Insert(Q, 1);

Results in:

    "x": 0

Important: since version 0.9.3, Add() and Insert() will clone arguments of type TMcJsonItem. So, we have to free memory for Q too:


Escape strings

Since version 1.0.5 strings can be escaped with McJsonEscapeString() helper function:

N.AsJSON := '{"path": ' + McJsonEscapeString('\dir\subdir') + '}';  

Results in:

  "path": "\\dir\\subdir"

In version 1.0.6 was introduced the TJEscapeType enum used in McJsonEscapeString() with these escape levels:

These levels are inspired by Lazarus' helper function StringToJSONString() from library fpjson.

Inspect the content of an object

Let's see how to inspect all the inner data structure, types and values of a TMcJsonItem object.

TFormMain::Inspect(TMcJsonItem* AMcJItem, AnsiString Ident)
  if (!AMcJItem) return;
  // log current
  MyLog( Ident + ItemToStr(AMcJItem) );
  // log child
  if ( AMcJItem->HasChild )
    Ident = "  " + Ident;
    for (int i=0; i < AMcJItem->Count; i++)
    { // use Value not Child because are note using Key[].
      Inspect( AMcJItem->Items[i], Ident );
TFormMain::ItemToStr(TMcJsonItem* AMcJItem) const
  String Ans = "";
  if (AMcJItem)
    Ans =             AMcJItem->GetTypeStr() +
          "; "      + AMcJItem->GetValueStr() +
          "; Key="  + AMcJItem->Key +
          "; Value="+ AMcJItem->Value +
          "; JSON=" + AMcJItem->AsJSON;
  return (Ans);

And using a example like testInspect.json:

   "foo": "bar",
   "array": [
   "arrayObj": [
         "key1": 1.0
         "key2": 2.0
   "Msg": [
      "#1 UTF8 example: motivação",
      "#2 Scapes: \b\t\n\f\r\\uFFFF\"\\"

Calling Inspect() with a Json object loaded with testInspect.json:

TMcJsonItem* Json = new TMcJsonItem();
if (Json)
  delete (Json);

Results in:

object; string; Key=; Value=; JSON={"foo":"bar","array":[100,20],"arrayObj":[{"key1":1.0},{"key2":2.0}],"Msg":["#1 UTF8 example: motivação","#2 Scapes: \b\t\n\f\r\u\"\\"]}
   value; string; Key=foo; Value=bar; JSON="foo":"bar"
   array; string; Key=array; Value=; JSON="array":[100,20]
     value; number; Key=; Value=100; JSON=100
     value; number; Key=; Value=20; JSON=20
   array; string; Key=arrayObj; Value=; JSON="arrayObj":[{"key1":1.0},{"key2":2.0}]
     object; string; Key=; Value=; JSON={"key1":1.0}
       value; number; Key=key1; Value=1.0; JSON="key1":1.0
     object; string; Key=; Value=; JSON={"key2":2.0}
       value; number; Key=key2; Value=2.0; JSON="key2":2.0
   array; string; Key=Msg; Value=; JSON="Msg":["#1 UTF8 example: motivação","#2 Scapes: \b\t\n\f\r\uFFFF\"\\"]
     value; string; Key=; Value=#1 UTF8 example: motivação; JSON="#1 UTF8 example: motivação"
     value; string; Key=; Value=#2 Scapes: \b\t\n\f\r\uFFFF\"\\; JSON="#2 Scapes: \b\t\n\f\r\uFFFF\"\\"

A note about empty keys

Since version 0.9.0, empty keys will be parsed and checked withou errors:

N.AsJSON := '{"": "value"}';

And ToString() will produce a valid JSON object:

  "": "value"

Internally, it will use the C_EMPTY_KEY constant string as content of the fKey field.

A note about line breaks

Since version 0.9.2, strings with not escaped line breakes will be parsed with errors:

N.AsJSON := '{"key": "value' + #13 + '"}';

Will raise exception:

Error while parsing text: "line break" at pos "14"

Load from and Save to Files

McJSON can load from ASCII and UTF-8 files (with or without BOM). See LoadFromFile method. The SaveToFile method will write using UTF-8 encoding. Note: since vertion 1.0.4, the test project's source code in Lazarus was converted to UTF-8, so the asUTF8 parameter was set to false.

Known issues

The world is not perfect and neither am I. Here are some known issues:

Performance tests

A performance test have been done with the original myJSON, LkJson, JsonTools and uJSON units. Here is a summary of the tests.

And about the compiler and machine used:

The next table summarizes the results[^1]:

Library Generate Save Parse Load Access Total
McJSON[^2] .11 s .07 s .12 s .09 s .83 s 1.25 s
LkJson[^2] .30 s .11 s .47 s .36 s .01 s 1.24 s
JsonTools 48.00 s .70 s 39.00 s 40.00 s .48 s 1.2 min
myJSON 50.00 s .07 s 5.1 min 7.7 min 1.60 s 13.1 min
uJSON 18.6 min 20.1 min 17.5 min 4.31 s 53.02 s 57.6 min

[^1]: Metric: average time in seconds (s) for 5 consecutive executions. Total is the average of partial tests. Some results converted to minutes (min). [^2]: Version 1.0.5. Improved Test JSON 0.9.0 project that will be released soon.

Notes about McJSON

Notes about LkJson

Notes about JsonTools

Notes about myJSON

Notes about uJSON