hygieia / api-audit

Hygieia API to perform audit checks and provide status along with evidence
Apache License 2.0
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audit hygieia hygieia-api spring-boot

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Hygieia Audit API

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Hygieia Audit API - Learn how to install and configure Hygieia audit APIs

Hygieia audit APIs are a collection of API endpoints that serve to audit CI/CD data gathered by Hygieia collectors. The audit API provides endpoints to audit individual widgets on the Dashboard. In addition to these endpoints, Hygieia also provides a dashboard-level audit API.

The audit API logic adds various audit flags depending on the data.

For detailed information on audit APIs, see the Swagger documentation available at http://[your-domain].com/apiaudit/swagger/index.html#.

Hygieia uses Spring Boot to package the APIs as an executable JAR file with dependencies.

Table of Contents

Setup Instructions

To configure the Hygieia Audit API layer, execute the following steps:

API Audit Properties

The sample api-audit.properties lists parameters with sample values to configure the audit API layer. Set the parameters based on your environment setup.

# api-audit.properties
dbusername=dashboarduser[MogoDb Database Username, defaults to empty]
dbpassword=dbpassword[MongoDB Database Password, defaults to empty]
dbhost=[Host on which MongoDB is running, defaults to localhost]
dbport=[Port on which MongoDB is listening, defaults to 27017]
dbreplicaset=[False if you are not using MongoDB replicaset]
server.contextPath=[Web Context path, if any]
server.port=[Web server port - default is 8080]
serviceAccountOU=SAOU1,SAOU2 [comma separated list of OU setup in LDAP for whitelist of Service Accounts]

# pattern to match the featureID/storyNumber (Jira ID, VersionOne ID, etc) for traceability

All values in the api-audit.properties file are optional. If you have MongoDB installed with no authorization, you must be able to run the API even without the properties file.

Note: If the value of dbusername is empty, then system skips MongoDB authorization.

Docker Image for API Audit

You can install Hygieia by using a docker image from docker hub. This section gives detailed instructions on how to download and run with Docker.

Create a New Audit API

The steps to create a new audit API are as follows:

  1. Create a new rest controller or add to an existing controller.
  2. Create a new service interface and new service implementation.
  3. Add new request and response classes.

Note: For common data models used in the audit APIs, refer the core module's model package.