hygieia / hygieia-starter-kit

Quick start for local instance of Hygieia with Jenkins, Github and Sonar collectors
Apache License 2.0
13 stars 30 forks source link
docker hygieia hygieia-quickstart

Due to changes in the priorities, this project is currently not being supported. The project is archived as of 6/1/2023 and will be available in a read-only state. Please note, since archival, the project is not maintained or reviewed

Hygieia Starter Kit.

This Kit is a single image that contains the UI, API, Mongo, Github Collector, Sonar Collector, and Jenkins Collector. All of this can be configured with just a few commands. Note: This setup will take place of the manual steps for setup currently listed in the Hygieia documentation.


The following are the prerequisites for setup: Download and install Docker

Setup Instructions

To configure the Starter Kit, execute the following steps:

If you do not need this step or are unsure, skip and continue to Step 4.

Add .crt files to hygieia-starter-kit/hygieia-starter-kit/certs

Note: You only need to edit the values for collectors that you wish to configure/use. If you are not currently using them you may leave them blank or add these values later.

      - PROXY_URL=
      - PROXY_PORT=
      - GITHUB_HOST=github.com
      - GITHUB_CRON=0/60 * * * * *
      #See https://hygieia.github.io/Hygieia/troubleshoot.html for how to get a personal access token
      - JENKINS_CRON=0/60 * * * * *
      - JENKINS_SERVER= #https://<username>:<password>@jenkinsInstanceUrl.com/
      - SONAR_CRON=0/60 * * * * *
      - SONAR_HOST=
      - SONAR_VERSION=6.7
      - SONAR_METRICS=ncloc,violations,new_vulnerabilities,critical_violations,major_violations,blocker_violations,tests,test_success_density,test_errors,test_failures,coverage,line_coverage,sqale_index,alert_status,quality_gate_details

To start:

If you added certs in Step 3, then run

docker-compose up -d --build

Otherwise, run

 docker-compose up -d 

To stop: NOTE: Stopping the container will delete all saved data. See docker-compose.yml for instructions on how to persist data.

docker-compose down

NOTE: All of the collectors, database, API and UI need to be running before you can test the app fully through the UI. If something is not working, check the logs to see if all of the different components are finished being built. After waiting for them to finish, everything should be running properly.