hygxy / ma_densefusion

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This repository contains the work in scope of my master thesis, during which he implemented an object segmentation and 6d-pose estimation system for industrial metallic parts targeting at robotics Bin-Picking tasks based on the DenseFusion paper.

ma_densefusion Overview

The ma_densefusion system is capable of segmenting a texturelose part from it's background(usually a blue box) and generating a mask, the mask is then feed into an iterative pose estimation network adapted from the original implementation. The two separate pipelines(i.e., segmentation and pose estimation) can be combined together and run in real time with an inference time of around 0.08s, both for single and mutiple objects scenario. In case of multiple objects scenario, the mask with the maximal area is simply chosen as the final mask to be feed into the pose estimation network. As the roboter arm grips one part at once for Bin-Picking applications, the "maximal area" strategy should be enough.

Directory Structure

Datasets Downloading

The Datasets used in this project can be downloaded from (deleted to open-source this repo). After downloading, move the folders named 01,02,03 to the datasets/data folder and the .ply files to the datasets/models folder, then you can start to train or evaluate. Note that you may need to delete the original subfolders in datasets/data folders(i.e., 01,02,03), they are actually the same as their counterparts in the downloaded datasets.

Creating Your Own Datasets

The LabelFusion is an awesome tool for creating own datastes. It was designed, however,to accept as input messages in the LCM message format that matches the openni2-camera.lcm driver. An intermidate layer,such as the rgbd_ros_to_lcm ros package,is necessary when the pipeline is used with a RealSense cmaera. To use this ros package, specify the "rgb_topic" and "depth_topic" in "input parameters" part of the file "lcm_republisher.launch" as "/camera/color/image_raw" and "/camera/aligned_depth_to_color/image_raw",respectively.

There are also some necessary modifications in the original LabelFusion implementation to accept different camera intrinsic parameters:

The rest is the same as what is documented in LabelFusion's original pipeline.

The images generated by LabelFusion with adjacent indices are usually similar to each other, morerover, the formats of original datasets and what is required by DenseFusion are different. All those make it impossible to use the orginal datastes directly in your code. That's why we need "generatedataset.py" in "/useful". To use this script, make a new directory called "/mydataset" wherever you like, then make a new directory called "/segmentation" and a new file called "posedata.yml" in "/mydataset", also copy the images generated by LabelFusion and "generatedataset.py" to "/mydataset", then change directory to the newly created folder "/segmentation", inside the "/segmentation" folder, make three new folders called "/mask", "/depth" and "/rgb", then change directory back to "/mydataset" and run "python generatedataset.py".

The point cloud of .ply format can be obtained by using this python script. If you need a .pcd format point cloud absolutely,try the "pcl_converter" tool after installing the PCL library, the syntax is as follows:

pcl_converter -f ascii 0000.ply 0000.pcd

You may encounter a "Cannot read geometry" error, this is due to the fact that the .ply file does not declare any information about faces(just vertices).A workaround is to add the following two lines after the line "property uchar alpha" in the header part of the .ply file.

element face 0
property list uchar int vertex_indices


In the /ma_densefusion folder, run:



In the /ma_densefusion folder, run:


Training of Semantic Segmentation Network

In the /ma_densefusion/seg/ folder, run:

python3 train.py

Getting Segmentation Results

In the /ma_densefusion/seg/ folder, run:

python3 segeval.py

Note that you may need to adjust some lines of code to get segmentation results for just one picture or the whole datasets according to your need, see comments in the python script for detail.

Starting ROS Node

Copy the /densefusion_ros folder to your ROS catkin_ws/src, soure your catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash file,change directory to catkin_ws/src/densefusion_ros/src, and then run:

rosrun densefusion_ros densefusion_ros.py --model=flansch

the option "--model" allows you to specify which object you are woking with, change "--model=flansch" to "--model=schaltgabel" or "--model=stift" if you want to detect other objects.

Some Demo Pictures

Result for follower Result for shifting rod