hyhugh / coc-erlang_ls

MIT License
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erlang_ls language server extension

Deprecated/ please refer to https://erlang-ls.github.io/getting-started/vim/ for the latest instruction


erlang_ls extension for coc.nvim



you need to install erlang_ls first before using this plugin

Plug 'hyhugh/coc-erlang_ls', {'do': 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile'}


There are two configuration variables available

erlang_ls.erlang_ls_path: should be a string, which is the full path to the erlang_ls binary, or just erlang_ls if it is already in your $PATH.

erlang_ls.trace.server: three options available off, messages and verbose.

Sample config to put in your coc-settings.json

  "erlang_ls.erlang_ls_path": "/Users/hyhugh/apps/erlang_ls/_build/default/bin/erlang_ls",
  "erlang_ls.trace.server": "off"